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  1. Lol. This conversation is a textbook snowball.
  2. play.theforsakenlands.com 1838 is returning a connection refused it seems.
  3. can build one of these for the "dragon" slot? Saw someone with runes coiled about their shoulder.
  4. I did just ask, what do we want. Honestly I think it's the same experience either way on the receiving end. I always end up with a bank full of Buloak, black opals and red diamonds.
  5. A good breakdown tbh. But what do we want. More time farming or more plateau where they spend time remaking.
  6. ok @Erelei on a more serious note. Savant gear needs to be reworked to be in line with other cabal items. Other cabal gear boost key skills, like weapons. grants thing slike shadowform, treeform, enlarge, etc. Auto cures blind, auto casts shroud of darkness, auto fears enemies. There are a ton of strong options for other cabals. Savant has been left in the dust. 1. Timeless Robe - This isnt bad, increase -AC values. 2. Veil of illusions - make this have a chance to automatically remove dirt like adeptus mask. Make this no uncurse. that way it has a chance to remove dirt, and is a one time choice like the other uber masks in game. 3. light of wisdom - add more hp to this, make it 25 hp, change ac to -10. Casts faerie fire in combat. 4. pocket watch - Make this grant blink on use, 2 tic when used (should show 1 hour duration when used not 0). remove the no-uncurse flag. This makes it a one time use with reverse time. So the mage has to plan. 5. Savant Battle rod - revert to the old proc rate, should proc something useful..like magic missile. Convert to one handed staff. Make it No-remove. The damage is in the procs and being able to now hold the light pen. so keep it at avg 25 dam. Add the socket back. 6. Efuzans blinking ball - lets make this cost 1500 cp one time. remove the no-uncurse flag. 7. Efuzans Clockwork Enigma - Make this cast air shield on use, not haste. the AC from air shield would be beneficial, making this worthwhile for anyone aside from battlemages. 8. Efuzan's light sword - This is a lightsaber. Make it ignore armor when it hits. take off the +hit and + damroll. change to +25 hp, +30 mana, -10 ac, -2 saves. Give it a chance to "proc" for its hits so hit dam arent used. Adjust all prices accordingly of course. I would also like to see temporal storm made to work every-time again. Why in the world we are nerfing savants when the cabal cant even get on its feet is beyond me.
  7. All I want for Christmas is the qclass/qrace limit per player be raised to 2. 😎
  8. Everything I do is in Wintin 95 The original client, Enjoy. Alias are called by Action variable based on HP loss or Gain #alias {hpgain} {#showme <<<-YOU GAINED $changehp HITPOINTS->>>} #alias {hploss} {#showme <<<-YOU LOST $changehp HITPOINTS->>>} Action Constantly watches your prompt, initial {} configurable to your own prompt. #action {<%1/%2hp } {#var oldhp $curhp; #var curhp %1; #math {changehp}{$oldhp - $curhp};#if {$changehp > 0} {hploss};#if {$changehp < 0} {hpgain}} {5} Variables defined, you dont have to make these, except for the {oldhp $curhp} one, i believe. The action will create the others. #variable {hpgained} //hp gained from last sample #variable {oldhp} //your previous sample hp #variable {oldhp $curhp} //loads your cur hp into your previous hp. #variable {curhp} //your current hp as of this prompt refresh #variable {changehp} //the variance between the two, is checked to determine which alias is called. Tip: Type "#message VAR" at login to turn off client variable echo if it is on. I have a small astetic bug, it shows a gain as a - number. Just need to add an ABS Value to the result for hp gain but I am lazy. Echoes are unique enough to highlight if you so desire.
  9. exactly. I think with the astronomical cost its ok. I mean the second item is double the price. Maybe make better and limit one per character, like the rp necklaces.
  10. Anume stated recentlly in a locked shout out thread that they are just adjusting some items like the heirloom that offer hit/dam roll and huge saves.
  11. I think your idea of the gear modifications are a bit different from what the imms intend to or are doing.
  12. If the numbers were buffed a little bit I would do this. But I am to much of a min-maxer at times, and every slot pretty much has a better piece. Good, bad, or indifferent, the stat allotment is just not good enough in my opinion. And trust me I have played with this in a spreadsheet quite a bit.
  13. I hold the current hp in a variable. If the new hp is different, i display the diff and hold the new number. This of course registers for any hp change in or our of combat.
  14. dont worry i can write an entire mud in a week.
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