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    • The Floating Gardens   Magicly infused into the wood, exotic plants grow out of the ship itself. Flora from all over the lands thrives here.  The smell of fresh flowers and clean air is both refreshing and delightful.  A running fountain in the likeness of Galvatar Xebonn lies directly in the middle of this breathtaking scene.   [Exits: west]      (Magical) A magical spring flows from the ground here. The sound of someone whistling a merry tune wafts in from somewhere nearby. Riona is sitting here, deep in thoughts. The whistle meanders through the gardens, almost passing her by unnoticed. After a few moments, she blinks her eyes and looks up, eyes scanning her surroundings. Every now and again, the whistling stops, and a cheerful voice hums to itself, 'Dum dee dum... Hmm hmm hmm'. On and on the merry tune goes... Riona rises to her feet and starts moving over towards that voice. She is cautious, wary as she approaches whoever is over there, and yet an amiable smile lingers on her lips. A man in black flies in. A man in black whistles merrily to himself. A man in black says 'Oh, hello!' A man in black says 'I didn't mean to interrupt' 'Good evening,' Riona replies, curtseying low before the black man. Riona shakes her head. 'Not at all, not at all.' A man in black says 'I was just wandering about and...' An enormous, exaggerated grin spreads over the man's face. A man in black says 'Ah!' A man in black says 'You have seen it!' A man in black says 'There's no mistaking that look' A man in black rubs his hands together with glee, 'How wonderful!'. Hands clasped in front of herself, Riona tilts her head slightly to the side and gives the man in black a long, scrutinizing look, her gaze sweeping over his form. You say 'Seen what?' A man in black says 'Come, now' A man in black says 'You know what I mean, there is no mistaking it' The odd fellow can barely contain himself, and does a little skipping jig on the spot. Riona arches a slender eyebrow. 'I have seen much.' A smile creeps up on her face, widening at the man's spontaneous dance. A man in black says 'You have seen It, and It has seen you!' Riona nods her head slowly. A man in black says 'Did It show you things?' In a much higher pitched voice, the man exclaims, 'It showed me things...'. Riona hesitates for a moment, eyes narrowing into thin lines, and then her jaw drops. 'You.. you have seen It as well, then?' Riona asks, 'What did It show you?' A deeper voice, now... and you are not even sure you saw the man's lips moving, 'Oh yes! Such things...'. A man in black says 'Such...' A man in black says '... things' An almost child-like voice, 'I didn't know what most of them were!'. A much deeper, drawling grate, 'But It showed me anyway...'. Riona steps in closer to the man and grips his shoulder firmly. Excitement streaks through her voice and her eyes gleam with anticipation: 'Tell me.' 'Tell me!,' Riona urges again. A man in black says 'It... showed me things' A man in black says 'He didn't want to see' A man in black says 'I mean, I didn't want to see' A drawling, high-pitched whine, '...But It showed him, anyway!'. You suddenly notice that tears are streaming down the man's face. Riona's grip tightens, fingers digging into the man's shoulder. 'It demands much of us. Too much, I fear. And yet...' A man in black pulls at his hair, and cries out 'I DIDN'T WANT TO SEE!!' Blood suddenly starts trickling from the agitated man's nose. 'Hush, hush. I will make things right.' Riona's voice is a soft, comforting coo. Noticing the blood, she reaches down into her satchel, pulling up a sharp, gleaming kris. Wiping the blood on the back of his hand, the man starts to fidget and chuckle to himself. Softly, Riona says, 'This will all be over soon.' A man in black says 'Oh my!' Tears of blood begin to freely flow from the man's eyes... His ears are already soaked red. A man in black says 'Heh heh heh heh...' The mans limbs and torso have begin to bulge unnaturally... 'What you saw was not meant for your eyes.' There is a hint of sadness of Riona's voice, laced with... envy. A man in black says 'Hehehehe!' The man coughs out some words, his mouth filled with blood, 'You see It, and It sees you...!' A man in black says 'Heahehahah!' The man's head has begun to expand grotesquely, bulging out in disgusting balloons. The suddenly laughter seems to take Riona by surprise. She takes a step back, suddenly seeming quite doubtful. Then, a grim expression settles on her features. A man in black says 'Uuh seee it, it ssesss uuuu!' Riona steps forward to the man, grabs him by the wrists, and plunges her kris towards his chest. 'Shush-shush-shush. Things will be alright.' Blood and bits of clotted flesh have begun to pool and gather around the rapidly decaying creature's feet. As the blade pierces the mans chest, he explodes in a disgusting river of blood and clotted gore! You are completely covered, the muck is in your eyes! An Immortal has transferred you. The Void   Nothing. A lot of it. Are you even here? Who is you? You feel a pull tearing at your soul, urging it to go on. What awaits? Damanation, Salvation, Rebirth? Who knows. [Exits: none] Riona jumps back, muttering to herself. She begins wiping her eyes clean from gore with her hands, trying to restore her vision. A cacophony of whispers set to babbling all around you. The voices. She has heard them before, and she will hear them again. Every word spoken known by heart, every syllable a miracle untold. Riona merely smiles. A disjointed voice, somehow both high and low, exclaims blandly, 'It sees yooooooou...', before fading into the nothingness. 'It sees all.' Riona steps into the void, meandering through the nothingness. There is no destination, yet she keeps walking. The blackness pulses, you feel as though you are upside down. Space and time, shrunk to a knot. Riona has been here before, but it is different now. Or perhaps it is -she- that is different now. Flashes of indistinct images come unbidden into your mind. From somewhere nearby, yet infinitely distant, mad laughter rings out. Riona clutches her head and falls to her knees, gasping loudly. 'Agh.' Riona slowly climbs to her feet again and presses onwards. Further. Towards the laughter. Sudden visions assault your mind's eye..! You see prone corpses, splayed like fleshy marionettes upon bare wooden boards. Their flesh a dull yellow, gleaming with sweat and blood. Eyes wide, mouths in exaggerated gapes ... their flesh stripped - pricked, poked and slashed to death. 'The dead pile high.' Riona's eyes flutter closed, her body tensing as more visions sweep through her mind. One of the corpses, a woman, burbles, 'You have seen It'. Your vision swimming, a stinging pain begins to build behind your eyes. The metallic stink of spilled blood is thick in the air. Riona turns her head to stare at the phantasm woman, eyes wide and lips stretched in a wide smile. 'I have s-' Her reply is cut short at the sudden pain. Riona blinks her eyes a few times, grimacing, trying to subdue the pain with the force of her will. You feel suddenly overcome... as though to look fully upon the grandeur and terror of realms beyond normal consciousness and reality is too much. '-seen it. I have seen It.' Riona's words are sluggish, her voice strained. She stumbles, but manages to keep herself on her feet. Somehow, through the blackness, shapes begin to form... A strange cacophony of inhuman, alien gurgling can be heard. A pillar of rock, uncarved and jagged, rises out of the solid shadows in the distance. Riona turns around in the darkness, then turns again, trying to find the source of the noises. Every time, a different direction, space itself contorting around her. And then, the pillar! The half-breed begins moving towards it. Out of the unimaginable blackness, shapes begin to form about the pillar... Riona moves in closer towards the shapes, trying to make sense of them. Gangrenous, uncanny and unheard of... a throng of unnamable things squirm and flop rhythmically about the pillar. Webbed feet, bulging sacs and rubbery tentacles strain and cavort in an ecstacy of delight about the pillar. It would be natural to recoil, to shy away from such horrific things. And yet Riona stares with fascionation, inexplicably drawn to them. She steps forward, reaching out with a hand... The mass of thronging monstrosities throw their webbed and tentacled limbs skyward, crying out joyfully... terribly, in unison to their long dead Gods. The gurgling, mad shriek builds in volume, reaching a mind-shattering crescendo! Although you can barely see, suddenly you are among them. Riona falls to her knees, her eardrum rupturing. She presses her hands against her ears, tiny flecks of blood trickling between her fingers. She screams a silent, voiceless scream. Slippery tentacles and clicking mandibles tug clumsily at your clothes and exposed flesh. About your left leg you feel the bone-shattering grip of a spiny, wet tentacle. The nerve-rending scream continues unabated, the pillar now gone. The tentacles grip tightens... Riona's eyes dart around in frenzied panic, her voice sore from the scream that never ends. She finally gasps, out of breath, desperately trying to suck air into her lungs. Riona tries to pull herself free from the tentacle-grip, pulling her leg, hands trying to unwrap it. Your lungs are sucked dry, your eyes feel as though they are filled with sand... Consciousness begins to fade... There it is. That tiny crack. A fracture on Riona's mind, a chip in her sanity. In the blackness, you somehow perceive the stink of rotting meat... From... somwhere else, a sound barely reaches you. The furious, deafening roar of a monstrous beast. The roar grows louder, louder and louder still! White circles begin to flash and circle in your vision. Is this the end? Riona continues to struggle, although her efforts grow more futile by the second. Darkness surrounds her, demands her. She turns to the roaring sound, watching, waiting. The Floating Gardens   Magicly infused into the wood, exotic plants grow out of the ship itself. Flora from all over the lands thrives here.  The smell of fresh flowers and clean air is both refreshing and delightful.  A running fountain in the likeness of Galvatar Xebonn lies directly in the middle of this breathtaking scene.   [Exits: west] A monstrous, slavering bear towers here. Strangely, the darkness seems to have abated. Towering here before you is the largest bear you have every seen, its hackles bristling with primal anger. Even on all fours it is well over seven feet in height and raised on its hind legs it would surely be at least double that. The sheer size of the beast is sublime to behold - it dwarfs the largest of giants and looks as though it could stop a landslide in its tracks. Despite its monstrous frame, it seems capable of great speed and moves with a terrible, fearsome purpose. Shaggy, brownish black fur covers the bear's entire body, spiked and shuddering with an ancient and unfathomable fury. Its snout is encrusted with dried blood. Set in a permanent snarl, the creature's elongated jaws boast a terrifying and ragged set of fangs, yellowed and dripping with saliva. Rank, stinking breath rattles through this horrible maw, turning to steam as it meets the air. A set of powerful forelegs, twined with rope-like muscle, extend from the bear's broad shoulders. They are each tipped with razor sharp claws that look as though they could fell an oak with one blow. Its back legs are similarly armed, and tear up the ground with each step. A pair of feverish, yellow-green eyes sit on either side of the beast's snout, holding in their depths the memories of a time before men walked the land. These mysterious and haunting orbs regard you with a mixture of suspicion and contempt. A guttural growl echoes deep in the bear's throat as it notices you staring at it. Shagarh is in excellent condition. Shagarh lowers himself back to all fours. Riona collapses to the floor, her body trembling, hands shaking. Glowering at you with distaste, Shagarh growls 'You runts should not toy with forces you cannot understand'. Shagarh says 'You almost let It free' A loud roar can be heard from far above. 'No.' Riona shakes her head firmly from side to side. 'No, no, no. This was.. something else.' Shagarh says 'It is older than you could possibly comprehend' Shagarh says 'It would gladly devour this world, if It had the chance' Riona slowly steadies herself, taking a deep breath and then another one. She gets up again, taking control over her mind once more - expelling fear, and doubt, and terror from it. Shagarh suddenly stops and sniffs at the air, a low growl rumbling in his throat. A frowning halfling walks into the floating gardens. Rygothran steps out from his cover. 'It loves us,' Riona objects, looking up at the gigantic Bear-God. Shagarh says 'Bah, what do you know?' Shagarh looks at Rygothran. Rygothran stares at Shagarh. Shagarh says 'You should tell your followers to stop poking their noses where they don't belong' Rygothran snaps his fingers and says 'You smell of rotting meat.' Riona glances over at Rygothran. The mere sight of the Potentate of Avarice fills her with strength, standing a little bit taller now, confidence returning to her posture. Rygothran walks towards the fountain, 'Why do you bother my High Priestess?' Shagarh says 'This cheap black magician was blundering around in It's nether' Rygothran climbs up onto the fountain, turning to face you. Shagarh says 'If not for me, you'd have a batty dullard serving as your high priestess right now' The halfling says 'She does as she pleases, as a Queen is wont to do.' Riona glares at Shargarh defiantly. Rygothran grins, showing his gold capped teeth 'Perhaps you should tend to your flock of arrogant sheep?' Shagarh says 'Arrogant they are' Shagarh says 'But at least with the good sense to keep their bodies and minds where they belong' Rygothran says 'Do they?' Rygothran grins once more, taping a finger against his chin 'Do they truly?' Rygothran says 'We shall know soon enough, I think.' Shagarh says 'That we shall, Wyrm' A soft, mirthful chuckle bubbles from Riona's lips, gaining in volume at Rygothran's comment. 'Heheheheh-HEH HEH-heh.' Shagarh says 'You see? She is still yet affected' You say 'Do they truly? That is the question.' Rygothran says 'I wonder, bear, what it is you want here.' Rygothran claps his hands together 'Perhaps a deal to be made?' Shagarh says 'I do not deal with your ilk, Wyrm' The halfling flicks a coin into the fountain. 'No?' Rygothran says 'It could be fun.' Shagarh says 'If I want something, I take it by force of arms' You say 'Your men think more of their own standing than the ideals you espouse. To build halls for hunters, to rally men far and wide to go chasing after beasts instead of becoming one with the host.' Shagarh says 'You are ancient, I will grant you. But so am I.' Rygothran clicks his tongue and says 'Well, she has a point though.' You say 'And the Warlord? He makes deals with us, his sworn enemies, for his own gain.' Shagarh turns to face you, his feral yellow eyes narrowing dangerously. Shagarh growls. Shagarh says 'My legions have their faults' Shagarh says 'But they know their place, at least' Rygothran says 'Perhaps you and I can make a wager, bear?' Rygothran says 'A wager about your warlord.' Shagarh says 'Your kind would destroy the world out of foolishness' Shagarh says 'What wager?' You say 'And your kind has forgotten their purpose, Shagarh. The proud host of Athaekeetha, was that not from whence you came? And this, the men that follow you now? They seek nothing but glory for themselves.' Rygothran points to you 'My High Priestess will get your Warlord to aid the her in the taking of Miruvhor.' Rygothran says 'Aid his greatest enemy.' Rygothran taps his fingers on the fountain 'So.. if he does, what do I get?' You say 'The Khan, and his hunter's association. The Warlord? He has reached the peak of his hill, but is blind to the mountain beyond it. He is.. stagnate, and he turns to me and my lord for aid when all he needs is the power of his own arms.' Rygothran smiles at you 'She speaks truth. You see why she is mine, right?' Shagarh says 'I'll wager you my left eye' Rygothran says 'Ah, your left eye.' Rygothran says 'The eye of a bear.' Rygothran says 'Do you want his left eye, Riona?' Rygothran says 'A fine trophy, to present to Decimus.' 'Indeed.' Riona nods her head, a dark, wolfish grin claiming her lips. Shagarh says 'What will you wager?' Rygothran says 'You may have one of my most prized possessions.' You say 'An eye for an eye? Is that not the way of the world?' Shagarh says 'I don't care for your possessions' Shagarh says 'I'll take your left hand' Rygothran says 'My left hand.' Rygothran sits upon the fountain for a moment, waving his feet back and forth. Rygothran peers at you 'Yes?' Riona turns to Rygothran - a queen looking lovingly at her king - and smiles. 'Of course.' Rygothran nods at Shagarh 'You will recieve my hand, should I lose.' Shagarh says 'Indeed' Shagarh says 'Then the bargain is struck' Rygothran slaps his hands together 'Great!!' Rygothran sniffs the air. Rygothran says 'Well then, I would stay but..' Riona's gaze flits between Rygothran and Shagarh, a mouse between these two lions. Ah. Mortals - ever the playthings of Gods. Rygothran says 'You smell.' Rygothran looks over at Shagarh once more. Shagarh wanders off with a grunt of disgust. Shagarh walks west. Rygothran giggles, suddenly holding a golden chalice. You say 'The eye of the Beargod himself. How... exciting.' Rygothran says 'All yours.' Riona approaches Rygothran and reaches you out for the chalice, raising it to her lips. Rygothran says 'I like my hands.' Riona nods and says, 'We can not lose.' You feel a divine presence guide you to new found experiences! You earn 10 rp points! You say 'A foolish wager. Is not Greed our domain? Is not Guile our territory? I.. pity them.' Rygothran shrugs and laughs 'I am sure the bear is many things, cunning is not one.' You say 'Then we must labour to find that which the Black Warlord can not resist. Something to amplify his physical prowess, to make him an unconquerable soldier.' You say 'Something he simply can not resist. And then, Miruvhor will finally be mine, and the eye of the Beargod yours.' Rygothran taps the side of his face with a finger 'Well, I have an idea. I think it will be... very beneficial for you.' Riona smiles her sweetest, most pleased smile. 'Delightful. Just delightful.' You say 'What is it you are planning?' 'It is in the works' Rygothran grins, bearing his teeth. 'Now, now, my Queen, some things are meant to be a surprise.' You nod at Rygothran. Rygothran says 'You will be pleased.' You say 'I shall keep busy at my own endeavors, then.' You say 'And... Rygothran.' Rygothran says 'Yes?' Rygothran takes a long pull from a golden chalice. 'There is something,' Riona mumbles, her gaze distant, lost in the haze of memories, 'Something old, lingering outside time itself. It calls to me. I must pursue it.' Rygothran nods and says 'You are capable. We would not be here if you were not. I trust you to handle your affairs.' You say 'Let us speak soon again.' Rygothran holds up a finger 'But be warned, if I am not here to stand in between you and the bear, it is best to avoid confrontation.' Rygothran nods to you and jumps off the fountain. You say 'I understand. I will not antagonize him needlessly.' Rygothran smiles at you 'So lovely.' The halfling walks out of the floating gardens. The Floating Gardens   Magicly infused into the wood, exotic plants grow out of the ship itself. Flora from all over the lands thrives here.  The smell of fresh flowers and clean air is both refreshing and delightful.  A running fountain in the likeness of Galvatar Xebonn lies directly in the middle of this breathtaking scene.   [Exits: west]      (Magical) A magical spring flows from the ground here. The sound of someone whistling a merry tune wafts in from somewhere nearby. Riona is sitting here, deep in thoughts. The whistle meanders through the gardens, almost passing her by unnoticed. After a few moments, she blinks her eyes and looks up, eyes scanning her surroundings. Every now and again, the whistling stops, and a cheerful voice hums to itself, 'Dum dee dum... Hmm hmm hmm'. On and on the merry tune goes... Riona rises to her feet and starts moving over towards that voice. She is cautious, wary as she approaches whoever is over there, and yet an amiable smile lingers on her lips. A man in black flies in. A man in black whistles merrily to himself. A man in black says 'Oh, hello!' A man in black says 'I didn't mean to interrupt' 'Good evening,' Riona replies, curtseying low before the black man. Riona shakes her head. 'Not at all, not at all.' A man in black says 'I was just wandering about and...' An enormous, exaggerated grin spreads over the man's face. A man in black says 'Ah!' A man in black says 'You have seen it!' A man in black says 'There's no mistaking that look' A man in black rubs his hands together with glee, 'How wonderful!'. Hands clasped in front of herself, Riona tilts her head slightly to the side and gives the man in black a long, scrutinizing look, her gaze sweeping over his form. You say 'Seen what?' A man in black says 'Come, now' A man in black says 'You know what I mean, there is no mistaking it' The odd fellow can barely contain himself, and does a little skipping jig on the spot. Riona arches a slender eyebrow. 'I have seen much.' A smile creeps up on her face, widening at the man's spontaneous dance. A man in black says 'You have seen It, and It has seen you!' Riona nods her head slowly. A man in black says 'Did It show you things?' In a much higher pitched voice, the man exclaims, 'It showed me things...'. Riona hesitates for a moment, eyes narrowing into thin lines, and then her jaw drops. 'You.. you have seen It as well, then?' Riona asks, 'What did It show you?' A deeper voice, now... and you are not even sure you saw the man's lips moving, 'Oh yes! Such things...'. A man in black says 'Such...' A man in black says '... things' An almost child-like voice, 'I didn't know what most of them were!'. A much deeper, drawling grate, 'But It showed me anyway...'. Riona steps in closer to the man and grips his shoulder firmly. Excitement streaks through her voice and her eyes gleam with anticipation: 'Tell me.' 'Tell me!,' Riona urges again. A man in black says 'It... showed me things' A man in black says 'He didn't want to see' A man in black says 'I mean, I didn't want to see' A drawling, high-pitched whine, '...But It showed him, anyway!'. You suddenly notice that tears are streaming down the man's face. Riona's grip tightens, fingers digging into the man's shoulder. 'It demands much of us. Too much, I fear. And yet...' A man in black pulls at his hair, and cries out 'I DIDN'T WANT TO SEE!!' Blood suddenly starts trickling from the agitated man's nose. 'Hush, hush. I will make things right.' Riona's voice is a soft, comforting coo. Noticing the blood, she reaches down into her satchel, pulling up a sharp, gleaming kris. Wiping the blood on the back of his hand, the man starts to fidget and chuckle to himself. Softly, Riona says, 'This will all be over soon.' A man in black says 'Oh my!' Tears of blood begin to freely flow from the man's eyes... His ears are already soaked red. A man in black says 'Heh heh heh heh...' The mans limbs and torso have begin to bulge unnaturally... 'What you saw was not meant for your eyes.' There is a hint of sadness of Riona's voice, laced with... envy. A man in black says 'Hehehehe!' The man coughs out some words, his mouth filled with blood, 'You see It, and It sees you...!' A man in black says 'Heahehahah!' The man's head has begun to expand grotesquely, bulging out in disgusting balloons. The suddenly laughter seems to take Riona by surprise. She takes a step back, suddenly seeming quite doubtful. Then, a grim expression settles on her features. A man in black says 'Uuh seee it, it ssesss uuuu!' Riona steps forward to the man, grabs him by the wrists, and plunges her kris towards his chest. 'Shush-shush-shush. Things will be alright.' Blood and bits of clotted flesh have begun to pool and gather around the rapidly decaying creature's feet. As the blade pierces the mans chest, he explodes in a disgusting river of blood and clotted gore! You are completely covered, the muck is in your eyes! An Immortal has transferred you. The Void   Nothing. A lot of it. Are you even here? Who is you? You feel a pull tearing at your soul, urging it to go on. What awaits? Damanation, Salvation, Rebirth? Who knows. [Exits: none] Riona jumps back, muttering to herself. She begins wiping her eyes clean from gore with her hands, trying to restore her vision. A cacophony of whispers set to babbling all around you. The voices. She has heard them before, and she will hear them again. Every word spoken known by heart, every syllable a miracle untold. Riona merely smiles. A disjointed voice, somehow both high and low, exclaims blandly, 'It sees yooooooou...', before fading into the nothingness. 'It sees all.' Riona steps into the void, meandering through the nothingness. There is no destination, yet she keeps walking. The blackness pulses, you feel as though you are upside down. Space and time, shrunk to a knot. Riona has been here before, but it is different now. Or perhaps it is -she- that is different now. Flashes of indistinct images come unbidden into your mind. From somewhere nearby, yet infinitely distant, mad laughter rings out. Riona clutches her head and falls to her knees, gasping loudly. 'Agh.' Riona slowly climbs to her feet again and presses onwards. Further. Towards the laughter. Sudden visions assault your mind's eye..! You see prone corpses, splayed like fleshy marionettes upon bare wooden boards. Their flesh a dull yellow, gleaming with sweat and blood. Eyes wide, mouths in exaggerated gapes ... their flesh stripped - pricked, poked and slashed to death. 'The dead pile high.' Riona's eyes flutter closed, her body tensing as more visions sweep through her mind. One of the corpses, a woman, burbles, 'You have seen It'. Your vision swimming, a stinging pain begins to build behind your eyes. The metallic stink of spilled blood is thick in the air. Riona turns her head to stare at the phantasm woman, eyes wide and lips stretched in a wide smile. 'I have s-' Her reply is cut short at the sudden pain. Riona blinks her eyes a few times, grimacing, trying to subdue the pain with the force of her will. You feel suddenly overcome... as though to look fully upon the grandeur and terror of realms beyond normal consciousness and reality is too much. '-seen it. I have seen It.' Riona's words are sluggish, her voice strained. She stumbles, but manages to keep herself on her feet. Somehow, through the blackness, shapes begin to form... A strange cacophony of inhuman, alien gurgling can be heard. A pillar of rock, uncarved and jagged, rises out of the solid shadows in the distance. Riona turns around in the darkness, then turns again, trying to find the source of the noises. Every time, a different direction, space itself contorting around her. And then, the pillar! The half-breed begins moving towards it. Out of the unimaginable blackness, shapes begin to form about the pillar... Riona moves in closer towards the shapes, trying to make sense of them. Gangrenous, uncanny and unheard of... a throng of unnamable things squirm and flop rhythmically about the pillar. Webbed feet, bulging sacs and rubbery tentacles strain and cavort in an ecstacy of delight about the pillar. It would be natural to recoil, to shy away from such horrific things. And yet Riona stares with fascionation, inexplicably drawn to them. She steps forward, reaching out with a hand... The mass of thronging monstrosities throw their webbed and tentacled limbs skyward, crying out joyfully... terribly, in unison to their long dead Gods. The gurgling, mad shriek builds in volume, reaching a mind-shattering crescendo! Although you can barely see, suddenly you are among them. Riona falls to her knees, her eardrum rupturing. She presses her hands against her ears, tiny flecks of blood trickling between her fingers. She screams a silent, voiceless scream. Slippery tentacles and clicking mandibles tug clumsily at your clothes and exposed flesh. About your left leg you feel the bone-shattering grip of a spiny, wet tentacle. The nerve-rending scream continues unabated, the pillar now gone. The tentacles grip tightens... Riona's eyes dart around in frenzied panic, her voice sore from the scream that never ends. She finally gasps, out of breath, desperately trying to suck air into her lungs. Riona tries to pull herself free from the tentacle-grip, pulling her leg, hands trying to unwrap it. Your lungs are sucked dry, your eyes feel as though they are filled with sand... Consciousness begins to fade... There it is. That tiny crack. A fracture on Riona's mind, a chip in her sanity. In the blackness, you somehow perceive the stink of rotting meat... From... somwhere else, a sound barely reaches you. The furious, deafening roar of a monstrous beast. The roar grows louder, louder and louder still! White circles begin to flash and circle in your vision. Is this the end? Riona continues to struggle, although her efforts grow more futile by the second. Darkness surrounds her, demands her. She turns to the roaring sound, watching, waiting. The Floating Gardens   Magicly infused into the wood, exotic plants grow out of the ship itself. Flora from all over the lands thrives here.  The smell of fresh flowers and clean air is both refreshing and delightful.  A running fountain in the likeness of Galvatar Xebonn lies directly in the middle of this breathtaking scene.   [Exits: west] A monstrous, slavering bear towers here. Strangely, the darkness seems to have abated. Towering here before you is the largest bear you have every seen, its hackles bristling with primal anger. Even on all fours it is well over seven feet in height and raised on its hind legs it would surely be at least double that. The sheer size of the beast is sublime to behold - it dwarfs the largest of giants and looks as though it could stop a landslide in its tracks. Despite its monstrous frame, it seems capable of great speed and moves with a terrible, fearsome purpose. Shaggy, brownish black fur covers the bear's entire body, spiked and shuddering with an ancient and unfathomable fury. Its snout is encrusted with dried blood. Set in a permanent snarl, the creature's elongated jaws boast a terrifying and ragged set of fangs, yellowed and dripping with saliva. Rank, stinking breath rattles through this horrible maw, turning to steam as it meets the air. A set of powerful forelegs, twined with rope-like muscle, extend from the bear's broad shoulders. They are each tipped with razor sharp claws that look as though they could fell an oak with one blow. Its back legs are similarly armed, and tear up the ground with each step. A pair of feverish, yellow-green eyes sit on either side of the beast's snout, holding in their depths the memories of a time before men walked the land. These mysterious and haunting orbs regard you with a mixture of suspicion and contempt. A guttural growl echoes deep in the bear's throat as it notices you staring at it. Shagarh is in excellent condition. Shagarh lowers himself back to all fours. Riona collapses to the floor, her body trembling, hands shaking. Glowering at you with distaste, Shagarh growls 'You runts should not toy with forces you cannot understand'. Shagarh says 'You almost let It free' A loud roar can be heard from far above. 'No.' Riona shakes her head firmly from side to side. 'No, no, no. This was.. something else.' Shagarh says 'It is older than you could possibly comprehend' Shagarh says 'It would gladly devour this world, if It had the chance' Riona slowly steadies herself, taking a deep breath and then another one. She gets up again, taking control over her mind once more - expelling fear, and doubt, and terror from it. Shagarh suddenly stops and sniffs at the air, a low growl rumbling in his throat. A frowning halfling walks into the floating gardens. Rygothran steps out from his cover. 'It loves us,' Riona objects, looking up at the gigantic Bear-God. Shagarh says 'Bah, what do you know?' Shagarh looks at Rygothran. Rygothran stares at Shagarh. Shagarh says 'You should tell your followers to stop poking their noses where they don't belong' Rygothran snaps his fingers and says 'You smell of rotting meat.' Riona glances over at Rygothran. The mere sight of the Potentate of Avarice fills her with strength, standing a little bit taller now, confidence returning to her posture. Rygothran walks towards the fountain, 'Why do you bother my High Priestess?' Shagarh says 'This cheap black magician was blundering around in It's nether' Rygothran climbs up onto the fountain, turning to face you. Shagarh says 'If not for me, you'd have a batty dullard serving as your high priestess right now' The halfling says 'She does as she pleases, as a Queen is wont to do.' Riona glares at Shargarh defiantly. Rygothran grins, showing his gold capped teeth 'Perhaps you should tend to your flock of arrogant sheep?' Shagarh says 'Arrogant they are' Shagarh says 'But at least with the good sense to keep their bodies and minds where they belong' Rygothran says 'Do they?' Rygothran grins once more, taping a finger against his chin 'Do they truly?' Rygothran says 'We shall know soon enough, I think.' Shagarh says 'That we shall, Wyrm' A soft, mirthful chuckle bubbles from Riona's lips, gaining in volume at Rygothran's comment. 'Heheheheh-HEH HEH-heh.' Shagarh says 'You see? She is still yet affected' You say 'Do they truly? That is the question.' Rygothran says 'I wonder, bear, what it is you want here.' Rygothran claps his hands together 'Perhaps a deal to be made?' Shagarh says 'I do not deal with your ilk, Wyrm' The halfling flicks a coin into the fountain. 'No?' Rygothran says 'It could be fun.' Shagarh says 'If I want something, I take it by force of arms' You say 'Your men think more of their own standing than the ideals you espouse. To build halls for hunters, to rally men far and wide to go chasing after beasts instead of becoming one with the host.' Shagarh says 'You are ancient, I will grant you. But so am I.' Rygothran clicks his tongue and says 'Well, she has a point though.' You say 'And the Warlord? He makes deals with us, his sworn enemies, for his own gain.' Shagarh turns to face you, his feral yellow eyes narrowing dangerously. Shagarh growls. Shagarh says 'My legions have their faults' Shagarh says 'But they know their place, at least' Rygothran says 'Perhaps you and I can make a wager, bear?' Rygothran says 'A wager about your warlord.' Shagarh says 'Your kind would destroy the world out of foolishness' Shagarh says 'What wager?' You say 'And your kind has forgotten their purpose, Shagarh. The proud host of Athaekeetha, was that not from whence you came? And this, the men that follow you now? They seek nothing but glory for themselves.' Rygothran points to you 'My High Priestess will get your Warlord to aid the her in the taking of Miruvhor.' Rygothran says 'Aid his greatest enemy.' Rygothran taps his fingers on the fountain 'So.. if he does, what do I get?' You say 'The Khan, and his hunter's association. The Warlord? He has reached the peak of his hill, but is blind to the mountain beyond it. He is.. stagnate, and he turns to me and my lord for aid when all he needs is the power of his own arms.' Rygothran smiles at you 'She speaks truth. You see why she is mine, right?' Shagarh says 'I'll wager you my left eye' Rygothran says 'Ah, your left eye.' Rygothran says 'The eye of a bear.' Rygothran says 'Do you want his left eye, Riona?' Rygothran says 'A fine trophy, to present to Decimus.' 'Indeed.' Riona nods her head, a dark, wolfish grin claiming her lips. Shagarh says 'What will you wager?' Rygothran says 'You may have one of my most prized possessions.' You say 'An eye for an eye? Is that not the way of the world?' Shagarh says 'I don't care for your possessions' Shagarh says 'I'll take your left hand' Rygothran says 'My left hand.' Rygothran sits upon the fountain for a moment, waving his feet back and forth. Rygothran peers at you 'Yes?' Riona turns to Rygothran - a queen looking lovingly at her king - and smiles. 'Of course.' Rygothran nods at Shagarh 'You will recieve my hand, should I lose.' Shagarh says 'Indeed' Shagarh says 'Then the bargain is struck' Rygothran slaps his hands together 'Great!!' Rygothran sniffs the air. Rygothran says 'Well then, I would stay but..' Riona's gaze flits between Rygothran and Shagarh, a mouse between these two lions. Ah. Mortals - ever the playthings of Gods. Rygothran says 'You smell.' Rygothran looks over at Shagarh once more. Shagarh wanders off with a grunt of disgust. Shagarh walks west. Rygothran giggles, suddenly holding a golden chalice. You say 'The eye of the Beargod himself. How... exciting.' Rygothran says 'All yours.' Riona approaches Rygothran and reaches you out for the chalice, raising it to her lips. Rygothran says 'I like my hands.' Riona nods and says, 'We can not lose.' You feel a divine presence guide you to new found experiences! You earn 10 rp points! You say 'A foolish wager. Is not Greed our domain? Is not Guile our territory? I.. pity them.' Rygothran shrugs and laughs 'I am sure the bear is many things, cunning is not one.' You say 'Then we must labour to find that which the Black Warlord can not resist. Something to amplify his physical prowess, to make him an unconquerable soldier.' You say 'Something he simply can not resist. And then, Miruvhor will finally be mine, and the eye of the Beargod yours.' Rygothran taps the side of his face with a finger 'Well, I have an idea. I think it will be... very beneficial for you.' Riona smiles her sweetest, most pleased smile. 'Delightful. Just delightful.' You say 'What is it you are planning?' 'It is in the works' Rygothran grins, bearing his teeth. 'Now, now, my Queen, some things are meant to be a surprise.' You nod at Rygothran. Rygothran says 'You will be pleased.' You say 'I shall keep busy at my own endeavors, then.' You say 'And... Rygothran.' Rygothran says 'Yes?' Rygothran takes a long pull from a golden chalice. 'There is something,' Riona mumbles, her gaze distant, lost in the haze of memories, 'Something old, lingering outside time itself. It calls to me. I must pursue it.' Rygothran nods and says 'You are capable. We would not be here if you were not. I trust you to handle your affairs.' You say 'Let us speak soon again.' Rygothran holds up a finger 'But be warned, if I am not here to stand in between you and the bear, it is best to avoid confrontation.' Rygothran nods to you and jumps off the fountain. You say 'I understand. I will not antagonize him needlessly.' Rygothran smiles at you 'So lovely.' The halfling walks out of the floating gardens.
    • Guest Anonymous
      Bracad told you 'Greetings.' Bracad told you 'We trust you are well?' You told Bracad 'I'm having a bad day.  A horrible day' Bracad told you 'That is unfortunate.' Bracad told you 'Anything we might do to aid you?' Bracad told you 'Or make your day better?' You told Bracad 'Sure, find a way to remove my ears' Bracad told you '....' Bracad told you 'An odd request, for us.' Bracad told you 'Why would you wish your ears removed?' You told Bracad 'I tried to have Achistad do something about it.  That never happened.  So, I'd rather just not hear them anymore' Bracad told you 'Do something about what?' You told Bracad 'He was suppose to come purify our estate, but of course, he wasn't allowed' You told Bracad 'I'm tired of all the whispering' You told Bracad 'Sometimes it feels like I'm just talking to myself' Bracad told you 'The whispers are your own voice?' You told Bracad 'Of course not!  I'm not crazy' Bracad told you 'You mentioned you feel as if you are talking to yourself, hence why we asked our question.' You told Bracad 'Venni threw me out of the bank thinking I was talking to myself.  That's why' Bracad told you 'Which estate might you be referring to? One of you and or your families?' You told Bracad 'The Zelcharis estate of course.  We are Miruvhor nobility' Bracad told you 'Indeed. You hear the whispers in your estate? Could it be just the... discussions of your staff?' You told Bracad 'No, I'm not crazy.  They aren't following me around all over whispering' Bracad told you 'Then where do you hear this whispering?' You told Bracad 'In the very things I want removed, my ears!' Bracad told you 'Oh my. This does sound serious.' Bracad told you 'Not to invite negative thoughts but, what if removing your ears does not make the whispering go away?' You told Bracad 'How can I hear whispering without ears?' You told Bracad 'Now you sound crazy' Bracad told you 'We profess, when it comes to magic, we have more limited experience and knowledge. However, we have witnessed terrible and strange afflictions from it.' Bracad told you 'If this is such an affliction...' Bracad told you 'We certainly would not wish it on you or anyone, but such a step as removing your ears may not be a cure.' You told Bracad 'My father's a clergyman.  If it was magic, I'd know it wouldn't I?  No, it's these stupid ears' Bracad told you 'Ahh. Well, that certainly adds to the mystery then.' Bracad told you 'Have you encountered others who are similarly afflicted. Perhaps in your family?' You told Bracad 'You're kidding, right?  Tell me you're kidding.' Bracad told you 'Kidding?' Bracad told you 'We are confused.' Bracad told you 'On such a serious topic, we would not jest.' You told Bracad 'I'm not going around asking people if they hear whispering.  That would get me locked up in the asylum' Bracad told you 'Ahh, we see. Your point is not lost on us... now.' You told Bracad 'I'm just frustrated.  Ignore that.' Bracad told you 'Well. We are not unwilling to help you. However, we feel it prudent to understand. You must understand, we are no surgeon. Although our aim is precise.' You told Bracad 'Damnit!  They were at least quiet for a while' Bracad told you 'Quiet. That is good...' You told Bracad 'But it is not quiet....' You told Bracad 'I'll find a scalpel myself!' Bracad told you 'Well, perhaps you did not hear us?' Bracad told you 'We offered to do it, but offered a word of caution.' Bracad tells you 'wEh ahhreh nOo sSsurGeoOonnn.' Bracad tells you 'thaough WEh ahhreh quitEh preCisse with our aaim.' You tell Bracad 'Hard to tell if your talking or the whispers.  You'll slice them off?' Bracad tells you 'Dao thheh whHIZszpers ofFer tao zjuT oofFf yaouR EAhRsSz?' You tell Bracad 'They did!' Bracad tells you 'hmMmmmmm.....' A small, nearly invisible, creature on Uricharis' shoulder whispers 'So, a little slice here?' into her ear. AAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!! You tell Bracad 'I was just going to get mab's blade.  I heard it was nice and sharp' Bracad tells you 'szsHAhRp..... yeZSs.' Bracad tells you 'ahhlThoOouhHghh aimMInNngh Aht OonesSz Hhehaad mmahhY bE quhHIite tHhE sjhahllEhnge.' Bracad tells you 'YOu caouLd easSzIiLy TaKe mmore Thaan yaour earsSs..' You tell Bracad 'Oh yes, a surgeon's knife!' You rest on a large marble fountain. Bracad tells you 'hrMmMphH. szseemsSz the GoOolden drahgonNn iZSs NnO loonNnger ahhpaort Of thhe kuueZSst.' Uricharis sits calmly, almost serenely calm and places the torch on the ground. A small, nearly invisible, creature on Uricharis' shoulder whispers 'This will be entertaining' into her ear. You tell Bracad 'Hrmm?  What dragon?  Are we after dragons now?  I thought we were lopping off ears?' Bracad tells you 'we aaREh..' Bracad tells you 'apPAREhnTly..' Bracad tells you 'whehREh ZSshawll we mEEt youhH?' Uricharis continues to turn the tip of the surgeon's knife over the torch, making it red hot. You tell Bracad 'I'm just sitting here heating up this surgeon's knife' Bracad tells you 'Where?' You tell Bracad 'Right where I was, silly.  I came back to Maelbrim' Bracad nods. Bracad looks at you. Bracad nods. Bracad says 'It is well to see you.' The red hot tip of the surgeon's knife begins to glow as Uricharis continues to turn it over and over. Bracad says 'Please. Let us help you.' Uricharis looks up at Bracad.  'I can't keep heating this forever' Bracad nods. Uricharis stands up and stamps out the torch over which she was heating the surgeon's knife. You stand up. You stop using a surgeon's knife. Uricharis flips her wrist and extends her hand towards you, holding the HOT end of the knife. Bracad stares at you, the shapes in its eyes coalecsing into dagger like shapes. Smoke is rising from Uricharis' fingers as she says 'Gonna take it or let me burn? Bracad reaches out and takes the knife.  You give a surgeon's knife to Bracad. Bracad wears a necklace with a lion charm around its neck. Bracad's eyes harden as bloodlust overtakes it. Uricharis pulls back her hair to show her ear clearly.  'We can start here! Bracad slowly examine's the knife, taking its time to examine the blade. Bracad nods. A small, nearly invisible, creature on Uricharis' shoulder whispers 'This will be really entertaining' into her ear. Uricharis grimaces and says 'Hurry!  Before it starts yapping again! Producing a small unassuming bucket, Bracad gestures to you to sit. 'Here. Uricharis quickly clamours over and plops down on the bucket. Uricharis tilts her head to the side and braces herself. Standing before you, the creature seems to slightly shrink in size and gets in your face. Bracad asks, 'Your ears. What do you want done with them, after? 'I don't care'  Uricharis exclaims 'Just get rid of them Bracad nods. Bracad says 'Very well.' Uricharis starts tapping her foot, obviously impatient. With a mechanical precision, Bracad grabs the top of your head aligning it straight. He aligns on your left ear and makes a deft slice. Catching the ear, Bracad tucks it away and places its hand on your head, against aligning it. Wincing in pain, Uricharis squirms and holds her head up straight in your grasp. Blood burbles out of the wound left from where Uricharis' ear was sliced clean off.  You swear you hear 'We were right!  That was entertaining!' come from the burbles. Bracad says 'If you are not able to hear after this.... Watch our hands.' Uricharis grumbles and then screams.  'Quick!  Quick, the other one too! Nodding at you, Bracad ensures alignment, slicing again, the searing blade separates flesh with deft percision. Bracad standing back, both ears in hand. Bracad tucks them away beneath its frame. Blood now streaming down both sides of her head, Uricharis cries tears, but has a serene almost insane smile upon her face. Bracad nods. Bracad says/mouths 'The deed is done. Uricharis leans for a moment on the fountain, steadying herself.  'It's clear' she breathes. Uricharis looks up to you with a weak smile. Bracad says in a volume barely above a whisper, 'And... your hearing? Bracad looks at you, a strange... desparation? in its eyes. Uricharis squints at you, looking specifically at your lips.  'Hearing?' she questions. Bracad nods. Bracad says slowly, mouthing each word, 'Hearing, yes. You understand? A little wriggly maggot appears in the bloody wound on the right side of Uricharis' head.  'That was really entertaining.  We'll have to repay you for that Uricharis blissfully smiles as if she hears nothing at all. Tilting its head to the side, observing the maggot, Bracads' focus seems lost. Bracad says 'Theres...' Uricharis squints at your lips again, trying to understand what your saying. You say 'Can you hear me?' You say 'It is really hard to read your lips.  I can't even tell if they're lips or not' Taking notice of your question, Bracad repositions itself to look at you. 'Yes. Bracad nods its head. A little wriggly maggot appears in the bloody wound on the right side of Uricharis' head.  'The deaf trying to talk.  This is priceless!' Blood begins to leak down across Uricharis' sashes.  'I'm going to have to clean up Uricharis looks down at herself, smiling wistfully almost oblivious to the pain. With a strange delicate, but precise movement, Bracad plucks the Maggot from your head and produces it before you. Bracad says 'Here' Bracad says 'Maybe this is the... voice?' Uricharis looks at you carefully, looking at what you're presenting, but not -seeing- it. The wiggling maggot says 'You know, she's not going to see us, right?' it says as it then chuckles at Uricharis. A frown shown on Bracads face. Bracad looks at the maggot. 'Hrmm. Are you... of the Nexian thing? Uricharis climbs off of the bucket and walks a few steps closer to you squinting her eyes at your hand and then looking at you strangely. The little maggot you plucked from Uricharis says 'Nexian?  Please, don't insult us' Uricharis looks at you strangely as if you are talking to yourself. Uricharis tries to says 'Are you O.K.? Taking a moment, Bracad reflects on the situation. Glancing at you a flash of concern. Then back at the maggot, 'We mean no insult. *Just now understanding you chopped off a girl's ears, in public, right in front of the marshall in the forum?* Bracad nods at you in agreement. The wriggly little maggot suddenly pops out from your grasp in a puff a smoke and reappears resting on Uricharis' shoulder. The wiggly maggot says 'You've done your part.  Now, shoo!' then begins crawling back towards Uricharis' head. Bracad nodding at Uricharis, 'Where do you come from. What... is your purpose here? The wiggly maggot stops for a moment and then turns to you saying 'Wouldn't you like to know?' then continues on its path back to Uricharis' blood earstump. Seating itself back inside Uricharis' ear, the wiggly maggot whispers 'I'm sure you'll find out' Bracad says 'We aided you. Yet you see no reason to give us this?' A little wriggly maggot appears in the bloody wound on the right side of Uricharis' head.  'Aided us?  Please, you just entertained us' Uricharis' smile hasn't faded at all during this entire conversation. Bracad motions towards your ears. A finger gesture, moving along the ground in a worm-crawling fashion. Bracad stands upright. Gesturing a slice across its neck. Uricharis scrunches up her face, but maintains her smile and mouths the words -worm- before she asks 'A worm? Bracad nods at you in agreement. Bracad again gestures at your ear. Uricharis looks at you strangely for a moment.  'Are you alright?' she asks as she stands here bleeding from both earstumps with blood running down her sashes. Bracad sighs. Bracad nods. A little wriggly maggot appears in the bloody wound on the right side of Uricharis' head.  'You really think she's going to listen?  That's hilarious' Bracad fishes around in its packs, producing a large amount of sterlized cloth. Uricharis looks at you oddly, perhaps she is woozy from the bloodloss. Picking up some of the cloth, Bracad looks at you, with a half outstreched hand filled with cloth. It asks, 'May We Help? Looking at your strangely, Uricharis asks 'Help?  Why would I need help?' as she backs away from you slightly. A little wriggly maggot appears in the bloody wound on the right side of Uricharis' head.  'This is priceless!  Priceless I tell you!' Extending one of its fingers down to the blood dripping from you, a drop formed on the tip, Bracad presents it to you. 'Help. You hear an odd munching sound coming from Uricharis.  It sounds squishy and moist, almost as if something is eating something. Bracad gestures dabbing the cloth at its own ears. Uricharis looks down at the blood on the cloth and then wideyed stares back at you.  'What are you trying to do to me!  Get away' she screams as she leaps over to the other side of the fountain. Uricharis shouts 'I'll' then stammers 'I'll call the guard you brute! Bracad stands, holding its hands up. 'We mean no harm. Bracad shakes its head. Uricharis glares at the Marshall with pinpoint eyes and says 'You see he's trying to hurt me, don't you!  Look at him! Bracad says 'Friend... friend.' Uricharis cowers on the other side of the fountain, maintaining her distance from you. Bracad stops using a surgeon's knife. Bracad wields the Stormbringer. Uricharis now even backs away from the fountain further as you wield a large mace. Bracad looks down at the ground before you. Uricharis screams at the Marshall 'What good are you!  You see he's menacing! A little wriggly maggot appears in the bloody wound on the right side of Uricharis' head.  'Just priceless!  I'll have food for days!' Looking up at you,Bracad draws an ear forth from its chest plate. It whispers into it. 'Hear us you. Your enemies are not what you think. Bracad tucks the ear back into its place. Uricharis feels a drop of blood on her arm and looks down to see blood on her bracelets 'My god, what did you do to me!' almost oblivious to your explanation Bracad turns and stalks off. Bracad flies west. Uricharis points to the west and screams 'You're just going to let him get away!? Screaming again, Uricharis exclaims 'Useless.  Every last one of you!
    • Guest
      The Growing Disdain of the Urban World Kael Thornshadow had spent the better part of his life roaming the wilderness, defending its sanctity and fostering a deep connection with its untamed spirit. The forest had become his sanctuary, a realm of tranquility and balance. However, as he ventured beyond its borders, he found himself facing the stark contrast of the sprawling cities that dominated the landscape. Kael's journey began when he received a request for aid from a neighboring city named Aridon. The city's outskirts were suffering from a sudden blight, and its once-thriving fields were withering away. Intrigued by the plight of those affected, Kael embarked on a journey that took him from the heart of the forest to the urban labyrinth of Aridon. As he entered the city gates, the stark change in atmosphere was palpable. The air was thick with the scent of industry, and the sounds of carriages and bustling crowds drowned out the gentle melodies of the forest. Towering structures of stone and steel obscured the sky, casting shadows that seemed to suffocate the natural light. Kael met with the city's council, composed of affluent merchants and influential bureaucrats. They implored him to use his mystical connection with the wild to heal the land. However, he sensed a different motive beneath their  concern was less for the land itself and more for their profits. As Kael delved deeper into Aridon's affairs, he uncovered a web of corruption that had crept into the heart of the city. The council's members were exploiting the blight to manipulate food prices and amass greater wealth. The very land he had come to save was a pawn in their sinister game. Disturbed by the city's disregard for the natural world and the people's wellbeing, Kael's initial curiosity transformed into a brewing anger. His sense of duty to help remained, but he felt an increasing disconnect from the inhabitants of this urban landscape. Kael decided to take matters into his own hands. He ventured beyond the city, seeking the guidance of the forest spirits. In a secluded glade, he communed with ancient entities that had witnessed the rise of civilizations and the fading of empires. They revealed to him the true extent of the damage caused by the greed of men, the imbalance that had infected the city like a disease. As he returned to Aridon, Kael found himself in a precarious position. The council had caught wind of his investigations and had labeled him a troublemaker. They sought to silence him, viewing him as a threat to their power. In his quest for justice, Kael delved even deeper into the city's underbelly. He discovered secret passages, hidden alliances, and the harsh reality that many within the city's walls were victims of the council's manipulation. The once-thriving markets were now dominated by monopolies, and the oppressed masses had no voice. As he moved through the city, Kael witnessed scenes of suffering—families struggling to afford basic necessities, children forced to labor in hazardous factories, and people who had lost their connection to the natural world, their spirits dulled by the city's unrelenting demands. One fateful day, Kael witnessed a scene that shattered his patience. A pristine garden on the outskirts of the city was razed to the ground to make space for a factory. The callous disregard for the beauty and life that once thrived there ignited a fiery rage within him. Unable to hold back his anger, Kael confronted the council in a heated exchange. His words echoed with the pain of the forest, the cries of the creatures, and the whispers of the spirits. The council's response was dismissive, their arrogance fueled by their grip on power. With his heart heavy with sorrow and anger, Kael withdrew from Aridon. As he returned to the forest that had always been his solace, he made a vow—to stand against the encroachment of cities and the corruption that accompanied them. The wilderness had revealed to him the true balance of life, and he could no longer stand idle as cities stripped away that balance. His hatred for cities was not for the people themselves but for the systems of power that governed them, systems that exploited the land and the very essence of life for personal gain. He saw cities as engines of destruction, places where the soul of the land was traded for coin and where the bond between humanity and nature was severed. Kael's rebellion was not one of violence but of enlightenment. He ventured to villages and settlements, sharing his experiences and urging them to resist the lure of urban expansion. He became a storyteller, recounting the tales of the forest's magic and the devastating consequences of unbridled urbanization. His words resonated with those who had witnessed the erosion of their own lands. Slowly but steadily, a movement began to form—a movement that sought to protect the land, to live in harmony with nature, and to challenge the unchecked power of cities. Kael Thornshadow's path had led him from the heart of the wilderness to the heart of the city and back again. His hatred for cities was a reflection of his deep love for the natural world, a love that had been both tested and strengthened by his encounters. As he continued to champion the cause of balance and preservation, he became a beacon of hope for those who believed in the inherent harmony of life and the enduring power of the wild. And in the end, his story became intertwined with the very fabric of the land he had vowed to protect.
    • Guest Anonymous
      Kael Thornshadow was born in the village of Silverbrook, a small settlement known for its tight-knit community of woodsmen and hunters. From the moment he could walk, Kael displayed an uncanny connection to the natural world. He often disappeared into the woods for hours, returning with tales of secret clearings, hidden streams, and peculiar animal behaviors he had observed.   Kael's encounter with the legendary forest beast came during a hunting expedition with his father and older brother. The creature, known as the 'Emerald Warden,' was said to be a guardian of the deepest parts of the forest. In their attempt to prove themselves as worthy hunters, Kael's family inadvertently crossed into the Warden's territory. Kael was left gravely injured after a fierce battle, and he fled deeper into the forest to escape.   Collapsed and fading, he stumbled upon the enchanted grove. There, he met the spirit that granted him the gift of transformation. The ritual of this magic was etched into his memory  the mingling of his blood with the sacred earth and the whispered incantations of the spirit.   In solitude, Kael wrestled with his new abilities. His transformations were chaotic at first, driven by emotions he struggled to control. It was during this time that he encountered the reclusive hermit, Aric, who sensed the [Hit Return to continue] turmoil within him. Aric had once been afflicted by a similar curse and had managed to master the duality.   Under Aric's guidance, Kael learned to embrace the dual aspects of his being. He trained to shift between his human and werebeast forms with intention, developing a greater understanding of the triggers that led to his transformations. Aric taught him meditation, mindfulness, and the art of channeling emotions to maintain control over his animal instincts. He stands as a harmonious fusion of human intellect, natural intuition, and beastly prowess, ready to defend the wild places he calls home while navigating the complexities of his own inner duality.
    • Lockbox items have been changed. I think it's hard enough getting these items so I'll try to provide a list at some point. Notable changes until then: Cutting dwarves some slack, the water whip is now air.  Sorry avians. "Get Out of Jail Free" card is now rare.  Still in debate if it should be removed entirely. Greedy gauntlets has a lucrative prog attached. Shiny ball has a small chance to cast cure serious instead of cure light. With some exceptions: Items in the plain steel lockboxs are all level 30. Items in the lockbox with enamel fittings are all level 45. Items in the beautifully engraved lockbox are all level 60. Low list item are common. Medium list items are rare. High list items are unique.
    • I recently inquired about these and told them they are not available at this moment. Perhaps @Kassieti could chime in?
    • Just saw this. Mine was a custom replacement for the efuzan balls. It looked awesome, but also made a fairly tame rp oriented pet. It wasn't winning any pks but it was one of the coolest looking things ypu could ask for.    And tbh a huge huge part of it wasn't the fat loot, it was the journey to get it. The questing was well thought out, broken into multiple parts (seriously, gifnab made a complete bizarro winter area for one part of the quest. ONE part. Like winter but a mirror image of it) 
    • Update Players may now post their own RP logs if they choose.  General rules apply such as no hateful language, etc. If the log is of active characters, ask the other side's permission if you can.  Using the shout outs to do this is fine.  E.G.: Player, that was an awesome session! Can I post the log? Don't reveal privileged info such as whether or not they're showing their flag, equipment (unless relevant), etc.  This applies so long as the character is active, or the log itself is months old. Posting anonymously is fine if you wish and you do not need to include your name. Posting logs alone here will not be awarded Roleplaying Points; it is a place to share RP. You may still earn Roleplaying Points from the session (if applicable), but they need to be posted in https://theforsakenlands.com/forum/43-character-roleplay/ to do so. If you are posting journals, please place them into a single thread.
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