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I hate this. As a long time member of this MUD I really am peeved. I log on tonight drunk, want to get a couple ranks so I can hit 15 and do defenses and this happens.

You are mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.

You receive 158 experience points.

Had charmies. So got the kill then sit here mortally wounded till death. Under 15 so I can't keep playing, just a rule I have. Main problem that pisses me off is I spent over an hour on the description, loved the Char outline I had, the past of the char, the speach, everything. What a load of 'screw you festy'. I have no more rye.

Thank you all.

Stay Classy,

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I don't blame him. Before I quit playing I usually got to 50 with all my characters without taking a single death and that was with having people try to PK me. I come back and out of six characters I died probably 5 times before pinn and another 3 at pinn and I was tempted to delete, but figured it wouldn't be worth it with a short time playing and being back so I kept pushing forward. Otherwise though it'd have been delete time before I hit pinn.

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You know what I hate most? When I go to make a few vial runs and instead of getting two from the one area, I get only one because people choose to kill only one of the mobs rather than the two around there so that it takes practically a shift to bring the mob back if no one kills the other one. Then when I do, and make the loop again I get one damned vial again because you bastards can't kill the other mob. I HATE YOU ALL!!!

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I know where 5 vials are, 1 lvl 50 sanc vial, a pill and another vial, but that's about it as far as potions/pills go aside from sparkling pills. Usually can run around and gather around 60 or so within an hour without having other people getting them. Otherwise it's forever.

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