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Ok honestly, I started wondering and how many of you use triggers in some form while playing? I'm saying combat ones, ones to keep your spells up? Don't ask me why I started wondering but it'd be nice to see who's using them and who really keeps track of everything.

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I was thinking about having just sounds that go off when my spells land.

I've gone three years without but I'm thinking now it'd be easier to keep an eye around me and check for special effects during fights if I also didn't have to remeber when my next spell was going to hit and make sure it landed. Having gmud leaves me with very few addons, last time I told someone I used it they freaked. I've never used anything else.

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I use triggers only to highlight when sanctuary and flight fall (and other important class-specific spells like protective shield), as well as when I am disarmed/shield disarmed. All highlights are in bright green.

I do not trust triggers at all. No matter how good you are at managing them, wait until you're in that heated battle and you forget to turn off your auto-pick up gold trigger and someone kills you because you ran at half-speed, stopping to pick up gold in every room.

Wait until you're disarmed and lagged, (an example being DK disarming whilst charmie bashes, then DK bashing) and near death, and the laglock breaks just long enough for you to enter one command. That command could have been flee, if it wasn't for the trigger that automatically picks up and wield your disarm weapon/shield that's stacked in from when you were first laglocked.

Or maybe you're close to getting that kill, and you need to enter just one more command to kill them... but you're blind, and that trigger that makes you recite a flight scroll once your flight scroll kicks in (because being such the good player the trigger user is, they're assuming they'll flee when sanctuary's going to fall), and you see this.

Your feet drop to the ground. (or whatever the message is)

recite flight <-- trigger, pops in just before you type your spell

c hellstream

Message about trying to recite flight scroll.

Your enemy flees!

They aren't here. <-- your hellstream missing, that would have hit if it wasn't for the trigger.

Or the auto-murder trigger that makes you automatically attack as your specified opponent rides into the room. Won't you be annoyed when you forget that one time to turn it off whilst you're fleeing from someone whilst having 10hp, they run in and you attack them?


You see what I'm getting at, in a longwinded way. Triggers are the devil's work!


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I actually use a lot of triggers, macros, and aliases. But not in a way you would think.

I use triggers to highlight important information like when spells land or fail. I also use triggers in conjunction with variables to keep track and #SHOW (with a macro) a list of spells that have fallen. I got that idea when I first started playing a battlemage. It saved me many times.

Sometimes on a shaman I will use a similar method that will tell me how long my maledictions have left on my opponent.

My most recent addition is a set of triggers and aliases to show round per round how much damage I am dealing and how much damage I am being dealt (estimated of course).

Other than that I occasionally use aliases to shorten up my typing, for example pwd instead of c 'powerword kill'.

I do agree that combat triggers would get someone killed. I've never tried them because FL combat can become very unpredictable very quickly. You don't want your client to suddenly spam murder @enemy 4 times when you are trying to run away. All of my triggers are passive and cause no in game lag. I'm just waiting for my processor to take a dump ;) .

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Yeah, I use aliases too. I have 'mu' and 'mur' set for murder so I don't have to type it out. 'c' is always charge, with any class that has it, or usually some sort of opening skill with other classes. sanc = c sanctuary, fb = c fireball, word = c 'word of recall', etc. etc.

There is also a really good in-game system for managing your affects list if you're aware of what their affects are. Great for a BMG, or for when you're fighting a shaman.

For example, if I want to keep track of my invoker spells, I would do this:

aff 1 arm armor

aff 2 shi shield

aff 3 det detect invis

aff 4 san sanctuary

etc. etc. for all major invoker spells that I will have up at all times (so obviously excluding the shields, so I can see easily in the affects list what shield I have up).

The syntax is simple. 'aff' obviously is the indicator you're setting up the affects list. The numerical value is what order in the list you want the spells to show. In the above example, armor comes first, then shield, then detect invis, etc. etc.

The next bit is the three letters you want to see in the affects list (you'll see what I mean).

The last bit is the full name of the affect.

So now, if I had those four spells up and fire shield and typed 'affects', I'd see this:

You are affected by the following:

arm shi det san
24 24 24 8

Fire shield: for x hours

The number is how long the affect will last for. When the number reaches 1 or 0 hours to go, the MUD also highlights the number in red automatically so you know that the spell has 1/2 hours left before it drops - ridiculously useful for managing spells, as it doesn't clog up your affects list. Want to see how it's useful for fighting shaman? Imagine the size of your affects list as a BMG, with cabal spells up, and malled up to the max.

Affects list would be bigger obviously, just an example here:

You are affected by the following:

arm shi det san air fly bla
24 24 24 8 15 10 [COLOR="Red"]1[/COLOR]

deteroriate : modifies x by x : for x hours.
plague : modifies x by x : for x hours
poison : moidifes x by x for x hours
curse : ....same as above
hex : ...same as above..
etc. etc.

So easy to seperate positive and negative affects this way, so you can keep a track on them so easily.


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Highlights man.

Highlight the following...

for 3 hours (yellow)

for 2 hours (yellow)

for 1 hours (red)

for 0 hours (red)

now you have "at a glance" coverage of every thing possibly effecting you. With three tic warning as to when it might crash. So you can very quickly decide if you wanna jockey your opponent a bit for that tic or two to let a crucial spell/skill fade.

Also capturing and setting highlights for mal's in yellow helps you see when you have been cursed on your bmage with 2340409324 things affecting you.

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I do the same thing except I only highlight 1 hours and 0 hours' date=' green and yellow. A quick af tells me I should probably flee because sanc is yellow, or protective shield is yellow ect.[/quote']

Exactly, it is a no harm all benefit setup.

also, for example, setting spell turning to red lets you get a quick glance at that cleric who has 20 things on them.

And haveing a variable set up to make whomever your targeting have their name in yellow, or green lets you locate them quicker on scans in places like elium.

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I think many people use trigers in here.

FOr example, thieves, who wait in room for oponent to enter and then blackjack.

I wonce fought a DK that used this to land his Cleaves. But i was was a elf, so i dismounted and surprised him... with a charge :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

I use a lot of triggers, primarily for training and highlighting, but I do have some combat triggers.

Every one of my combat triggers, however, is tied to a button on my screen that turns it on or off - I only get in trouble when I forget it is on and something happens, but that is relatively rare.

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I have triggers that highlight sanc, fly and prot shield dropping. They are set so it will highlight mine as well as someone else's.

I have had 'chase' triggers set up before - and an alias to turn them on and off. I can't remember if they are set under my current config. I never ran into trouble as it was one keystroke to get it on and off. It is a dangerous thing to do though - but sometimes its worth the risk.

For the record, spamming is faster than any clients trigger given a decent connection. If someone is using triggers sit and spam - when they walk in you will get the first shot in.

Macro's set on the F keys - mostly training stuff, unless I'm using norem weaopns in which case I have one set to get them off in a hurry.

I am able to set up variables with my client (JMC). I have an alias like this (props to Morathi for this):

#alias prey $prey - this sets the variable so I type:

prey Deykari the Master Bard

and the variable becomes 'Deykari the Master Bard'

Now, I work off the home row, so I have the following bound:

#alias t charge $prey

#alias g bash/bodyslam $prey

#alias b trip $prey

#alias r murder $prey

Now I'm just one keystroke away from another PK :-D



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Same with this ZMud I had, danke to random_clown

I just type "target LA"

and then all my aliases (which I can save to different classes, right click, and then select what class I am playing) and then set my aliases for f, g, r, and t....and Im always setup to fight with four opening attacks already one key away.

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I still use the disarm trigger.. the problem with that is you usually wield a gyvel potion instead of your disarmed weapon when you've been dirt kicked. :P

But I almost never use weapons that can be disarmed so yeh.

Color triggers are very good for casters/communers.

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And haveing a variable set up to make whomever your targeting have their name in yellow' date=' or green lets you locate them quicker on scans in places like elium.[/quote']

You know what, that is a really good idea.

I'm going to look into how I'd do this when I get home from work. Fighting in Elium Forest is the only time I hope my enemies are in sanctuary because it's so hard to find them without. :D


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That's not that hard of a trigger to really set up for me at least. I've thought about it because of the annoying factor of them running, and it helps me in the Pentagram with ice/fire demons since I have them colored, red for fire and blue for ice, that way if I'm leading a group in there, I can easily find them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

do what? its always above the hours


14 8 24 10 18

Another thing to use is highlights....like below, this also helps you see whats on an opponent in a glance.

#highlight {red} {Spell failed.}

#highlight {yellow} {Spell: blindness}

#highlight {yellow} {Spell: curse}

#highlight {yellow} {Spell: deteriorate}

#highlight {yellow} {Spell: insomnia}

#highlight {yellow} {Spell: mark of visitation}

#highlight {yellow} {Spell: mass hysteria}

#highlight {yellow} {Spell: plague}

#highlight {yellow} {Spell: poison}

#highlight {white} {Spell: sanctuary}

#highlight {yellow} {Spell: weaken}

this set below really improved my ability to be prepared for battle...

#highlight {red} {for 0 hours}

#highlight {red} {for 1 hours}

#highlight {yellow} {for 2 hours

as I get clear a warning when spells are about to drop. I use wintin, btw, which is great for customization and doesnt have any buffer.

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do what? its always above the hours


14 8 24 10 18

No its not always like this, on my char it is like this:

14 8 24 10 18


Thanks for the rest of your post tho, it is really helps a lot.

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