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So...I'm trying to play and I'm getting nasty lag spikes, I'm the only one and my girlfriend gets them also, but not at the same times. Everything else works fine, internet, music downloads, just mud. It's not zmud, I tried others. I assume it MUST be my internet connection. Anyone know anything about this?

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I constantly get lag spikes too.. I think it is usual if you have two or more comps connected. I usually MUD while my wife chats or surfs using my laptop. It doesn't affect anything else though cept the MUD.

I just hit disconnect and reconnect... coz sometimes the lag takes around 2 ticks or more.

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Unless you're doing something sexy through a separate server that splits your bandwidth I think you'll find that sharing bandwidth gives 100% banwidth to one request at any one time. The only reason you notice it more with MUD than anything else is that MUD is real time. When something doesn't happen, you see it. Browsing and chat are harder to notice these things on.

The answer is deal with it, don't play when someone else is doing anything, get a faster broadband connection or set up a server with some really cool bandwidth throttling capabilities. There are varoius builds of unix/linux for free that will easily run on a spare box that won't need super specifications.


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