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After dying 31 times today ( give or take ), each time during re-equiping i have decided to just give up on this character. i should have known better than to try and play a ninja as my first character in 7 months.


| Serian || the Menkyo |


| Str: 19(19) || Level: 45 Sex: F Age : 17(62h) |

| Int: 21(21) || Class: ninja Ethos: chaotic |

| Wis: 21(21) || Race : avian Align: evil |

| Dex: 23(23) || Hp : ./. Exp : 57438/454962 |

| Con: 1(1) || Mana : ./. |

\ Luck: [------] \/ Move : ./. +Hit: . +Dam: . /


| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Thinoth |

| Slash : 0 || Spell : 0 || Faith : Combat |

| Pierce: 0 || Afflictive : 0 || Weight: 0/0 |

| Blunt : 0 || Maledictive: 0 || Items : 0/0 |

| Magic : 0 || Mental : 0 || Prac : 0 Train: 0 |

| || || Gold : 0 |


/ Condition: You delete out of frustration. \

| You are dead. |


<112hp 141m 364mv> skill

Level 1: dagger 100 spear 78

sword 100 hand to hand 100

kick 1 parry 100

scrolls 78 staves 100

recall 100 staff 100

Level 3: dirt kicking 100

Level 4: hide 93

Level 5: sneak 80

Level 8: fast healing 85

Level 9: second attack 100

Level 10: detect hidden 81 endure 86

Level 11: enhanced damage 100

Level 13: disarm 76

Level 14: pick lock 77 caltraps 100

Level 15: trip 78 meditation 100

grapple 86

Level 16: dual wield 100 vanish 75

Level 17: dodge 100 haggle 77

defuse 76

Level 18: third attack 100 blindness dust 83

Level 19: lore 75 poison smoke 81

Level 20: strangle 100 nerve 98

Level 22: throw 79 edge craft 80

Level 25: acupuncture 76 chii 82

Level 28: pugil 100

Level 30: double kick 1

Level 33: envenom 75 decoy 79

Level 35: push 75

Level 37: shadow arts 100

Level 38: study 93

Level 40: fired weapons 75

Level 42: assassinate 100

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31 deaths in 1 day is more than extreme - it means you are doing something wrong.

Pleaes tell me it was different people killing you and that you didn't die by being stubborn and not logging when you knew someone was easily going to kill you again and again....

Good luck on your next - I ranked a little with Serian. You were good to work with.


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well, actually most of them were different people a few were multi-kills, but i guess its to be expected. Maybe its just me but this game has reached a new level of savagery... I got attacked by everything from faeries to undead while equipping. Not used to all that hostility, guess its time for something I'm used to playing. That was my first ninja in five years and first character in 7 months, its kinda what i expected to happen. gotta get back in the spin of things and find where they moved certain places, cough cough.

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It'll come back - you didn't seem to shabby when I was ranking with you. Knew what to do, how to do it - and perhaps more importantly were willing to work as a group instead of some of the clowns who just want their next rank so they can try to PK you.

Sometimes its pretty bitter at the top ranks now - almost everyone is looking for someone to attack. The days of being able to have a savage confrontation with one person until someone dies are over. If you have to run you pretty much expect to be jumped on the way out now.

Goods are really after evils, evils are their usual selves, several of the qraces seem to just want to kill anyone - including group members (and I can't understand why people haven't told them to f*** off, there not welcome on eq trips again after dying to them...).

You'll get used to it pretty quickly.


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Serian Mastering all weapons helps alot Im sure you know.

61 hours and con death.. If thats not a record Ill be amazed. I think one of my characters killed yo uonce, not sure. anyways good luck on the next and please don pick a cleric its a puss way out. Imo.

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Serian Mastering all weapons helps alot Im sure you know.

61 hours and con death.. If thats not a record Ill be amazed. I think one of my characters killed yo uonce, not sure. anyways good luck on the next and please don pick a cleric its a puss way out. Imo.

Challenge. Dominate with one and then tell him that. Sure you have survivabilty, but with the minister bug fixed I don't know why people are still complaining. Clerics are a fun class and in no way should be looked at as an 'easy class'. Sure you can live, but good luck trying to pk someone.

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I still see the same problems with Clerics as I did before the bug was fixed. Path of deceit still does a huge amount of damage even with saves (seems that saves are mostly random in actually saving you against those spells at least with the range of damage it does). With 0 saves I have taken ***OBLITS and with -50 and better saves I've still taken that kind of damage all without sanc of course. Clerics who go straight up damage as long as they can chase, can still take on a lot of people in straight up combat. It only lags 1 round so you can keep doing it over and over again and if the damage stays consistent, if you don't run you're screwed. Evil Clerics have a lot more power to them than your average Joe because they have several protections with the option of being very offensive where as many classes can be only either very defensive or very offensive based on how a player perceives his/her class. They're probably the only class I've ever fought and had a very difficult time against even by changing my tactics around. Some will get them down faster, but they can still heal and they can outheal many classes/races with the various scrolls/consumables/staves they can choose from.

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I think both path and ray should be based on what religion you follow as well and rather than doing 3 things, do one of possibly 4 things and since it would be based on people's religion, not everyone could roll up and have the same things. Since Discord DI is so great a lot of the time for people who make them, perhaps make their path faerie fire people.

As a side note for the character though, glad another ninja is gone. That character recently annoyed mine whether it was intentional or not by the player themself and if it was known to the player or not.

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I think its the lag on Path and Minister that makes clerics so strong. With minister you have a spell that lasts 5-7 hours, with four rounds of lag every hour. That means that you get 20-28 rounds of lag off of succeeding a spell that takes only one round to cast. In addition, you know exactly when your opponent will be lagged, and its on the hour with spells falling.

Whenever I think about clerics, I can't help but compare them to invokers. There are basically three methods that you use kill people: Lag, Maledictives, and heavy Damage/Afflictive. Clerics combine all three, while invokers have just one. Most classes in FL combine 2 of these areas, or sometimes concentrate very heavily in one. Clerics, like vampires, have the capability to combine all three.

1) A cleric has better protection than an invoker (Stone skin and Protection)

2) Way better defense than an invoker (Shield block or Two handed)

3) An extremely reliable lagging technique (Minister, see above)

4) The ability to heal themselves to their hearts content

5) Spells to help with melee (Frenzy and Giant strength)

6) Mals (Calm, Curse, Poison, Plague, Blasphemy)

7) A highly offensive spell with one round of lag coupled with any of 3 mals for no added lag

8) You aren't required to lower your health in order to maintain optimal spellcasting rates.

The advantage the Invoker has...

1) Screw with people's equipment (Spells that take a round with a fully charged staff. Now, obviously anyone will tell you if you don't have a fully charged staff you are a moron; however, clerics have no time delay on achieving the bonuses mentioned above.)

2) Using offensive spells with comparable lag (Again with a fully charged staff), the ability to do double the damage. (Most of the time, this won't be true even)

So what if you can do more damage when a cleric can simply heal themselves, lag, mal, and have all the other bonuses aforementioned.

Sorry about the off topic, but I couldn't help replying seeing some of the above posts.

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Calron: I disagree - especially with your comparison between invokers and clerics.

Clerics are a 1-dimensional class. If you've fought one then you've seen the base tactics for them all. Minister/curse/path are the staple spells - and of these path is the only damage spell.

Path is easily saved against - its an afflictive spell and -sva isn't hard to come by. Factor in sanctuary and protection (usable against all clerics) and the damage they can deal from with path is looking pretty pathetic. Most of the time you can probably get it down to maim or MUTILATE. If you're an ogre you'll see a **DEMO. Ask yourself, how many rounds must they stand there and cast for at that damage rate to reduce your hp to 0? If a cleric is able to do this then YOU are doing something very, very wrong.


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Re-read my post and you'll notice that I never complained about fighting clerics. I simply stated what I believe makes the cleric class strong. You'll also notice I did not suggest changing anything. What I did do was reply to some other posts that stated reasons clerics are strong, and make a comparison to another class.

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Re-read my post and you'll notice that I never complained about fighting clerics. I simply stated what I believe makes the cleric class strong. You'll also notice I did not suggest changing anything. What I did do was reply to some other posts that stated reasons clerics are strong' date=' and make a comparison to another class.[/quote']

Fair enough - though I would argue that their major strength is that the can survive easily and simply wait for you to make a mistake and then kill you. Clerics have little straight up fight power compared to many other classes.


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Maybe not "straight-up" fight power. But their fight power, indirect if you want to call it that, is quite powerful. Joined with a few sub-cabals powers...a cleric, evil especially, can be quite the powerhouse.

Just roll a halfling blademaster to destroy it though. ;)

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