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Your (own) favourite character of 3.0


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Alright, we've had the characters that suck.. Now lets all think back and remember the best of the best (personal experience) since the start of 3.0.

Tell me who it was and why.

Mine has to be Ghadryn Ceyden, I did many things I wanted to do, fought how I wanted to fight and taught a whole lot to a whole lot of other people too.

I learnt alot with him and he has definately been the most fun I have had in 3.0.

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He was my second fifty in 3.0, and my longest running character ever. I had a good many friendships form and disintegrate around him. He provided me with some pretty valuable RP experience, and a little of PK (I was initially going to go for 'sader with him, but changed my mind around level 30).

hmm...makes me want to go roll another pally.

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I don't know if I could pick which I've enjoyed most in 3.0, especially considering that I've only ever played in 3.0.

I'm going to say all of my pinns that I've had for any significant length of time I have thoroughly enjoyed in their own way, whilst each have had their downsides. Samaet was probably the easiest for me to roleplay out, was no chore for me to get into that style of character - however he bored me after a bit.


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As I mentioned in the other thread, Xxtyx. Vhalen comes close, but Xxtyx was definitely a more fantastical character with a richer history and RP. It was incredibly interesting to play as him and see how people reacted.

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I remenber Nhaudamiel. Quite nice character. As oposed to that butcher that was the ogre ranger... cannot remenber your friend name.

That was like a full year ago. Those where the day. With Tribunal Vamp ruling all.

Fun times.

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Guest emp_newb

I cannot really remember which chars where 2.0, which 3.0. My last few chars have been alot of fun. Garint had the most fun for RP, but when I pinned and was a human with a busted Divine intervention, I did not see any real reason to keep going. In garint's eyes the reason his DI did not work, was because I was not the perfect cleric of chayesh.

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[stone Berk 50] [WARMSTER (L)] [battle (L)] Gylrad Yoron the Lone Warrior

I learnt a hell of a lot about playing melee's on Gylrad and felt that I stuck to his RP very well. Had a lot of good battles - and even came to grudgingly respect some of the Savants that he hated so much.

He held to his RP right to the end - and I'm happy to say I was neutral and never killed anyone who I just wandered by because I 'felt like it' or 'they had some shiny I wanted.'



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Mestaria Trillien

I managed to get into my first cabal with her. I learned tons and developed an RP i enjoyed. I had tons of non-pk interaction with plenty of folks and this i very much enjoyed. Playing her was fun and interesting, something i unfortunately am unable to recreate :(.

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