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The first to take the plunge


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I handled the first one solo with some help of the IMM's as far as the background went, but now I need everyones help.

Battle Royale:

A 3 Round Free For All involving as many as 20 contestants at one time. Contestants will battle one another until only one champion is left standing. That champion will be pulled from any further competitions in order to give other competitors a chance at victory. The 3 Champions will then battle in a free for all with the winners being claimed in the order they fall (first to fall 3rd, second 2nd and the last standing 1st).


1. All competitors will allow others to follow them as they battle.

2. Informal packs (no groups) may be used until only 5 competitors remain.

3. No competitor will follow another competitor, even if in a pack.

4. Consumeable items must be provided by the contestant before the event.

Eating Competition:

Contestants will supply their own food to judges that will be fed to them until no more can be consumed. Contestants may defacate and vomit as they need in order to feed their stomachs. In the event of a tie, the first contestant to eat again will be declared the winner.


1. The food provided must at some time make the contestant full, no exceptions.

2. If the food decays while the contestant waits to eat again, the first person to eat wins, there will be no hold on time to go and retrieve more food.

Aabahran Global Carnival Track and Field!

Contestants will race from Val Miran to Miruvhor, Falen Dara to Airia and finally Marak to Gal Ranidon. The finish will be the central most part of each city (defined below).


1. There will be no gating, teleporting or use of portals. All contestants who have such ability must be followed by a judge.

2. Mounts, flight and any other means of travel (where feet are involved) must be supplied by the competitor.

3. The first 6 to finish the Val Miran to Miruvhor Race will proceed to the Falen Dara to Airia Race.

4. The first 3 to finish the Falen Dara to Airia Race will proceed to the Marak to Gal Ranidon race.

5. In the event more than 6 or 3 competitors finish at the same time, dice will be thrown in a single elimination fashion to achieve the number required for the next race.

Scavenger Hunt

Contestants will be given a list of items that they must find throughout the lands. Once the items are retrieved, they must be taken to the host and verified as the items on the list. Once verified, a final clue will be given for a single item placed somewhere in the lands. The first contestant to bring the item to the host will be declared the winner.


None, go at it chaps and may the best/worste one win

Whose Golem is it Anyway?

Contestants will be given one (1) clue every twenty four (24) hours as to the location of a golden golem (up to 5 hints). The golem will give each contestant ONE geuss as to the owner every twelve (12) hours. The golems appearance will give a hint to the owner (mortal or immortal alike) with enough flare that no more than 2 guesses should be needed.


None, go at it chaps and may the best/worse one win.

The Pack Rats

Contestants will be given a travel bag purchased within Rheydin. There will be 3 basic competitions from the bag.

The Oddest collection

The Lightest collection

The Heaviest collection

Oddest Rules:

1. Judges will vote and decide on who has the oddest collection.

Lightest Rules:

1. An object may be used no more than twice, meaning you can have only two of one thing in your bag.

2. A filled bag (atleast 1/2 capacity) that is lightest.

3. The formula (Weight x #of items) will determine a point system, lowest points wins.

Heaviest Rules.

1. An object may be used no more than twice, meaning you can have only two of one thing in your bag.

2. A filled bag (at least 1/2 capacity) that is Heaviest.

3. The formula (weight / #of items) will determine a point system, highest points wins.

That, is the list of sponsored events that I made myself, some not so original but others completely mine. The work I put it to it was both rewarding and fun to the point where I want to share it with the PBASE.

I was going to get a forum handle for this task specifically but since the repeal went in to affect, there you have it. I think this avenue is so much easier to discuss things than IC.

I want new ideas, new events, something you want added that can be tweaked in a fashion as to allow me (and the staff) to make it come to life. General ideas are great, we can work with those and see if we can make them work as an event.

Just so we all get this correctly, these are not ALL of them. The others are spoilers and secret contests that I will throw in the mix and pass on to my aide if/when I condie delete.

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I just wanted to bump this again for you *** holes who say there is no RP. My last 4 charactes have ALL been major RP plots. ALL of them. Am I the only one, I think not.

But I can tell you that I was looked at hostily and fought against by several players who eventually caved in and participated....it is frustrating to put so much work in to something and have it blown off *not by the immortals, you all really impressed me with how much you are willing to do*.

So, to all of you who say RP this, RP that. It is here, look for it. I sent out APP's for apprentice and assistant, I got 3. That's it, 3. That was the I get to interact with IMM's on a dialy bassis and have fun creating things position ALL WHILE PKing! No one took it so shame on all of you.

Have a nice day and drive through.

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I read it when you posted it. Your ideas are fine and I like them. I didn't have anything to add like you asked for so I didn't say anything. That doesn't mean I don't care.

I guess I do kinda have a suggestion. Tell us when and where this'll happen so I can be there.

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Let the RP die, the heads roll and my anger free.

Moquir is dead, and I am going to roll a PK monster to get revenge on all you little twerps who want to poke at newbs and interrupt RP. Know what the difference is going to be though? Ehh? I am going to do it with class :eek: .

By all means, let the carnival die, it was a lot of work that was under appreciated by the pbase and not the staff. You guys rocked my socks with the work and I hope someone takes over. But with no one IG applying for the position to take it over, I let it go. The whole mess with Herald left a sour taste in my mouth that I couldn't wash out.

I will be gone for a little while, I find the lack of civility in the lands disturbing and I really hate, and I do mean hate, where it is being dragged down too. I hope that you players look at how you are treating the other players and think hey, it's a game, but there is someone on the other side of the sceen playing it who works hard. I don't care if you RP the hardest mofo in the lands and take **** from no-one. People have bad days and you don't need to make it worse. Think people, it is a hard game to learn and you can make the learning fun or suck ***. Pick for yourselves.

Peace guys, no hard feelings to anyone, just not my cup of tea right now.

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Guest emp_newb

It happens man, Roll with the punches, rage deleting a char who you deemed to have so much work into him, how much heart did you have in the char to delete out of frustration? Sorry to hear he is gone, as I liked the flavor he brought, but I hope you decide to return soon, and bring a power combo, I mean halfer blm is such a crap combo..........

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ca "Harden up Princess"

You utter the words "asdhuwasdakkkkk"

You are already affected by this spell.


You are affected by the following:

Harden - Princess: Modifies endurance + 300 Permanent

Nope, tried that. This isn't one of those one time things, this is a hoop *** of hoop ***. And a halfer blademaster who isn't trained isn't all that great.

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While I understand that you've put a lot of work into this you really shouldn't take it personally that people don't want to participate. Not everyone shares your view of 'RP' and not everyone wants to take time out from ranking or cabal wars.

Its like halloween - while it can be a lot of fun, there are times when I wished that it wasn't on so I could just rank or eq my primary character.

One more thing:

I am going to roll a PK monster to get revenge on all

Bring it. :mad:


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