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What is Trash?


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From time to time I like to pose a question to everyone here, and this is no different. I'm not trying to stir anything up, but honestly of all of us here on the forums who hasn't at some time or another done something "trashy"? And of those, who cares if what they did was trashy? I will admit that though I try to be as "honorable a player" as I can be, I have done some things in the past that afterward made my stomach do hoolahoops around my *** from guilt, and the thought that I may have made said person quit playing. These experiences were few and far between, and usually provoked by something of this nature being done to myself though I know that's no excuse. Even when trying to play and RP the most EVIL SOB, I will not stoop to becoming trash in order to get what I want. But then who of us would? And how many are willing to admit it? Because we all see trash happen(however it may be defined) and I seriously doubt that all that trash is coming from the part of the player base that doesn't contribute here. Some of us (no names, no accussasions, you all know who you are, if there's a question in your mind that I might be talking about you then odds are I am) are engaging in trash.:eek:

PART ONE of this players investigation into "Trash". We will continue next week in this ongoing segment of the forum.

Disclaimer: This article in no way expresses the views and opinions of this forum.

Disclaimer #2: Just so everyone knows I'm not flaming anyone, nor am I trying to vent anger at some recent womping I received. This is Purely hypothetical, and meant to be start off a civilized conversation between our community.

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I'm of the opinion that trash probably just someone with killing or annoying power doing it for that sole reason, for example, a rank 25 thief with no eq and a gigantic exp whole. Basically someone never intending to rank who doesn't care about dying. Could be any class/race, I suppose.

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