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They suck, do they not? Worst defense in the game makes one of the better weapon types in the game almost completly unused, how do we change this?

What can we change about whips that would make them a more used weapon, we all know that they are a piece of leather line with a handle in most cases, does anyone have any ideas on how to improve this weapon?

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Instead of -5 in defense for being bad make them -4. Definitely wouldn't ever primary 1 handed and dual another weapon for it, I'd rather dual wield it so I lose dual parry on classes who have it and just use it vs. people who can't use them when I can only dual wield, in which case since dual parry rarely ever works anyways, might as well just use it anyways. I think major problem is people don't know where a whole lot of whips are and the fact that there's like maybe 3 good ones and 2 are hard to get, why bother when you can grab an exotic weapon that does 3+ nifty things when you attack with it and the whip does very basic attacks. I see weapons that have extra attacks as being more powerful than your basic whips that are hard to get for anyone really solo. There is one that's very easy to get at lvl 30-35 or so, but otherwise you either have to be lucky or find a group to help you once you hit 40+.

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I originally opened this thread thinking it was going to be a proposed tone-down. :D

Seriously, whips are immense. Infact, I've fought decked warriors dual-wielding whips as a decked hybrid (thus having the standard dodge/parry/shield-block/two-handed defenses) and a couple of other classes and found myself greatly outmeleed regardless of their poor defense because of their strong offense.

Not saying that they need a tone-down. Just that, they don't need a tone-up.


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