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I apologize for all who were offended by Jesster's immature threads. I responded as soon as I witnessed said threads. I would like to say thank you to all who prayed IG to get us to realize what was going on. Needless to say, he has been forever removed from our community.


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Guest emp_newb

Jeeze, I wonder if any Iraqi insurgents post on their forum like that? You know crude pictures of a womans entire face and stuff.

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The Staff has nothing at all to apologize about. You are here because you enjoy the game. You don't get paid. So no one can expect you to be sitting around surfing the forum every 5 minutes to look for people posting flames and other "hot" items. (dunno if the pictures where of that, just assuming from what I read.) This is a community of adults, for the most part. And the players under 18 are of very good public morality. Everyone get's mad and flames once in awhile. He just blew up.

He was going to be banned sooner or later, you could just tell by his attitude. You guys, and gals, do an excellent job here. If I had the money, I'd pay you all for running this game. But, alas, I am a poor S.O.B.... so you only get my thanks and recomendations to other mudders.


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Well said Guitarist, his attitude was poor and every bit of help he was given he argued it to death. Sometimes you do just need to accept the game for what it is, and the way its being run for how its being ran. That is to say if you want to play here for an extended amount of time. Are there ways around the bann? SURE, I was banned from the forum for more than 2 weeks (lips are sealed) but I was able to read everything cept shout outs and prayer forums. But he will not be welcomed by any means. I only heard about what he did, for that day I had a life. :(

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