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I read something somewhere recently and then had something happen to me tonight, and I feel like writing:)

Who is your charactor? What ethoes he/she you believe? What god do they worship?

This is what you have to be thinking when you are playing. If you are all about pkills and silent killer or kill'em all, play a race/class who worships chaos and or death and kill. If you worship life, love and happyness then roleplay that, same with those of balance who dont care one way or another.

This game is not about pkills 'unless' your char is a killer, and why some people play non killer classes/races/aligns and then kill someone like they were a ruthless killer is just boggling and a breach of RP. Why are so many concerned with getting another pk when it doesnt mean anything?

All in all, you will never be the best killer, have the biggest record or compete for some of those titles laid back in 2.0 and earlier, stop trying. Play a char the way its meant to be played, follow your paths, religs, aligns so that people will know what to expect. What people dont see coming is for example: an elf laying waste to a neutral because he could. The game is not for the individual, its for the playerbase on a whole, play for each other, not yourself and you will find more people play for you.


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I think more than half of the playerbase follow that code anyways UC. I would say it's rare to see PKers who are "not true" to their alignment/religion.

And then- some wouldn't even see this as a big deal coz RP isn't their thing, and I think that's when imms step in to encourage the said char to RP.

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