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Hall of Fame Nominations


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Charim- A shining example of why fire is better than ice. Charim not only led the Warmaster, but attained the status of Hero amongst the Immortal. To add, Charim stepped down as leader of the Warmaster in order to allow another the chance at leadership. That is a sacrafice worth mentioning in history.

Irpel- Come on, he has a house.

Teralius (sp)- The undead ninja hero mummy. That was some badass RP my man.

Every IMM- I think that every immortal, big or small, should be added to the Hall of fame.

Martineius- The first High King of the Tribunal, always a pleasure.

Athelea + Seiluna- With my personal interactions, they made my rp step up two notches, maybe 3. They went from royal pains to elegant sisters and finally your corner meat.

Malynne- Though I personaly didn't think much of her, she did advance to the rank of immortality.

Moquir + Ravanex- I am selfish, give me a break. I put a lot of work in to those chars and I want to inflate my ego a bit. :D

Morchial- A gargoyle from Evermore? GREAT! Not to mention the fact that he wasn't a silent killer and actually LEAD his people, not just had more pkills.

Suunmar- Time itself stopped for this man when it would for no other. His dedication in his prime more than warrants this honor.

Messalantha- Deadly mistress, you have my praise.

That is all I can think of right now.

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Heroes could not die... (they were immortal for goodness sake :D )

I faced the druid hero (can't recall name, sorry) and he would remain at 1 hp no matter what I did.

When I finally wanted to put the Hero to rest, the Syndicate Imm at the time did some RP thing and tried slaying me to condeath, but it wouldn't go past "one more death will send you beyond the grave." Ultimately, we decided for the deny.

Personally, I'm against the HoF. Who doesn't want some Fame or to be Immortalized in some way on the site. But by what criterion does someone make the list? Won't people be ultimately dissatisfied with some that make the list, and others that do not? It just feels like stroking the ego's of those that make it (albiet they may well deserve it).

A suggestion (perhaps not a great one):

Have a forum section where every member can open one thread for themselves listing 1-3 chars they feel known for, which they can include Bios'. Gives an even chance for everyone to be part of the HoF. They can edit/update names over time as they see fit for their own thread. Also gives everyone a chance to actively be a part of the community.

Edit: of course, this could be on top of the ones already listed (since some of them don't play anymore).

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I say all the characters that were Heroes should be listed in the HoF, that would get rid of confusion as who else should be added. As for anyone else, I think anyone who was well known to do something, not necessarily people who have condeathed, but those who made some kind of impression upon others and influenced them in some way. IE: I believe Shendamarin or however the blind Elf Healer was, but he was very impressive by far as far as RP goes and everything else. If a player plays multiple characters that could be nominated into the HoF, the player themselves assuming they play still has the option of choosing which one makes it if any at all.

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