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The Golden Standard


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My own stance is this: the full loot is there to penalise somebody, or to aid me. Be it for their strength (thus making them weaker and easier for me to fight in future) or because they've ****ed me off (making them think twice before throwing in a sly OOC flame at me for something, or ganging/jumping in my battles, etc.), or even because I'm fighting a Cabal war on my own against three enemies and I need to keep one of them out of action for a while to make it easier to retrieve my standard. If I'm naked/poorly dressed and I kill somebody decked, I'll full loot so I can rummage through their gear, thus helping myself.

Why won't I full-loot outside of these circumstances? Because full-looting outside of these circumstances doesn't help me -assuming I'm already wearing all that I need and I can kill someone with ease, full looting them does very little to help me. Unless they've ****ed me off as a player, where it makes me feel a lot better about myself.

I always expect to be full-looted. I will sometimes return to my corpse, but I'm not usually disappointed if I find nothing.

Now, I'm not here to preach or tell people what they should or shouldn't do - it's a game, stomping & looting is legit, and I'm perfectly fine with it. It adds an element of spice to the MUD for me, knowing that there's more risk involved with death than with most types of game that involve short downtime (typical downtime after death in fast-paced FPS games is about 10-15 seconds, compare that with a downtime of a series of hours over a long period of time to get fully decked with a melee ;)).

I have to say it though - it is possible to be a brutal, tough player whilst throwing a rope to the players having a harder the normal time. You don't have to, but don't be surprised when people value their life and time enough to log out, ESPECIALLY when you consider how some classes can retake a standard FASTER than you can wait out the adrenaline timer to log-out. Think about that.

Nobody's saying you have to, and nobody is saying that it's a bad thing to show tough love, but if you show it, don't complain if people are logging when you're about because not everybody will find that their idea of fun.

And for the record, sorry for rambling. I have a real issue with not being able to cut to the point with anything, and I end up taking 4000 lines doing a poor job of trying explain something that most could explain in one paragraph. :D


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