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Taking a break...


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I am done for a while...

I cant stand the total mountain of just real ugly rp that seems to be the run of the mill nowadays

People spend so much time telling others how much they suck, how crappy they are, how stupid they are and this and that. I really find myself not enjoying any interactions of late because of this seemingly constant rude and nasty onslaught I get whenever I login.

When I get kills I am told I am an ***, and I suck and I am rude, and I cheated.

When I am on the losing end I get told how weak and crappy I am then I get full looted.

When I am winning, my opponents who escape run off to then start throwing insults.

Now if it is in all these different characters rp to act this way, then they need to stop getting their rp from the same page of the same book. Personally It just seems that most have this "nyah nyah" schoolyard behavior that I really dont find enjoyable in the least.

No noble enemies, no rp with foes...no decent interactions...no..all That seems to rise from the masses is a constant bickering rude insulting attitude.

So with that said, I am withdrawing for a undetermined amount of time. I just dont feel like dealing with the uncreative rude affornt that seems to be the standard interaction nowadays.

Thanks all, cya.

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Again, I refer to the other goodbye post, but I will tell you that the RP is there if you make it/seek it. You can't expect everyone to be as mature as you in a free online game, but compare this to ANY other MMO (and this is an MMO) and you'll find that you can actually breathe and live as a character here. Even on RP servers on any modern MMO you'll get nothing. And for other MUDs, you'll find that any PK mud will attract people who want the thrill and the satisfaction of fighting a living, breathing, thinking target. They'll skate by on RP so that they can satisfy that competitive edge. Otherwise they'd just play an RP mud or a solo game with graphics. But everyone here wants to RP in some form or another, or else they'd just be playing shooters. Not everyone has developed roleplaying methods and style, however, and often must be helped along. Yes, there is alot of immaturity. But take Aulian's lead, or any other number of players. Rather than quit, help players who are obviously less mature/developed than you along. If you need a break, you need a break. Lord knows I'm the king of that, but throwing your hands up in frustration and walking away just says that you've let people bring you down to their level, and you're not willing to do something you enjoy because of it.

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I debated quite a bit before posting this...but hey, here goes..

I have tried constantly for the past several weeks to RP with those that would be my enemies as well as those with whom I share clan or cabal. What I have found is the same negative, you suck, i hate you, your an ***, attitude from 90% of the people I interact with. Only those who are your like align and protected from pkill or those that kiss your butt so you wont attack them (which is obvious) even interact...and in those cases its short and void of any real substance. Often times an effort to just get some armor, or to avoid getting killed till you have decent armor.

So dont go telling me about effort, and about what I have done, and how by withdrawing I am just joining them. No..I have put out enough effort here for now, spent a lot of time on many pinn's some who have made decent names for themselves. But in the end I always delete for the same reason, the growing number of people who think "RP" means you can be a rude insulting pric to anyone that crosses your path. Help them, they dont wish it...try and initiate any type of conversation with them and you get the same insulting bile. Kill them you get it, avoid them you get it. Its an inescapable taint that really leaves a bad taste in my mouth as far as mudding goes for the time being.

So take it how you will, with salt or sugar, but dont get up on your high horse and try to claim you have a measurement of my effort or anyone elses for that matter. Bcause honestly, in the end you have absolutly no idea of what different individuals do here. Now, for those who still stick it out, more power to you...but dont damn those of us that just tire of the same cyclic BS over and over and over.

It is just repeatedly shattering to go through the time and effort to establish the rp for characters like Stytnlye, Lorfaine and even Ellylldan...bust your butt for hours upon hours upon hours of ingame rp time...just to meet the same filth in the end...every...single...time.

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For example I almost never rp,I only PK and do you know why?Because this is not my first language and I suck at english that's why.This is enforced RP/PK mud...someones find satisfaction in Rp'ing someone in Pk'ing you cannot expect anyone to think like you man.

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Kyzarius' date=' I think I know whom you're talking about. I also had a really sub-par RP experience with that drow. Don't let them ruin a great game for you. Take your break and come back refreshed.[/quote']

This coming from the guy who rage deletes his entire character library :D j/k man.

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I agree whole-heartedly, Kyzarius. It isn't everyone, but there are some who really irk me to the point where I'm not enjoying my gameplay anymore. It became somewhat of a nuisance and ultimately led to my departure. I really appreciate those who RPed or those who killed/died graciously, but the few bad apples really spoiled my fun. Props to the Immstaff and the majority of the pbase, though. This game is still as addicting as ever, it's just that with everything else going on in my life at present, I think I'll just browse the forums for a while, where I don't have to be randomly insulted.

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I think you take things a bit too serious.... after all it is just a game. You cant expect everyone to be putting the same effort into "role playing" (notice the phrase literally) like you do. It is like PK, with the only difference that one can learn how to PK with time, but if he isn't good in RP, he will learn very difficult... especially if he is not a native speaker...

The sad thing is, that a lot of people continue to play just to satisfy their egos and it is even sadder that they don't realize it. You don't like it? After all... this is... a game. No game and community is perfect and no will ever be. There will always be spoils who will find it "fun" to humiliate and insult others, who will find pleasure in others' misery. And I am not talking about it at RP point of view.

If you cant find a way do deal with those people's immaturity (no matter of their age) then I would suggest you to leave any games that involve playing with/against living beings, because you will always find them.

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I agree, thats why I am still here. I have taken breaks, its an easy way to cope with the above forementioned problems. What I have found to also help is to quit, then go find your punching bag and rail it like no tomorrow for about 10 minutes. All the while talking to the bag as if they were this ******* character that pissed you off. :D

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I don't know who you played, and I might be wrong, but did you participate in the Carnival? The Curse plot? The Sorcerer?

Don't get me wrong, I am right next to you on the soap box saying that something needs to change in the mud but I don't think it is JUST rp. It is the over all maturity of the players and the unfriendly newbish atmosphere we have going. The easiest way to negate this is to make it more newbie friendly. I. E. take off the registration for the forums, yes it keeps out the asses but it also keeps people away who were looking to get here easy and stay. I know that if I had to wait for the forum to ask my questions, ****, I would never have stayed (good or bad for those of you reading). I think that the staff is doing an okay job for the most part, but they are tired. They are tired of the thankless works and the monotany. We need to, as players, pick up the pase and get in the game.

No more breaks, roll a character to set the standard. If they don't want to RP? Stomp them in the ground, then start it yourself. The automatic full loots need to go, immediately. I don't care if they ARE an opossing cabal, have some hearts people. An empty corpse makes you cry.

So in other words?


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I agree' date=' thats why I am still here. I have taken breaks, its an easy way to cope with the above forementioned problems. What I have found to also help is to quit, then go find your punching bag and rail it like no tomorrow for about 10 minutes. All the while talking to the bag as if they were this ******* character that pissed you off. :D[/quote']

You mean like the 4 year old who is decking you in that avatar?

Cheers mate!

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Well I'm just startled by how much everyone's tune has changed. It seemed like no one was interested in RP a couple of years ago, and the standard everyone aspired to was the PK steamroller, and now everyone is complaining about a lack of RP. What happened?

Basically I think we chased off all the newbies with PK, and now we're left with a small p-base and many unfriendly characters. But I have to agree with Grishnak that I have seen an uptick in RP lately--I've seen it at the lower levels. Keep up a high standard and they will come--think of it like the early days of FL when the p-base was about this size. You have to welcome newbies and show them how it's done, outfox them with RP and they will sense that that is part of the game too.

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yup, everyone rps with me pretty consistently...except for cabal members


now the real question is..did you make the elf bmg SIGIL for pk or for RP? how come nobody picks praetorian with those mages? :P must've been your strict RP that forced you into sigil...

I'd really like to see a much higher RP standard for cabals and a lower PK standard...reward effort and maturity, not pk combos and records...but preferably you have both, right?

whatever is rewarded and encouraged by the staff will be that which actually comes! :) (well...most of the time anyways)

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Having played both sides of that Knight thing I'd say that its not always the "strict rp" of Sigil I think its the really nifty things they get when compared to praets (this is my opinion of abilities) and people really like what sigil has to offer. I think the same thing when it comes to trib sub-cabal choices as well but thats another story and i'd like to not derail.

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Having played both sides of that Knight thing I'd say that its not always the "strict rp" of Sigil I think its the really nifty things they get when compared to praets (this is my opinion of abilities) and people really like what sigil has to offer. I think the same thing when it comes to trib sub-cabal choices as well but thats another story and i'd like to not derail.

yes, my point exactly :):cool:

but..in the case of tribunal...hard to give up that cool DAME/LORD title :D

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yea I agree, that title is nice the prob is it seems like (i said seems like not the way it always is) that people always go council and thers no adjudicators so that the councils always have to leave the cities that they're supposed to be protecting and watching over which screws over the citizens of the city they're protecting.

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Basically I think we chased off all the newbies with PK' date=' and now we're left with a small p-base and many unfriendly characters. But I have to agree with Grishnak that I have seen an uptick in RP lately--I've seen it at the lower levels. Keep up a high standard and they will come--think of it like the early days of FL when the p-base was about this size. You have to welcome newbies and show them how it's done, outfox them with RP and they will sense that that is part of the game too.[/quote']

sucks though, that a lot of lowbies with great RP delete because they're PKed without remorse. i dunno, i really don't mean to bash anyone. i love the game, my heart just isn't in it as much anymore.

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HB- if you really love someone/something set it free. ;)

lol lame.

But yeah, buy an xbox 360, or a wii. This game isn't for you anymore by the way you're talking. I said it before- this game is only fun if you make it fun- regardless of if some people are trying to ruin it for you.

Now if it was a majority of the playerbase saying FL has declined immensely, then that is a different case.

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You mean like the 4 year old who is decking you in that avatar?

Cheers mate!

Sorry but that guy decking me is known around my parts as the NILDIZ, he is 23, and very strong, we do MMA(ground fighting) all the time without the strikes ofcourse... He also weights a ton...;)

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I don't think FL itself has declined, I think there might be certain people who may have declined immensely. Not to target anyone in particular, but there are rules for a reason and though not everyone can be caught, players have the right to report any wrongdoings/rule breaking to the Imms and if they find fault, things happen. I like the game as a whole myself, I just happen to hate certain things that some people do, it doesn't ruin my experience entirely, it just annoys me usually at best. I play my Wii infrequently, I only have 3 games, and I got bored of them and my gamecube games don't compare to FF12 right now. I miss Oblivion though, damned 360 ended up melting around the power cord so we have to send it in after we just found out it was working fine again after 2 months of inactivity. :P

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