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You know...it's true...


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The more I get into a character, the more I disgust myself. Especially if I'm playing a Scourge religion character.

The only thing that makes me feel good lately is running around and PKing the crap out of anyone in my PK range. I feel like I've accomplished something.

Except...I remember when Raargant said this mud was highly favoring to the PK side, that RP wasn't as important, or something like that. Truth is, I watched at least two people delete because I PK'ed the frickin' RP out of them. I've turned into that monster I never wanted to be. And I didn't even have the decency to do it at 50. Not that 50 makes it anymore decent in my eyes.

I'm sorry I made anyone delete. I've been there and done that myself. So, I'm tossin' the hat in. Seriously. No ifs ands or buts....just tossin' it in.


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I'm sorry you feel that way. Since I've come back I've actually found lots of RP. Imm interaction seems to be way up as well. On the whole it's a much improved environment, I think. And there will always be those who "RP" only as a means to excuse their mass murder. And even then the RP, and you can usually tell by the level of speech, is horrible. How do you combat this? You be better than them. You kick them in the teeth, all while roleplaying, and laugh at their frustration.

You also accept the fact that not everyone needs to speak to be roleplaying. There's a druid right now without a fully functional tongue, for example. Even when he does speak it's barely, if ever, understandable. Does that mean the druid isn't RPing when he doesn't consider an enemy worth the effort (or embarrassment) of speaking to them? Hardly.

You have to be a light in the darkness in the scenarios you're talking about above. I'm sorry that you gave in to the temptation of just PKing everything in sight without rhyme or reason, but it's not hard to get back on track. In all my years here I've never had a character that just pked senselessly. Does that mean I haven't had characters with hundreds of kills under their belt? No. It means I've built relationships with those around me before looking through their corpse for loot. The one possible exception would be Resuvan, but he often didn't kill (especially Neutrals and other Evils) straight away. His M.O. was to beat someone into submission and make them do work for him under threat of finishing the job. Too many people forced him to stay true to his word, though.

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