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FL Description Contest


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Welcome to the first Aabahran: The Forsaken Lands DESCRIPTION CONTEST! Nothing fancy here. Simply do your best to write a description for the picture below and post it in the Prayer Forum. To help you out, here is a copy of "help description" (with irrelevant parts removed and some contest-related things added in):

1) Your description should be formatted to at most 70 letters per line.

If your description can be pasted smoothly into the MUD's text editor,

then you have an edge over other contestants.

2) Your description should be like a picture frozen in time.

There should be no actions being performed, only descriptions of what

the character looks like, or looks like he is doing.

3) You should NEVER force the looker to do, feel or think anything.

The looker should make up their own minds about who you are, and what

you might be doing.

4) The description should describe you, not your history.

Concentrate on describing your characters stance, face, body, and their

equipment. Not who they are, and where they came from.

5) Do NOT say how powerful, fearful, or deadly you are.

The description is not the place to "stroke your ego" by saying how

powerful you are and how fearful you look.

6) You may include descriptions of equipment that you would like your

character to wear (family crested shields, particular sword etc.) since

it is understood that the actual game equipment changes too often.

When you are done with your description and it has been formatted,

spell checked, etc... post it in the prayer forum with subject line

"Description Contest Entry."

But remember, just because you follow the rules above to the letter doesn't mean you'll win the grand prize. All Immortals will have the opportunity to put in their two cents and vote for the best one.

Good luck!

-The FL Admin

P.S. Contest ends in 2 weeks.

P.P.S. Yes, a prize was mentioned.

P.P.P.S. Oh right, the picture:


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Without being too specific, some entries have content that directly contradict the description guidelines. For instance, don't write that just seeing this fellow makes one feel weak or pitiful because the rules include: "Do NOT say how powerful, fearful, or deadly you are. The description is not the place to 'stroke your ego' by saying how powerful you are and how fearful you look." Blatant disregard for the guidelines will force us to refuse an entry, even if it was well-written.

Please take the time to read the what you may not include. It will help you out greatly not only with this contest, but with your characters as well.

Feel free to send in as many entries as you want (under the same thread, please). Note that only the most recent one from you will be accepted as your submission. In other words, you're welcome to change your description if you feel that it has been improved with editing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The deadline has passed for submitting entries to the FL Description Contest.

If you participated, please send me a private message to confirm that we have received your entry. There is the possibility that you posted in the Prayer Forum but we somehow missed it, and I want to avoid that.

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Yes, well if I'd known it was for a MOB I wouldn't have made it a description like a character I'd be playing. Characters I generally make 3 paragraphs for, first being the head, second torso, third legs. As for descriptions on MOBs, I usually had them cut down small so that it wasn't overwhelming to the eyes. I've built on a couple MUDs in the past and learned that descriptions for rooms, MOBs and items need to be minimal, especially when it comes to me making them. That and I learned how much I absolutely hate making descriptions because I have a strange urge to make areas 80+ rooms and every room being a different description, along with 8 different MOBs and various armor pieces.

On a side note, I now know why I type so damned much, I start on one thing think of something else and go with it and remember why I started in the first place and go back to it. I shouldn't type when well after my bed time.

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