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Scheduled MUD Maintainance


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Down time was not needed.

There should be a lot more rares in circulation from now on. Proper Respects to our Segment Coder(s) for helping out. You've been a real big help in keeping things going smooth.

Not attempting by any means to say I don't fully appreciate any and all work anyone does for this MUD.....

but was this supposed to be a dramatic increase? You said "a lot more" in circulation. And well, I haven't noticed that at all. I think others can agree with me on that.

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Guest emp_newb

I have noticed a marginal increase in the number of rares. I located moonstone the other day, saw six pendants that where on logged in people. So that alone is a big increase I believe.

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I was also thinking that it might be a little too early to tell. And then of course, there are always those times where just everyone is decked to hell and it takes awhile for people to die and things to get back....or something like that.

I just want some svs damnit! lol

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