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I'm curious, which would make a stronger Ranger, a half-elf, or a halfling. I've always been uneasy about playing halflings, because my first character was a halfling healer that couldn't do squat for damage and I've never know whether it was because of his race, class or both.

So basically, the real question becomes, is the extremely low strength as much of a handicap as I fear it is?

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I would never recommend a half-elf ranger for any reason. Ogre or stone for melee, halfling for fighting mages. Elves can be decent--get to cast a lot--and humans have low exp cost. Werebeasts decent melee, other benefits. Feral, if you like to live dangerously and want a fast and furious battle. I would recommend every other choice before half-elf. (I've played them all except human and stone.)

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I would never recommend a half-elf ranger for any reason. Ogre or stone for melee' date=' halfling for fighting mages. Elves can be decent--get to cast a lot--and humans have low exp cost. Werebeasts decent melee, other benefits. Feral, if you like to live dangerously and want a fast and furious battle. I would recommend every other choice before half-elf. (I've played them all except human and stone.)[/quote']

I did fairly well with my half-elf rangers, and took down a few of the bigger name evil clerics and shamans, in the short time they were about.

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[ Feral ] [WARMASTER] Senrail Magebane the Lone Standard Bearer, Unfli

nching Emblem of War

[ Elf ] Anyndur Telrunya the Holy Patriarch of Healing

[ H-Elf ] Kyrrat Tairenmoor the Vengeance of the Forest

[ Stone ] Varamak the Master of War

[ Human ] Quontix the Will of Gods

[ Half ] [WARMASTER] Eryan Deedle the Vengeance of the Forest

[ Human ] [TRIBUNAL] Lord Martineius Melvawen the Unholy Knight

[ Feral ] Yewahntull Hjan the Vengeance of the Forest

[ Half ] Ketha the Ranger King

[ Human ] [TRIBUNAL] Raniku Gisaniv the Holy Knight

[ Feral ] Gondar the Vengeance of the Forest

[ Ogre ] Nylorvik the Vengeance of the Forest

Please no more rangers.

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I hated the one Half Elf I had (Paladin).

For me, he wasn't quite Elf enough when I wanted him to be, and not Human enough either.

As far as Rangers go, my thinking is as follows.

Halflings give you a nice package, magic resistance and 25 Dex are quite nice. Seeing a Halfling Ranger use a staff is something else, you can really

notice the dex. Your animal friends, and path, will be able to help you offset the low strength of the Halfling in terms of damage output, but in all fairness if you are decked you will be doing nice damage regardless of race. Not having to factor in (so much) saves leaves you room to work on that hit/dam and not get (completely) owned in low saves gear.

Ferals are probably what I'd do, and not just because I've fought Senrail.

Fury kills, folks, and in melee, the Feral has that nice 24 Dex, as well as the excellent defences of the Ranger to use them. You'll want some saves, but

you have some nice racial bonuses to make up for your rather common vuln.

Ferals are nasty, kids, and Feral Rangers are right up there on the list of

thing's I'd like to check out.

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Fire is the easiest vuln to overcome as far as spells go. Tack a fury onto that and only deal with half the spells attempted at you. On my cleric I would rarely go over -50 aff total and the only thing I was really worried about from an invoker was call lightning. But some eq removal fixed my AC to deal with that.

Dealing with melee classes wasn't a huge problem for me, but playing a cleric would be much different than playing a ranger in this situation. If Goomf is still lurking about, he might want to chime in here, I know he played his feral ranger very well.

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ummm... do invokers suck that bad right now? saves don't save you from invokers... to quote the help file:

" The power of the hellstream is so intense that equipment meant to protect against it or infused with magical forces often shatters under the intense stress of energy."

Maybe I know what my next project is...

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