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how do you run?


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So how do you run when you're losing a fight? Do you run in circles and wait for the opponent to follow then run elsewhere? Do you have a certain destination you run to then recall? or do you sit in the next room and hope they don't see you? Lol. Anyways I'd just like to share our personal tactics. For example I actually have a list of running tactics including the first two.

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Depends on who I'm running from. If I know I'm losing a PK and have the moves, I know depending on where I'm at exactly where to run. I run a LOT faster trying to survive than I do looking for someone to PK. I have no set location to run to just because if I do, someone would find it and then go directly there and just wait. I can go from one side of the game to the other if I know I'm outmatched, otherwise though I'm trying to think where someone else will disappear to if I beat them and they run.

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If I'm fighting in Rheydin, I will usually run circles around the outer walls, and then cut through the city. So let's say I flee outside the western gate of Rheydin, I'll run a full circuit around, then when I get to the eastern gate the second time, I'll head west into the city, then back out north, through the Elf Valley.

If I'm fighting in or around Miruvhor, it's the Underdark. Primarily because very few people know it at all, and even if you do know it, if you've got a significant lead on the person who's chasing you, you can escape through an exit, and they won't know how you got out.

If I'm in Val, I'll usually run to Rheydin and do the above. Or just go to Elium, since it's nearly impossible to chase in there.

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#1 rule = always have a recall potion.

I carry ten in my backpack and 1 in my inventory always. I never use the one in my inventory for normal recalls, I always use the one in backpacks to ensure I have one ready for "emergency" recalls.

Running tactic:

Run away from your temple - towards an intersection or linked areas (to confuse), then recall if you know you're going to die if re-engaged by your hunter.

It's the most useful tactic I know of and will rarely get you killed (unless there's a pit humper waiting for you.

Attrition running is different though- where you basically have to run in circles or go to a wide area where it will be difficult for your hunter to get the first strike while you're healing, resting up. (Elium being my fave)

Running around in Rheydin (by the borders) is a great strategy too.. some can predict it though and is too close to town for comfort when you're fighting rogues.

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I think you'll find you cannot feed pills, potions and other 'creative' things to people who follow you. We had an incident a while back with a couple of thieves feeding poisoned jugs to people who followd them when asked to group. My understanding was this was fixed.

If its not, there is a nice mushroom in a forest that will put people to sleep as well. Why, hello there little elf, want to follow my shaman? :D :D


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Depends where I am. Usually, I know enough about connecting areas that I run one direction, and use connecting areas to double back and head the other way.

For example, I may flee west out of Val Miran, go south to the trolls, take teh bridge to the river, follow the river past Val, and then go east of Val to some location I have already picked out.

If you are quick enough, you can get enough of a lead that they are looking for you one direction after you have doubled back the other.

The main things I focus on, however, are:

1. Having a defined place to run TO. Running randomly winds up keeping you in their 'where' range long enough for them to keep tabs on you, and you often dead end yourself and get screwed.

2. Misleading them. This can be either doubling back, or running away from yoru pit and then recalling.

3. Trying NOT to spam directions. I have been screwed up too many times by an unexpected summon that got me killed because I have directions spammed into what is now a wall.

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Best idea? Learn the "no where" rooms..

There are a lot, more then you probably imagine.. In fact I can only think of about 12 areas, excluding cities that don't have one.. They are your friend.

Secondly, the underdark is a must know, if you don't know it, you're a moron. Learn it.

Most of what Kinicky just said is gold.

Lastly try and head for the shortest exists sometimes.. Its better to jump two small areas then one big one - harder for them to know where you went - they may check another exit somewhere else.

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Myeh. Most decent pursuers have ways to pass wall, either by equipment or potions. A locked door that you access via a key would, in my opinion, lag me too much to be used as a viable escape. And then, to make matters worse, if they can pass door and you are relying on a key... well, now you're stuck actually being locked in WITH your pursuer.

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With Pam, it's quite simple. I'm a Paladin. All I have to do is run, and run, and run away from you, forever, until you run out of moves. Because I sure as hell won't run out of them. :D

On a serious note, Kahlos has a prime running tactic there - run as far away from your recall as possible to get your chaser away, recall and run the other way - highly unlikely they'll find you.

Always keep pass door potions with you. I generally keep two in my inventory. Why? Next time you're at 60hp with an Ogre Warrior hot on your heels, quaffing that pass door potion to get you into Gasteride's fortress (just one example, flying citadel circus thing being another) can buy you a lot of time if they aren't prepared with passdoor potions themselves.


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