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how do you run?


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Developing patterns is not a good idea. You can often figure out who plays which char just by watching their running patterns. So predictable.

Ends up with your opponent waiting for you to arrive if you are unlucky :P

Exactly why anyone who runs to a specific part of the game will become more fodder for other players who get used to these players choice of running places. I usually just run and can get nearly anywhere blinded anymore with either running into very few walls or none at all. I run into more walls while able to see than I do while blinded.

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That's also my preferred strategy. If they are a good chaser, and they are close on my trail (i.e. within the same area after I've run through three or four areas with multiple adjacent areas) I will recall from a room that leads to another area. If they are paying attention (and they will be if they're good enough to warrant the tactic) they usually assume I went through to the next area. The time they spend looking through the next few areas gives me valuable time to get far far away.

1/3 to 1/2 the time though, I can get away without resorting to using recall. Especially if I can get to the underdark.

On a serious note, Kahlos has a prime running tactic there - run as far away from your recall as possible to get your chaser away, recall and run the other way - highly unlikely they'll find you.


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No, then I wont find what I want to kill ranking up either. Same thing goes with ice/fire demons when playing a good/neutral, I had a hard time trying to stop in one room while moving because I wasn't sure where the MOB was. Now I know what is what by doing that. Setting up a color trigger for a single person though usually means multiple color triggers with the same intent. Have to have one for mounted, just standing there, if they're a ninja and it's a decoy and not actually them, etc. Would be easier just to color code my MOBs and be done with it for eternity instead of keep making a new trigger for every one of my PKs who try to run around in there.

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I suppose that makes sense. There are ways with some MUD clients to have the triggers set in place for all instances and all you have to do is enter one command that just changes the name of the target player (how you'd do that, I don't know) but like you say, yours works for mobs too.

My client doesn't support the easy changing of 'targets' so I don't colour code anything that I have to change, but I would if I could.

Biggest problem I have in Elium? My screen/monitor resolution is that low (1024x768) that if I scan, I only see like the bottom 2/3 of the scan and I have to scroll up to see the first 1/3 of the scan. I can't increase it any further either thanks to my poor monitor.


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I'm sure if I took the time for it and built a script, I could make MushClient choose to color various targets if I so chose to. Problem is I don't want to take the time to try and figure it out because that'd be me taking at least a week to figure something out that I can already do in 1/300th of the time but just make it for MOBs. I already have an alias to set up a target that'd give me IG aliases to make chasing with say murder way easier than what I had been doing (which was typing it all out and spamming up arrows and enter after). With Elium the color trigger would work wonders because a lot of the MOBs are the same, and there's only a few that aren't (IE: Torilar and Garmex) but they're usually stationary anyways and you'll know where they are constantly. Time to upgrade your monitor though, they're not too expensive unless you want a top of the line one, which even then isn't too bad.

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you can set up a @var in zmud as target then just type

target=radreg (or anyone)

then your hellstream alias can be like

hs (I used numpad 1 for it..not an alias)

cast `hellstream` @target

you can do it with colors

trigger: @target is *

#CW 11

or for a better weapon trigger:





get @weapon

wield @weapon

...but an even more advanced trigger would wait for your input (one button means yes--> go ahead with the trigger... one means no-->abort the trigger) so you can avoid spam if you need it..

I use a variable for class

so I can type

`class=invoker` and my keyboard alias/macro layout will change to my standard invoker layout (or paladin or dk or whatever)...basically switching up all my aliases/triggers/macros with one nice command

you can also do it for graphically displaying your stats in bars and stuff, but you should go into the zmud helps for that or their forums...

reading and typing takes time, so minimizing that will speed you up...once you get used to it...try to have the computer read and write for you...you should just make the decisions

for example:

instead of coloring your target to find it in scans easier, have a macro-enabled chase trigger that will automatically move to the target if seen in the scan...with the default mode being OFF...then you don't need to worry about finding the name in the spam and going in that direction yourself

basically you run into elium (or simply ranking--but need a bit more work because of multiple targets, so need a trigger to sort and prioritize your targets), target does the circle trick

you hit f9 to turn on your chase/auto initiate mode

start moving and scanning

after a bit the target flees to val miran so you hit f9 to turn the chase mode off (don't need to scan) and do a manual(generally faster) chase

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Always keep pass door potions with you. I generally keep two in my inventory. Why? Next time you're at 60hp with an Ogre Warrior hot on your heels, quaffing that pass door potion to get you into Gasteride's fortress (just one example, flying citadel circus thing being another) can buy you a lot of time if they aren't prepared with passdoor potions themselves.


Stupid Gladiators. :(

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If I'm an Elf Paladin and I have a passdoor potion handy, I can run in and get a couple of cures off, whilst running about dismounted, if the other person isn't as ready with pass door sources. For example, a WM Gladiator or any other class without pass door that doesn't have a potion handy. Even if they have one in their sack, I can get a cure or two off.

Makes the difference. ;)


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