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Fond Farewell from the Clown


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Well, it has become so very apparent to me that I will not have any time to play this game...that I suppose I decided to make it final. Being honest, I haven't played in quite some time as is, but was still entertaining the idea of picking it back up till recently. Now, many may be wondering that very deep, philosophical question, "Who am I?" Maybe everyone has forgotten the clown already, but in case it might spark a few fond memories, here goes the short list of characters I had the pleasure to play on FL.

My first charater was, in my eyes, a strong failure. I say strong failure because I learned a great deal, but missed some big things in the game that I would later take advantage.

His name was Alzahakar, a human battlemage. He was intended to be a Lich. I read the helpfile...which led me to believe that it was possible. It even told me where to send the application note. Unfortunately, they were still a year or so away from being complete. I am fond of that application, and would have no problem posting it for amusement if no one objected. Maybe I should first see if anyone requests, hah. I had many fights with Rompkei, which were entertaining. Looking back I find it most amusing that I never used any Savant powers on him...through sheer lack of ignorance on how they worked. I would soon learn plenty about them. This was also my first meeting with Cylandas, and my first cabal experience.

My second character, which I made not long after getting my first char to level 50, was Suunmar. He would remain at about level 3 for a while before I got serious and figured out what I wanted to do with him. Also once I decided that I would like him to be my "real" Savant, it meant letting Alzahakar drop out. To be honest the RP plot that I had wanted with Suunmar never got fully realized. He was a very fun character to play, and I enjoyed every battle/RP/idle hanging out in the Tower that I did with him. Many times during his career I got rather busy with college and various projects...so his activity was a roller coaster ride I interacted with so many over such a span that can't even begin to start shouting out names.

The one thing left unfinished with him is finding a new body to inhabit. At this time he has been a fire giant, a time elemental, and now a ghost. Tricky thing...finding a body when you aren't on. Maybe I'll get around to it one day!

During a lull in Warmaster activity (after a pretty epic war with Sarodin at my side) I decided to make a new character named Raoh.

He was a halfling blademaster watcher...and his race was changed to Shambler. Essentially he was a pile of leaves, vines, and swamp material bound together with metal plates and joints. He had no natural voice box, so one was fabricated for him...which explained his odd way of speaking. He was one of my favorite characters to RP with, and had some grand fun with Martin when he had the chance. I liked his very strange description quite a bit as well...simply due to the fact that from level 1 he was a shambling pile of plants and no one (not even the immortal who approved it) seemed to notice, hehe. Very enjoyable character, and wish I could have played him longer. It was with him that I began to realize that I really didn't do well with two cabal'd characters. I would end up neglecting one or the other. During my time on Raoh, Savant seemed to struggle. So a choice was made and I decided switch my focus a bit and deal with this "Senrail" situation that was brewing. I generally only played one character in a given time span, so some of mine would go inactive for obvious reasons.

That went for some time, till I noticed that Lich has finally come out. So, I decided to go for it. Not at first, because I didn't want to reuse my old app and character. So I spent some time thinking of a new character, as well as storyline for how they became a lich. Overall it may have been a better story than Alzahakar's, albeit fairly different. Any immortals who have read both can comment on that. That character's name was Venyacyr. Again,

I would be happy to post the lich application if that would be wanted, allowed...enjoyed? Anyone who interacted with the character before and after becoming a Lich would probably understand the story quite well. Not the actual events, but it would explain why I acted certain ways. My interactions with Morchial spanned this character and Suunmar and were always quite enjoyable. I still have a log of the duel between Suunmar and Morchial. Pretty tough one I might saw. Anyone want to see it?

So thats the basic run down of my career here on FL. Unfortunately, it has come to an end. I wish you all the best in the future.

PS: Should I even bother posting score sheets, or do you guys know who I am now? ;o)

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Haha why make like we all dont remember you :P

Pitty to see you go. Your characters have gathered alot of respect of the time you've played and you're a player that will most definately be missed. Your RP and PK were always of the top calibre and all of my interactions with you (mostly as Ghadryn) were a pleasure.

All the best in what you next choose to persue.


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Ah yes, Ghadryn. I interacted with you across several characters...each in very different ways. Very aggressively with Venyacyr. Diplomatically...though still very pushy, with Suunmar. And potentially Raoh, but it all kind of gets fuzzy sometimes.

The RP with Ghadryn and the plot I was putting together was probably the biggest loose end that I wish I could have finished. I almost had it too. Pity.

Maybe someone other Savant with ego enough to try to pull something like that off will come along and get those alliances set up ;o)

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Sirican...yup. I remember that character coming up in the ranks and being curious how I would want to deal with it. My dealings with Nexus have probably always been the most shrewd. Give those guys an inch and they take a mile, hehe. Even while being the only Savant in the cabal, I'd act like I had an army behind me if Nexus wanted something.

I enjoyed dealing with Sirican. Especially when you and Azantar were both giving me different information on cabal relations. Azantar being the really shrewd one, and I believe you were a bit more giving in relations. At one point Azantar and I pretty much got into a pissing contest. Brinksmanship at its finest on FL...who was willing to push ego far enough to go to war?

Good times.

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Suunmar's apps might fit well in here, as they are relatively smaller. However, Venyacyr's app was 11 pages long...which would be a fairly huge post...I'll see about posting them anyway though.

The score sheets...well, since I never delete my characters...I'm not totally sure I'd post the score sheets just yet, hehe. I might still just to give a view of what was under the hood.

Currently Suunmar has about 1017 hours on him, and is 424 years old.

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Hehe. We've had a lot of good times, my friend.

Alzahakar was around during Grom's time. I believe I have a log of an extremely long fight between us, that I eventually won due to pure attrition. You definitely proved (to me at least), that there is something to be said for human casters. And don't let anyone tell you different, because that guy was a beast.

You were the inspiration behind Taeim. I met you a few times before I rolled him up, and decided you were going to be a strong Savant - so I made a character to try to take you down.

And it ended up being one of the most fun (and bitter) cabal rivalries I've ever had.

Then when I started playing Camuel, your RP with Mathicus and I was flawless. I wish it had gone further, but still, I've got a few logs of conversations between you and I, where I literally had chills going down my spine at the tension between our characters.

And then finally, Venyacyr. Hehe. I only ever got you once, and that was an assassination (pre-lich) with Pheredin. We then met again with my brief stint as Gimledoc (Dwarf BLM), and had some fun fights.


As Festy said, you were like a second Despiser. I'm sad to see you go, and I don't think the playerbase will quite realize yet what they're losing, because you're so quiet and anonymous with your characters.

I wish you the best in whatever life brings you, and you had better come back some day. Who knows, maybe we'll be on the same team?;)

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Unbelievable. I can't believe you were Suunmar and Venyacyr. I've always talked to you and knew you as Venyacyr but we always talked about Suunmar in third person, like there was an entirely new player behind him. Between the short Inmek-Suunmar scuffle, Zehava-Venyacyr and probably a few others, I'm shocked from hearing this new info.

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Unbelievable. I can't believe you were Suunmar and Venyacyr. I've always talked to you and knew you as Venyacyr but we always talked about Suunmar in third person' date=' like there was an entirely new player behind him. Between the short Inmek-Suunmar scuffle, Zehava-Venyacyr and probably a few others, I'm shocked.[/quote']

Yup, hehe. I went through lengths to simplify any OOC connection that I might have had...so that most people knew me as 1 character, and only a couple knew multiples that I played. This really helped me keep a separate life with each character overall. So when I told you that I knew Suunmar, I wasn't kidding, lol.

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Hehe. We've had a lot of good times, my friend.

Alzahakar was around during Grom's time. I believe I have a log of an extremely long fight between us, that I eventually won due to pure attrition. You definitely proved (to me at least), that there is something to be said for human casters. And don't let anyone tell you different, because that guy was a beast.

You were the inspiration behind Taeim. I met you a few times before I rolled him up, and decided you were going to be a strong Savant - so I made a character to try to take you down.

And it ended up being one of the most fun (and bitter) cabal rivalries I've ever had.

Then when I started playing Camuel, your RP with Mathicus and I was flawless. I wish it had gone further, but still, I've got a few logs of conversations between you and I, where I literally had chills going down my spine at the tension between our characters.

And then finally, Venyacyr. Hehe. I only ever got you once, and that was an assassination (pre-lich) with Pheredin. We then met again with my brief stint as Gimledoc (Dwarf BLM), and had some fun fights.


As Festy said, you were like a second Despiser. I'm sad to see you go, and I don't think the playerbase will quite realize yet what they're losing, because you're so quiet and anonymous with your characters.

I wish you the best in whatever life brings you, and you had better come back some day. Who knows, maybe we'll be on the same team?;)

Ah, someone who actually played with Alzahakar! As my first character on FL, he was in a severe learning curve. I took all that I learned from him and used it to make Suunmar. Good times on that character as I tried to figure out how cabal armies worked, etc.

Yeah, I was certain that Taeim was custom tailored for Suunmar. Having had Raoh, I knew that halfling blademasters were kind of ridiculous, lol. And thats when having sub-100 in the target races anatomy. A handful to be sure.

The RP that was moving forward with Camuel was pretty interesting. I got the feeling my role in it was looking pretty cookie-cutter, so I spiced it up a little bit ;) . Most anyone who conjured up the courage to throw some RP at Suunmar got rewarded for it as best I could. You were a bit of a superstar in that sense, because most people that level never even try...and even then rarely succeed in getting an audience.

With Venyacyr, hehe, yeah, lovely assassination, lol. Venyacyr was a human invoker purely for RP reasons...so my goal wasn't pvp at all at 50 till Lich hit and my RP changed. For the first time on FL I was actually thinking, "Why am I getting hassled? Why do people want to pk me?!" That was a new one, lol. Then I hit Lich, and got into 50 range....with a line going around the block to take a crack at me. Luckily that line thinned down pretty fast ;o).

Good times with our interactions though, I enjoyed them.

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I did notice that Raoh was a pile of plants when I approved the app. At least I seem to remember approving it...

Venyacyr was fun to interact with the few times we did. I did laugh a lot to myself however trying to get you to "find" the lich "quest". :rolleyes:

Of course, that was ALL YOUR FAULT, never mine. ;)

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I did notice that Raoh was a pile of plants when I approved the app. At least I seem to remember approving it...

Venyacyr was fun to interact with the few times we did. I did laugh a lot to myself however trying to get you to "find" the lich "quest". :rolleyes:

Of course, that was ALL YOUR FAULT, never mine. ;)

Figuring out that lich "quest" was pretty fun, albeit confusing at times. Very nice of you to incorporate my individual RP into it. I liked it and it got me more in the mood to run with what I had planned.

You did notice Raoh? Lol, I suppose you assumed that I was going qrace with it....because the other scenario would be a bit silly.

Halfling? Check.

Pile of moving plants? Check.



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I'm still trying to find where Alzahakar's and Suunmar's, as well as Raoh's original apps might be. There was an unfortunate hard drive failure in the middle that wiped out my copies of them. I have the application that led to a time elemental change for Suunmar (though not I wasn't sure what it would be at the time)...unfortunately I can't find the backstory that detailed the discovery of the Stone of Ages...only the effects. However, Venyacyr's app was after that.

This app represents Venyacyr's journey before becoming a Lich. Yes, she was spoiled and kinda bratty back then. It was some new territory in RP for me, which made it all the more interesting. I was somewhat anxious to get it sent in, so I only spent an hour, perhaps two, writing it. Looking back I would have altered a few things...but then again, most of what I was doing was figuring out what to exclude so as not to make it 30, 50, 150 pages long. While I tend to throw fairly large apps at immortals, I'm not completely without mercy for the tired eyes of an immortal. If I recall, I cut out about 10 pages before using this as what I sent in.

In fact, I wrote a zMud mod for this app alone, which sadly I never used much again. It parsed through a file and added it to a note in game. Much easier than cut/paste, hehe.

Anyway! Here it is.


To spare the incredible spam that would be posting Venyacyr's app...I included a link to it.

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