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Fond Farewell from the Clown


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Props to sticking it out with all your chars...you definitely lack the A.D.D. that a lot of us have. My only claim on any of your chars was that fight with my elf voker vs. Alzahakar when I didn't even know about call lightning hah!

I don't think I fought any of the others, we always seemed to be "into AR" at different times with the exception of Trinevyr and Suunmar, but both being Savants, we never fought.

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I'm going to venture a guess that while Suunmar was his second character here, it was not his first character in this type of MUD.

Didn't you play AR or CF, Clowny?

Good guess. I played AR, and quit after the end of first age. Then a year or two later, I picked up 2nd age and played for a bit. I think I quit playing muds about the same time that FL came out. I was then convinced by MindFlayer, a long time friend from AR, to come and try FL after not mudding for quite a few years.

So my learning curve was figuring out things unique to FL such as the classes and the areas. The good news was that for PvP, survival skills were transferable once I learned a bit about my new environment.

My best advice for someone coming to a new mud like I did would be this: Come to terms with the fact that your first character or two will suck. I didn't expect greatness out of my first shot at FL, and used it for what it had to be...a pure learning experience. Then, after cutting my teeth and allowing myself to make any number of silly mistakes, I put some effort into making a polished character. Essentially, don't be afraid to fail on your first characters...you'll learn more by biting off more than you can chew and choking on it than playing it safe.

I approached FL in that way and it went pretty well. Check your ego at the login and make a learning character. They are invaluable.

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