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'So. What's the longest that anyone has ever rolled? I just rolled for half an hour and every time i hit a 52 i was in the roll mode and i hit enter again and it passed me by. I gave up because i really wanted dinner. It sucks that im going to have to start the char all over again but its quick enough work. Arg. Rolling makes my hand hurt and my brain grow fuzzy. lol. Whats the lowest roll anyone ever took on a char? i was thinking about that 35 i saw so much...

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Not sure if there is one for Mac, but you could always look. There's a few links to it either in Ideas or newbie forum and it should be under the title Mushclient. If so, Mattamue has a great rolling client hosted on a site (should also be linked there). Just do a search for Mushclient and click on a thread I started, believe all the links are in there.

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About 3 hours rolling time' date=' then I gave up and took the number that I kept getting. Of course it took another hour before I got the damned thing because I didn't hit it after I decided to choose it, but at least I got it finally.[/quote']

I always find it funny when I'm rolling for a 54, don't get one in a while so I give up and switch the trigger to 53, and very shortly after I end up with a 54 (or whatever).

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I so hated that way of rolling. AR still does that and I can't stand that crap as you always end up with way ****ty stats unless you plan on sitting there for like hours on end just rolling and rolling. At least you can compromise easier now with rolling. I still get irritated thinking about the old way of rolling.

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The stat roller for me was a pain in the ***. GMUD you could easily make one (usually a lot easier than having it check for all 5 stats than just one number) and I can get a roll I want within an hour of rolling now, and if I don't then I'll stop for a while and do something else, back then I'd just take a 16 in things because I wasn't sticking around to roll a 20+ in one stat just to have another stat be a 15 or 16. I rolled too many sub-18's in things to bother with the old way and I only had a few characters. I had a ton after the change to the stat roller was made though, because then I got to choose exactly how I'd spend it.

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The maintainer of Rapscallion pretty much fell off the face of the earth. There is a sort of mirror page at http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Way/6818/ I haven't tested the downloads there though. You might be better off just going with Cantrip or Atlantis.


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