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Honestly I hate fighting that WISP!

Fighting his kind is usually a pain.

But one Cabal'd?!?!?!?!

Fight one that is cabaled is absolutely HALARIOUS!

You can't defend because you are frozen like a duck.

You can't obtain standard back because you are frozen like a duck.

When you are done being frozen like a duck.... you are frozen like a duck.

(Now imagin a ninja in the same cabal? Yup Study'd. Then imagin two guards one south you,.. yup not fun haha)

I must say, makes me wanna make one of those bad boys quick fast.

Like..... I honestly dont know what to do now with my watcher now.

Dam, I really am going to have to make a tribunal. BAH!

But hey, all the power to you man.

I wish they made it so when your frozen like a duck it is like minister with the save protection thing.

I honestly complained about minister before but honestly, I really like it now, think it balance's out nice.. Go fig.

Other then that loving the cabal wars great, the wisp just took all the fun out of it, no point now. Time to roll my Tribunal!!

Hrm, but what if you like ducks?

Then it is a freaken party!

I do enjoy our fights wispy wisp. If you can call it that.. HAHA. :D

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Yeah, I think that skill seriously needs to be looked at. I mean the guy is unghosting in seconds and literally throwing himself back people and still able to win. Its pretty ridiculous. This is one of the situations I was referring to when I mentioned imbalances in the game. But people have to abuse the heck out of it before things are changed.

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Whats also ridiculous is how people throw the word overpowered around.

Everyone knows who plays this Psion...Question comes to mind? Has he ever played any other chars that seemed to have a better than average kill to death ratio?

Lets keep in mind what it takes to achieve Psion status...thats right, twice going through the tediousness of ranking to Pinnacle, then proving you are worth approving for Qrace, then learning a Combo that there isn't really a manual/essay for.

If the bloke is kicking ***, good on him and how about saying well done and if there is a serious problem write a constructive post in the prayer forum outlining the exact reasons why a certain skill or combo is out of balance with the rest of the combat system.

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I agree with Segoy. There were some recent psionicists, none of which provoked statements of overpoweredness (that's not even a word, is it?). It has always troubled me that the really great players played a class and got the class nerfed, which leaved the class inferior in the hands of those less skilled. When they move on to another class with a potential powerspike or strong abilities, it all starts over again. In the end, you have a bunch of nerfed classes that the really good players will do alright with while the rest of us still get killed.

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Yes the spell is imbalanced,the psi can be killed easily if you know how but we aren't talking about how he can be killed or how powerful his spells are.We are talking about this spell only.Psionicists are fine,they are not overpowered but this spell is.Noone says it is easy to achieve a psi but after he achieved a psi there has to be some chance for the other's of the pbase agains him right?

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Wyslign is a great character. I have interacted with him on two characters so far, one pk, one rp. He put a lot of time and investment into it. But as Tassin said, this is one of those overpowered things where it really just is, 'gasp', overpowered. Not going into the qclass specifics, the other psis we have seen, no offense Girnibac, didn't choose the right kind of psi. This particular skill is what made Chayesh say "psionicists are the vamps of mages." But, who hasn't said that any vamp wasn't overpowered. ;) Just do what some people have done, catch him while he is rping or idling and laglock him to death.:D

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He is a great character,I have no offense agains the character but this spell is really overpowered.I have played two vampires and trust me there is no such vampire spell as this one.There is one vampire spell that have the same effect but it can be stopped while this psi spell can't be and it never fails.Aulian is right Wyslign was collecting bounties and then he joined Tribunal WTF is that?Since when a bounty hunter can join the empire?

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I have played two vampires and trust me there is no such overpowered vampire spell as this one.There is one vampire spell that have the same effect but it can be stopped while this psi spell can't be and it never fails.Aulian is right Wyslign was collecting bounties and then he joined Tribunal WTF is that?

RP. Why don't you ask him about it?

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Alright I have a single qualm. When a psi can ***** a halfing with magic resistance and MENTAL RESISTANCE first try then there is something fishy..

Secondly, how does something that was KILLING THE TRIBUNALS at one point get to BE A TRIBUNAL.... ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

Yeah...thats kinda of weird.

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First off, this is starting to sound a lot like how people bitched about Marty. I remember less than what, four months ago people we complaining about how underpowered psi's were. Seriously give it a rest. Just because you get whooped up on doesn't mean it's overpowered or it's a cheat. It means *you* got whooped up on. Sucks to be you, but life goes on.

Second off, why question why he was allowed back in Trib? Obviously Prax is well aware of what happened. If you want to know the RP behind it, check it out in game.

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First off, this is starting to sound a lot like how people bitched about Marty. I remember less than what, four months ago people we complaining about how underpowered psi's were. Seriously give it a rest. Just because you get whooped up on doesn't mean it's overpowered or it's a cheat. It means *you* got whooped up on. Sucks to be you, but life goes on.

Second off, why question why he was allowed back in Trib? Obviously Prax is well aware of what happened. If you want to know the RP behind it, check it out in game.

Do you get what I am saying?I am not whooped by him I know how to defeat a psi.I am saying that this goddamn spell is overpowered not the psionicists.Even if he cannot kill me even if I am winning even If I own him,it is OVERPOWERED.

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Look.. I am not bitching. I take the punches as they come. In a pk Wyslign cant over power me because of certain things I own. However - this incredibly well RP and Played character, for whom I have the GREATEST RESPECT, has a bugged skill. Nothing against Wyslign or his character.

Was just joking about the Tribunal thing. Sorry if people are now wetting their panties.

BUT I would suggest maybe the imms look into that skill. It landing every time on myself, with what I am wearing, seems a bit dodge... Also unlike *vamp skill*, poison wont negate it ;) nor will anything else.

BUT If the imms do look into it and that is how it is SUPPOSED TO BE. Then suck it up ;) its only a faerie for gods sake :D

EDIT: Oh yeah, and its hard to RP with someone when whenever you get within a room with them they make you collect bird **** ;)

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I feel like this discussion may be a bit taboo, but I'll voice my issues with the situation. Please note I love the RP and idea behind Wyslign, and have had very positive interactions with the character whenever we have interacted.

I will also say that I now hide or log off any and every time I see him on, period. I refuse to fight something that can kill me at will without my being able to do ANYTHING (at least with a bash lock I still have my mana).

Regardless of saves, this ability will land 100%.

Regardless of whether you are already in combat or not, this ability will land 100%

Regardless of prior preparation (poison, etc) you cannot (to my knowledge) break out of this ability.

Regardless of whether or not someone enters combat with you, you cannot break out of this ability.

Sleep can be stacked on top of this ability to elongate the period of helplessness.

It creates a situation, that in my experience (as a very well equipped saves-wise character) is helpless. You end up completely unable to flee, unable to recall, without mana, without any of your protective spells up, and with mental saves that make a naked giant look like a bastion of mental combat. I don't think all of the other abilities that make this situation possible are overpowered, I think they are very balanced, well-thought out skills. I do not think they are fair when combined with this other ability.

Without getting into too many specifics, I'll recommend a change. Make the ability a defensive (and very powerful defensive) one. Not only should melee attacks be useless against the newly made poop-target, but spells should be as well. Thus the psion can cast this spell when needing to run or to let the aforementioned protectives drop, but not completely gimp them over in the process.

This is akin to giving a shaman a sleep spell that cannot be defended against, IMO.

Again, I love the character, and think he's put in more time and work than most characters I've seen recently, but a problem is a problem and not just people bitching. Maybe it's just that we all don't know how to defend against this skill, and if so I retract all of my complaints, but from everything I've seen you CAN'T. When combat in FL is helpless and not fun, why would we play the game?

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This is exactly what we mean,we are not bitching the character but we are just trying to say that the spell is overpowered.Psions are balanced but this spell isn't.It's like a sleep spell that cannot be stopped.Grishnak is right it cannot be stopped with anything and it needs toning down badly.It would be alright if you just simply half the duration of it.

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