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The NEXUS horde vs the lone priest


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I play at random times with various characters. Sometimes I'll play for 2 hours on another character and then get on Chomba, sometimes I'll play a character for 30 minutes and call it good, wait a bit and log on Chomba and I'm on for 4 hours or so. Lately I've been kind of slacking in logging in my massive 6 hour spurts, but without breaks between characters I tend to delete or drop a character because things got less interesting (I even had a few side characters when I had Egui to keep things flowing from time to time). I think we mostly just play at odd times compared to one another and I'm trying to induct people as fast as I can, but running on very limited resources, especially when your clan has 6 Trusteds, 3 are Knights, 2 are ex-Knights and 1 you want but haven't heard about for a while (of the 3 one isn't all that active and the 2 ex-Knights don't log on frequently enough). Rest of the clan though is all below lvl 50 and being the enemy Cabal has no pre-50 people I try to keep it so we have lvl 50's as well. So they're there, just at the moment we're getting our asses kicked because of sheer numbers.

And yes, a Healer is a walking fortress and will usually only die to gangs. Have you been using my suggestions in fights?

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