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To Nexus

English lad

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Sorry for taking off - Was meaning to get a basic non-rare suit and have a go at getting the standard back before (most probably dying) and then logging off. But The Crash thingie stuck me back in the middle of the chasm - naked apart from 4 pieces of mithril with no flight, water or food, low and mana and with most of my spells down, so I figured there wasn't much I could do at that point.

Siavash - I don't have a clue what I can do against you with how easily you land the Drain crit strike, I was just hoping I could hold you off long enough for some luck to come my way, but once triathix came I knew it was pretty much over so I just went for it and hoped maybe I'd catch a lucky break.

Triathix - You are such a beast, sorry for taking off on both of you.


This is my first pinacle in a just over a year, and to be honest I've never managed to stick with FL long enough to learn much about the game at pinacle - despite having been here on and off for nearly 2 years - I'm hoping to at least learn the ins and outs of cabal life this time, and maybe build up a decent identify list- If I can work my way out of Mithril that is.

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Oh don't worry I'm not giving up - I'm just finding that staying logged on with 3/4 decked Nexus with cabal power gets me killed to much as a Knight Inductee in Mithril/bear cloak etc....One thing I'm learning to do is put together a basic set quicker. I'll stick with the char as much as I can whilst its fun...there are times when facing those sort of odds just isn't fun, and my free time is limited atm so I won't spend it on something I don't enjoy. At the end of the day this char was designed as a way back into the MUD after so long away, and a character I could play out properly at 50, as that's something I've yet to do properly.

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Master portal. And word.

If they come run in the exact opposite direction of your temple.

If you are cursed or near it use portal. Have your portal in an extremely remote location. Not the Underdark, not Marak. Try places that are even further.

Also you can summon most of your equipment. ;)

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Yep, always 3-4 decked Nexians who are on during prime evening hours for me.

Keep trucking for the lightwalkers, I would join you in Knight, but I'd rather spend my time learning a bit more about the world than getting kicked by these. They are like the 4 horsemen. I think they are the strongest group I have seen in a long time... Anyone disagree?

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They are like the 4 horsemen. I think they are the strongest group I have seen in a long time... Anyone disagree?

That is because Lotho, Chomba and Maethodir (or whatever his name is) are never online at the same time. And thanks God that annoying invoker deleted :P

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I concur, or at least more active Imm. :P

[edit:] Actually I'm on him about 30 hours a week roughly or so based off what I've been keeping track of with my score sheet. I just normally don't play during peak hours, and once I go back to work, it'll change completely for what times I play (which could mean 4-5pm MST or could mean the times I've been playing or mornings my time).

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