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It's so colorful!


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[ Human ] (OUTCAST) Armandeigo Veiliez the Knight of Legion

[ Half ] <PK> [KNIGHT] Sir Lotho Loamsdown the Holy Patriarch of Healing

[ Avian ] <PK> Ilac the King of Devils

[ Beast ] <PK> Faye the Exalted Defender of Nature

[ Gnome ] <PK> Muh Trylincyxz the Scourge of the Battlefield

[ Feral ] <PK> [WATCHER] Waraz Khanik the Doomblade

[ Drow ] <PK> [SAVANT] (WANTED) Donian the Will of Gods

[ Dwarf ] Krisnda the Lyricist

[ Human ] Sorprox Saverin the Order of the Red Robe

[ Lycan ] <PK>[HERALD]<NOBLE> Khranin Tansay the Scholar-Prince, Aristocrat of Rheydin

[ Elf ] <PK> Selenia Leowyn the Holy Matriarch of Healing

[ Illit ] Rastex Yinjes the Master of Exile

[ Avian ] <PK> [NEXUS] Drayson The Holy Father, Archbishop of the Church of Faith

We just need ourselves a tribby and a warmaster, then we'd have a whole rainbow of Foresaken!!

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