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Dead Hobbits


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Deleted. :o Frustrated. :mad: Blah! :confused: Time to pk people again. :D

In his prime...


| Lotho || Watcher of SIGIL |


| Str: 17(17) || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 80(223h) |

| Int: 17(17) || Class: healer Ethos: neutral |

| Wis: 21(21) || Race : halfling Align: good |

| Dex: 25(25) || Hp : 910/910 Exp : 33470/514130 |

| Con: 20(20) || Mana : 1020/1020 |

\ Lck: [|||||-] \/ Move : 433/433 +Hit: 11 +Dam: 6 /


| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Irumeru |

| Slash : -515 || Spell : -50 || Faith : Purity |

| Pierce: -524 || Afflictive : -70 || Weight: 280/305 |

| Blunt : -521 || Maledictive: -54 || Items : 39/41 |

| Magic : -548 || Mental : -56 || Prac : 0 Train: 0 |

| || || Gold : 1095 CP: 539 |


/ Condition: You are in the prime of your health. \

| You are ready for a cabal promotion. |


I will say this.. the lack of immortal presence within a cabal makes me yearn for the days of a player run cabal system.

Shout outs: All my fellow KNIGHT and Hope clan people, the NEXUS hordes, Anume (Irumeru is NOT dead damn you), Father Jacobis and Khranin.

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Yeah i'm just noticing that score sheet' date=' no wonder it was so hard to hit you. And Father Jacobis?[/quote']

Father Jacobis if you ever played a good, you'd know he's a VERY influential part of the game. A great inspiration to all who walk the path of Light and a beacon of holiness. He's a Healer after all.

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AMEN TO THAT! I miss the 2.0 days, despite their drawbacks, the interactivity was awesome. Player run and built cabals were brilliant! And that CtF nonsense was replaced by Army warfare, which I think is all the cabals really need (and more IMM support to make it more relevant to the actual game when armies are strolling across the realm!).

Just my 2 cents.

I will say this.. the lack of immortal presence within a cabal makes me yearn for the days of a player run cabal system.
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You say 'YaoUh wissh TOo ZszpEak oOoF importanCe?'

Father Jacobis glances at you with a serious look, 'As you may or may not have heard, Lord Raargant no longer watches over the Castle.'

Father Jacobis says 'As such, there is no specific deity that watches the castle.'

Father Jacobis rubs his chin. 'This means that recruitment and whatnot will fall into the hands of the most elder of the Knights.'

Chomba nods slowly.

You say 'ThHeh ZszEhEhrszs aRe pRehTty OlD.'

Father Jacobis says 'Yes, and they constantly keep an eye over Aabahran.'

Father Jacobis says 'Yet we need field generals. Trustworthy ones. Which would be yourself, Rezian, and Devinnah. '

Father Jacobis says 'You three are the eldest of the Castle, and as such, are truly responsible for decisions of who will be allowed enter the castle.'

Father Jacobis says 'We count your words.'

You have been promoted in within your clan!

Father Jacobis says 'You three will have to continue watch over the recruits, and from time to time, make recommendations on qualified recruits.'

You say 'AyE.. i'll HhaVeh TO talck tOo rezian and devinnahh and TEhll Thehm nehXt i see tHem ThHen that we aRe tO keEhP an eye ouhT ovEhr tHoOosSsEh of hOopE.'

Father Jacobis nods.

Father Jacobis says 'I am glad we had this talk then.'

You nod.

Father Jacobis quietly turns from you and returns to his duties.

There's a little insight to Father Jacobis, he's always there and always watching though, so watch out EyeSeeU, he knows you are/were drunk so don't try and PK that way. :P

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