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Kill or be Killed!

Me personally I tend to push more towards good old PK.

Some love to push more towards RP.

While others are just great at both.

If you want to be good at Pking, I have a simple solution for you.

I have said it before and will say it again.

Get yourself killed as many times as you can! (by many different class/race)

Why? Simple. Every single time you die you will be like "WHY THE F*** DID I DO THAT, I KNOW BETTER, YOU **** **** **** ****"

Then you will lick your wounds, think you have learned something, then realize you made the same mistake yet again, and ofcourse you are like "OH MY F***EN GOD, I CAN'T BELIEVE I DID IT AGAIN!! YOU *********"

Use that fuel, let it burn your soul until you are just sick and tired of getting owned and decide to do some owning yourself.

Oh, and always remember that you will be really good at a certain race/class that fits the way you like to pk.

Ps... If you still get nervous, heart beats like a race horse, hands get all sweaty.. You need to die about.. 50 more times. Then you are as cool as a cucumber. Good Luck and KEEP THAT PK THRILL ALIVE!

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That method doesn't work for everyone. In fact I shake more now when I wake up in the morning because it's cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey in this room rather than in PK. Some people PKing over and over wont work in helping them get any better, and some people only small improvements are seen. To be honest though some people may seem like they're getting better, but chances are they just changed something very slightly, IE: EQ/Weapons which in itself could be considered better PK by some, I just consider it smartening up a little, your PK's the same, you just decided to use something that hurts a little more. What was the point in this thread anyways? This has been said a LOT since I started, and it's been said that it doesn't work for everyone in almost every single thread that's been posted like it. Hell, I still see myself doing newbie mistakes that I did when I first started playing here because it's been so long since I last played and still trying to get the hang of it again, only difference is I can run faster and chase faster than a lot of people still which is about all the upper hand you need sometimes in PK.

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