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Lehas Danecero.


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Deleted Lehas today, I just cant get established as a melee class.

From lvl 37 to pinn I ran quests to lvl..I was attacked and killed without warning by what seems to be every single cabaled pinn out there. None of which my character had ever even met. This is all pre 50, from 43 on just a constant nonstop onslaught to the point that I couldnt even grab armor without some cabaled pinn jumping me as I tried to get to one place or another. Got so bad that I even had a pinn (trusted and cabaled) whom I never even met ask me if i needed help, then kill me when I came to him (this is with me at only 46, a lvl 50..trusted in a cabal..decked out...killing a lvl 46 half dressed character by offering to help...). Now, imagine me being a completely new player..why would I ever want to play again?

Just people looking for the easy kill it seems, my next character will be one of my strong classes I am familiar with.

The view from this character alone...(since I have never really played a ninja) from the standpoint of trying a new class is you cant learn squat about this game because the current pinns wont even say hello to you before they wipe the ground clean with you.

Roleplay reasons are not mine to judge...thats for those that can see both sides...but I can tell you all this. People seem to be more focused on thinking of reasons to kill everyone than allowing anyone who is new, or playing a new class, the chance to even get started on learning the game. PK is a part of everything in this game, but to just dismiss all other forms of interaction for pkill is sad...and this seems to be whats happening.

I list no names, mainly because my point is not to flame, but to just say what kind of environment we are forging here. (and get my "just deleted" vent overwith :cool: )

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This makes me so sad. I work for the syndicate and you had a price on your head. Do you expect me to let it be? Never, ever, ever trust a syndi. You went angry when I told you I will not help you equip because some non-pinnned dk looted your corpse. Do you always expect help from people like me? I am a demon bounty hunter for christ sake. I wanted you to learn about the hard life, because once you are within the family, it doesn't get easier. I also know how you died today, and how frustrated you must be but you have to understand that I had work to do. THAT is my rp.


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actually, I got from you exaclty what I expected.

I didnt list names for a reason.

Dont assume my decision was solely based on the two times you killed me.

In regards to the scenario your referring to, Do you expect my character to smile and buy you brownies for spanking him when you have a 5 lvl advantage? Of course he got pissed, who wouldnt? fantasy based or not?!

what is sad is that of all the people who stomped my butt into the ground as I tried to reach pinn you are the only one that had a globally motivated reson (ie the bounties you HAVE to collect) everyone else seemd to have the "carbon copy reason-a" for killing.

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Strange i recall your Ninja attacking my Pinnacle for no motive and just out of the blue. People normally at least talk before trying to kill me. (No Hello for me ;( )

Same thing happen on another of my Pre-pin.

Saw some other pinnacle saying that you attacked him.

From my point of view you just got what you sawed.

Also Thieves and Ninjas are the black sheep of FL. You should already know that most players will kill you on sight. And they will gang up on you.

As for a pinnacle who offered to help you and killed you... that is strange.

Are you sure you did not accepted the help of an evil PC?

Where you studying someone at the moment ?

As for being half equipped , you are a ninja there is little that you need to PK with. And can represent a serious threat in "mithril".

It is a pitty that you deleted. You should have keep the character and take a time off. You would have learned a lot about ninjas from him.

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I interacted with you with a few characters. One was a ranger, I remember attacking jhaerek when I finally killed it "Lehas steps out of the shadows/Lehas gets a titanium bracer." I was like level 28 at that time... God I was mad... we talked a little...I was trying to convince you to return the bracer but in vain, at the end you said something like "Will you inflict pain on me if I don't?" Well eventually I managed to kill you and of course fully loot, but I think I had a pretty solid reason to do it...

Others were not so memorable, except from a DKN who looted your corpse after the demon killed you, I eneder up returning the things and becoming friends tho.

One thing that will always stay tho, people will always hate stealth classes, and you as a vet should be expecting every single bit you are recieving. I don't say that this is the right way, but hey, that is how things are in FL...

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Nice with "I dont mention names' date=' but this exact situation..." and "I don't want to flame, but.... Flame, flame, flame!". If you want to bitch and whine, keep it off the open forums, PLEASE.[/quote']

tell me, i am curious? whom did I flame?

forums are for opinion, I have expressed mine. I have not insulted, been rude to, named or singled out any individual.

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You're a drow ninja, you should've expected such. You were constantly hanging around my cabal ofcourse everyone in the cabal is going to tear you a new one. Put yourself in our shoes. If some drow ninja was constantly around you and your allies what would you do? I was attacked constantly as Inmek for no reason at all. Even running from Val miran to Rheydin was extremely detrimental to my health. :) Sucks for new players yeah, but I was in that boat as well. You accept it and learn from it if this is the place for you, or you complain and get stuck in a pessimistic state never growing, never having fun, which seems to be where you're at now.

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Perhaps, but to be truthful how else can you improve your own character if you never get any feedback at all. Hell, Anume told me once in the prayer forum on an old character of mine that I "RP'ed like a 12 year old sometimes" yeah I could ge insulted...or I can take criticism for what it is.

Masokant is an awesome character, and I do not inend to belittle him at all. To be completly honest though (which sometimes is not the most PC way to be) what I added in edit is the objective picture I got of the character (which I readily admit is probably a very small perspective). I do not intend it to be insulting, and if he doesnt want to give it any weight, then, thats his perrogative...

Though Hitandrun hasnt said anything, I will take the comments about Masokant out.

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You're a drow ninja' date=' you should've expected such. You were constantly hanging around my cabal ofcourse everyone in the cabal is going to tear you a new one. Put yourself in our shoes. If some drow ninja was constantly around you and your allies what would you do? I was attacked constantly as Inmek for no reason at all. Even running from Val miran to Rheydin was extremely detrimental to my health. :) Sucks for new players yeah, but I was in that boat as well. You accept it and learn from it if this is the place for you, or you complain and get stuck in a pessimistic state never growing, never having fun, which seems to be where you're at now.[/quote']

Your probably right, sick wife and misbehaving kids to add to unsuccesful character in game *shrug* results in frustrated deletetion.

Though, I must say, the amount of just random killing that occured prior to even reaching pinn by people who I have never even met..I can repeat it over and over, and no matter what shade its colored it just dosnt add up to fun, more like chore.

But hey, come next week I will have rolled something else, and thats that.

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I don't think he cares that much. But what if he did? As I said, if it would have been my char, I would have been pissed.

On a side note. If I played a drow ninja, I would see me being around someone to be enough reason to be attacked. Why? Because everyone hates being assassinated. And who trusts a drow? Accepting that a ninja is near is putting your life in the ninjas hands. Putting your life in a drows hands is suicidal. Nice logic? ;)

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Sucks when anyone deletes. It's a waste of hard work, but we've all done it. Some good criticism here, and perhapse it will alert others who intend to make a drown ninja, or ninja of any kind what kind of life they are in for, for that character. Seems to me everything that needs to be said here has been so perhapse this thread should end where it has. There are still plenty who do not fight fairly, and are out for the cheap kill. I think the playerbase has come a long way lately though. It's impossible to convince everyone that fair play should overcome a greedy opportune moment so I'm sure some of what you faced was indeed just unclassy play, however many people have made a good point that being a ninja and being near an enemy (anyone in your pk) are going to result in battle. Best thing to do as a ninja is always stay prepared and always be on the offensive.

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Reason 1 killed you is because of align, reason 2 killed you is because of class, reason 3 is because of race. I get attacked so much by people with no rp, they have rank, cabal skills, qclass skills, qrace skills, I can barley bring myself to want to play. I been back for a bit now and its going downhill, this isnt the game I left a bunch of years back. I have found a complete lack of rp enforcement, everyone is a cookie cutter bare bones. Sorry, there are a few that I have seen/heard and interacted with that 'are' what this game should be about, the other 95% are not. I dont know if some of the vets have lost that magic that we all used to have or if its just a 95% turnover in pbase that the game had during an extended shutdown. The game is focused on getting the best eq and then pking anyone not in your cabal or not of your align.

The beginning post of this thread is from a player who has been trying to play, rank, get dressed all the while being bombarded by others who have advantages over him, that is not what this game used to be about.

I remember every melee class begging to become a Warmaster, Kentry as leader. I remember the days when Justice was proud, Dedrick as leader. Conclave was the place for the elite, Maleki as leader. Hunter was filled with GREAT rp, Tetsunai as leader. Chaos were the crazies of the lands, they were loud! You knew they were coming, you knew poop was gonna fly! Knights were DAMN proud to be knights, they didnt care about anything but the proper rp of a Knight, Kelev as leader. This list goes on but my memory is fuzzy. The players of this time built this game and turned it into what we all call the good ole days, everyone now from what I can see wants to be the next big thing. A pk record didnt used to mean anything, you had great battles with what people called overpowered skills and spells, but those same skills and spells were balanced in how they were needed.

For example: Warmasters upon induction would get ALL cabal skills up front, they needed it, they would fight off 2-3-4-5 Savants at a time, AND take thier item. Savants needed the boosts of thier old skills because the Warmasters did soo much damn damage. It was a tornado of fun that everyone involved in it was shaking and sweating all the while grinning ear to ear every fight. There wasnt alot of cabal vs non cabal unless you were pushing to get inducted.

Then one day something happened, people with mass skills and spells started preying on the weak, the uncabaled, the un-pinned, the naked, all in the name of rp. People complained, skills/spells got toned down, limited useage, cp costly. This didnt change the direction that had started, but more focus came on equipment next. Get a god suit is the new #1 priority, get that mass -ac, mass hit/dam, mass hit points, ect ect and then go kill someone who is medioker, its gotten shameful im sorry to say.

All of you should ask yourselves, how many people have quit or taken breaks because of your actions. Just disappeared, left for another 'rp enforced' mud, another balanced mud. The game here is at your fingertips, if you play it like tribes or halo your missing 90% of what is here, and that just may be the problem.


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Damn well said UC.

I pinned a drow ninja. This was before quests so you could imagine how long I was in range of agressive pinns. I got gang banged everytime I logged pretty much (lots of goods in those days). But I understood because a decked drow ninja can assassinate a LOT of people. Especially when the playerbase is big. I think rogues are actually gimped a bit right now with so few players.

Anyway, tough race/class in its own right, but very powerful.

Back to UC. I was not there for the "old days" but I totally agree with you man. After looking back on all the pinns I have had and all the effort I spent training, equipping, trying to get as many pks as I could then rage deleting when I got killed and or looted...It actually made me stop and think, the same thoughts you just expressed. I am all about the RP now! I want to improve at it because I had neglected it for a while...Nice post though as an eye opener to many I hope.

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Back to UC. I was not there for the "old days"

ME: the "old days" were not that great I tell you. So much trashy pk back then. You'd get lvl 15 human warriors/zerk who'd wait at lvl 15 to rape your sorry *** right after you hit ten..... multiple times. Then after you survive that you'd get visited by random enemies every ten minutes while trying to rank in elium. Then you hit 30. time to say hello to the instant kill dks and sleeping necormancers. and what UC said about pinns not touching unpinns is so NOT true. While nowadays, con deaths are not usual, it was common back then for characters to condeath before reaching pinn, having lost half their lives at ~rank 46. It was also a common tactic back then when poison and plague gave you exp penalty! That you'd do so as much as possible to prevent your enemies reaching pinn. Though with all that being said, there were some factors I liked from 1.0. But overall, it is much better right now IMO.

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To be honest, playing a Rogue of any kind is a pain in the *** because you will be the #1 target of just about anyone whether you like it or not. You can go about it one of two ways, constantly stay hidden when you can, or stay in plain sight and get tooled over by everyone and their dog who can lag. You could have hid from Masokant and run around and let him try and fireball everywhere in the area you were in without him ever finding you since you had the advantage in survivability at least.

As for UC's post, yeah, a LOT has changed since 1.0 and even early 2.0, people have become more aggressive, but I think this being so it also has to do with people playing classes that are a LOT easier to PK with as well. To add to this you have people who have come a long ways in their PK skills who seem to negate RP and focus more on PK because they find it more rewarding ego wise than RPing because they may not see the benefits of it right away like they do in PK.

Back in 1.0 it was really pretty much the same thing though, you had people who played AR who came here playing the Cabals and because they were so used to AR, FL seemed very familiar to them and in much the same way they were capable of taking everything they learned there and transfer it to here aside from most areas. The difference was though, back then the characters seemed epic and you did see them WMs being able to handle 2+ Savants at once because they were able to get all their skills at once and not wait 30+ hours to get skills that would help them against opposing Cabals. Not only that, but you have more people on more even skills in PK than you do now.

You can see a HUGE difference when it comes to seeing one Cabal'd person fighting another Cabal'd person anymore and often times as such it ends up that one Cabal dominates over another for longer periods of time because of such a skill gap. When these people end up destroying enemies they start moving onto other potential victims because they've already beaten their opponents 30+ times and they either quit or condeathed because of it. The great thing about this though is that means people who ACTUALLY RP and show that they can RP will be rewarded with bigger and better things. Look at Tezdal, this guy has improved a LOT since he first made, going from getting slaughtered to actually holding his own and leaves a Cabal to make a stand off against them and turns around to become Leader of the Cabal in a twist of fate. You honestly think it's because his awesome PK skills? Most likely not, but his RP is obviously spot on in order to have gotten that. It's the same reason why most people get things quickly/slowly is because of their RP and not their PK and as such the amount of change from 1.0 to now just goes to show the skill in RP from the skill to PK. In 1.0 I think it was more focused on PK to get things you wanted while now it's totally different with RP being a bigger focus, but still the emphasis on PK. In 1.0 people didn't feel the need to go out of their way to kill people who weren't in an opposing Cabal though, anymore I get the feel that people feel obligated to push for PK more so than RP. To be honest though I see no real big difference between the two, probably from my perspective on both ends where PK was just PK and RP was just RP both from then and now, the only difference though is that people from 1.0 time period remembers epic RP logs from people who were famous for PK while anymore you just hear that this or that guy is pretty strong and tools everyone, but you never hear about them actually RPing. RP seems more closed off anymore than what it used to be in a sense, but at the same time there are people willing to get their RP out in the open.

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Guest emp_newb

It sucks you felt the need to drop your char, but drow ninja has an uber exp pen for a reason, you can get full studies STUPIDLY fast, you can get into a room and the only way to prevent it is to spam murder/bash/bod/area spell. And even then that does not work if you use macros/aliases. Drow ninja has serious screw the pbase potential. You should have just bit the bullet and gotten pinn. You where attacked so much simply because of your race/class. Try ranking up a slith thief

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