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It's that time.


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I'm hoping that the other Imms don't mind me posting this, as I have no intention of returning and so there won't be an issue with anyone connecting me with 'upcoming characters' or anything. Never once have I ever 'threatened' to quit or take breaks for FL due to any negative reasons, so I'd like to think this can be taken as a sincere admission that I'm going - it really is time for me to move on.

But in light of what's been said recently, I'd just like to say that from the eyes of an Imm (and a new Imm at that), you guys have it good here. You've got a set of Imm staff here that care an INCREDIBLE amount about this MUD, with one of the big factors being time that people are able to commit. Factor into that, there is a lot of stuff that goes on behind the scenes that really opens your eyes. If only you knew.

So, for the second and last time, thanks to you all - players and staff. Should any of you find yourself over in Eng, don't hesitate to hit me up for a few beers. ;)

As we say in Yorkshire, G'bye f'now, m'off down't pub f't pint'a beer.


facebook: nicholas lowthorpe

AIM: AIM is the devils tool, FACT. Muhahahahahaha!


Ah my Son. I had no idea that was you. Dey = Roy. Now thats interesting. No wonder you hated me - always killing your morts ;):D

Jokes aside - probably the single player I respect the most out of the history of FL. You sucked so much at the start - but every day you were asking new things and you never gave up trying different stuff either.

Rolled with the punches and in the end - in a very short time I might add - you became a PK beast. Shows what can happen if you just put your head down and get on with it.

All the best my friend and I will definately hit you up for those beers;


PS: You suck for leaving Watcher! DESERTER! :P

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