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Muh Trylincyxz


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| Muh || the Scourge of the Battlefield |


| Str: 18(17) || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 111(90h) |

| Int: 23(23)^4 || Class: battlemage Ethos: neutral |

| Wis: 25(25) || Race : gnome Align: neutral |

| Dex: 18(18) || Hp : 891/891 Exp : 36759/451641 |

| Con: 18(18)^1|| Mana : 740/1170 |

\ Lck: [||||--] \/ Move : 326/418 +Hit: 6 +Dam: 9 /


| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Lytholm |

| Slash : -314 || Spell : -34 || Faith : Combat |

| Pierce: -294 || Afflictive : -52 || Weight: 262/305 |

| Blunt : -292 || Maledictive: -24 || Items : 25/35 |

| Magic : -251 || Mental : -59 || Prac : 9 Train: 0 |

| || || Gold : 51k |


/ Condition: You are a bit worn out from your wounds. \

| You are drunk. |

| [sAVANT] forces are aiding your mind. |


He's not deleted, yet, because I set my delpass to some random smashing of keyboard letters, and I have no idea what it is. I'm sure he'll be removed soon.

I just couldn't get into the swing of playing a battlemage, I never really liked the style. I always seemed to be caught off guard, and never really enjoyed the pk when I did use him. Perhaps the only thing I liked about battlemages was always seeming to have the upper-hand in combat - assuming I was prepared.

I roleplayed a fiesty, pissed-off little gnome, and I thought he had the coolest desc I've written - he was a lawn gnome, hah! I once tore into Ranser over clan chat, but it was all in-game and I kept it that way, I love you spiegel :D

Anyways, shout out to all the Watchers. Dumela, Waraz, Faye...I interacted with you guys the most from the cabal, and it was a blast fighting alongside you.

Byrsypherus was a damn beast, Wyslign was as much of an annoyance to Muh as he was to Tezdal. Constantly having birds pooping on me was not fun, let alone my vulnerability as a gnome. Isarbulas was always a good fight as well, as was Rykar. I didn't interact much with Gahnlr...but I heard good things.

I've got a couple other characters roaming around, but I feel my rp has been lacking as of late, so I'm wanting to get something going with a great rp-base, so watch out!

Thanks to Roykagh for letting me in Watchers, you gave me some enjoyable moments as well.

Cheers to all, and watch out for the next! Maybe this time I can be good at rp AND pk...that'd be crazy ;)

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Yeah I remeber that time, I could not stop laughing because here a I is lecturing an E about what needs to be done and I knew there was soemthing about you. But I have that Log and once an a while look at it for the fun of it.

But Ranser as a Char was quite impressed with him cause of that incident not many would do that to an E/L of a clan. Sorry that you decide to leave and hope that you do better with your next one. I didnt think you did bad with Muh I thought you did quiet well.

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Wow' date=' the watchers are dropping like flies! Time to roll with the watcher![/quote']

Pshhh I wander around now and then.

I liked Muh, pitty you deleted but you always gotta go with what you like. And if something isnt working for you then its best you move on.

All the best with your next.


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Yes I know that it is allowed now but is it so entertaining when everyone knows who you play?I mean that they look at you differently.If someone is mad at your character they message you all the time.

Well there you go. Thats your OOC web ring problem right there. I dont think Despiser or Crypt are going to message me about my character :rolleyes:

Deleting your SI and starting fresh with FRIENDS instead of OOC web ring bull**** works wonders, try it ;)

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Just don't talk to the people you piss off then :P

Good job Muh, I loved fighting him with Byrsypherus, but I hated the timing :P Usually every time I went after you Waraz had already declared it was time for us to fight. We did have some good fights though, was fun. Well done for your second character, I know your next will keep getting better.

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