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What happened to Hresinin...


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Now hey, I admit all that was pretty f'd up, but I can honestly say I didn't expect that to happen. Recently I left Herald to do some other work for another organization, and that just so happens to put Isarbulas as one of my superiors. He came to me and said hey, help me find out who is following me, and him being a ranking officer, I said ok. I have hardly ever heard of Tribunals killing people, because usually they are too busy fighting the incredible ammount of outlaws/wanted.

Also, I did not know he planned to kill the guy. I was told he was being followed and just wanted to know who it was. I to find someone ready to kill him, and that is something I am against, because as a healer, death is bad in general. Not to mention he is my superior, and it is my RP to help anyone who asks for it (within reason of course). As previously mentioned, I did not expect Isarbulas to attack, and even told him off about it in game (in a complete RP, IC way of course).


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