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Wyslign Zithermon - Dead


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Jackass! I hated your character! You were one of the only people that stood back when I was fighting someone just watching, having your guard sleep. God I hated not having to tell you after you attacked that I got it. I kept my guard outta your fights just to make you suffer, cause I knew you couldn't pk anyone yourself. Couldn't have you catching me on the roll call! All Seriousness though, Wyslign you were loads of fun, gotta say, it was great having you jump on when I would have 5 Nexus and 3 watchers banging down the door, you'd log on and poof, two on eight was fair. :P Make something that can work with me! If you turn on me then who do I turn to???

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Ah yes, I only had the pleasure of fighting you once, and that was with Miza in Syndi before you got re-caballed. I remember you tried to me and my spell turning had you getting shat on by your own birds! I was laughing the whole time while spelling you up and you still ended up getting me after everything was said and done! Well done on not only a great char, but also for seemingly being quite the "controversial" char even if you played the class selection you had to the best that anyone has for A LONG LONG LONG LONG time!


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