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Knight - 1

The End

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Diason has been denied per my request.

Utter failure of a char, but I wanted to test the *untrained* monk theory. Yes, you have to train, and trained, they can be quite nasty.

It was very obvious that I knew what I was doing but unmastered anats and no weapons mastery or even disarm, such a big draw back.

Don't worry Knights, I got another one coming to even the gap.


I also want it known that I had NO intentions of going Knight, this char was supposed to be RP only but I sort of had it thrust upon me. And since Deykari decided to up and leave before he officially made me his squire I dropped the take over Val Miran plot.


I even spoke to him as Roykagh on the events I feel perterbed. I think you owe me an I'm sorry dey. :-D

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