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Kickyou Intheshins


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I want to say thanks to everyone who made this a fantastic character.

Which was pretty much everyone.

I love you guys.

Special props go out to... Senrail, Shutcho, Wanting, Help, Pi, and Orestius. Just because I might have forgotten you, doesn't mean you don't hold a special place in my heart.

This character took a long time to develop, and I'm going to miss him dearly.

| Kickyou || the Grand Master of Assassins |
| Str: 20(20) || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 15(1h) |
| Int: 17(17) || Class: thief Ethos: chaotic |
| Wis: 17(17) || Race : slith Align: neutral |
| Dex: 22(22) || Hp : 60/978 Exp : 81600/510400 |
| Con: 09(09) || Mana : 50/412 |
\ Lck: [||||--] \/ Move : 417/421 +Hit: 29 +Dam: 31 /
| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Lytholm |
| Slash : -255 || Spell : -30 || Faith : Combat |
| Pierce: -255 || Afflictive : 0 || Weight: 54/375 |
| Blunt : -255 || Maledictive: 0 || Items : 4/39 |
| Magic : -95 || Mental : 0 || Prac : 1 Train: 0 |
| || || Gold : 0 |
/ Condition: The next death will send you beyond the abyss. \

<60hp 50m 417mv> dagger 81 mace 81 spear 100
sword 81 backstab 82 dirt kicking 81
disarm 80 dodge 81 enhanced damage 81
envenom 80 hand to hand 81 kick 80
parry 81 trip 81 second attack 81
third attack 81 fast healing 81 haggle 80
hide 81 lore 80 meditation 81
peek 81 pick lock 80 sneak 81
steal 81 pry 81 scrolls 80
recall 80 dual wield 81 detect hidden 81
blackjack 84 gag 81 dual backstab 80
circle 81 throw 81 edge craft 81
counterfeit 80 pilfer 80 cutpurse 80
probe 80 disguise 80 fired weapons 80
plant 80 traps 81 defuse 80
poison needle 1 eyedust 1 antimagic 1
enfeebler 1 chestbuster 75 doublesheath 80
You have 1 practice sessions left.

<60hp 50m 417mv>
black shutcho
You hit Shutcho on the back of the head with a lead filled sack.
Shutcho goes to sleep.

<60hp 50m 417mv>
dirt shutcho
You step out of the shadows.
A Storm Giant guard tries to shake Shutcho awake.
A Storm Giant guard yells 'Help! A crime is being commited at The Central Square of Val Miran!'
Shutcho is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!
Your kicked dirt scratches Shutcho.
Your slash LACERATES Shutcho!
You LACERATE Shutcho!
You strike with your tail at Shutcho's legs.
You trip Shutcho and he goes down!
Your trip scratches Shutcho.
You dodge Shutcho's attack.
Shutcho's orbs of chaos DISMEMBER you!
You are stunned, but will probably recover.
Shutcho looks pretty hurt.

Kickyou: [---|---|---|---]
<-2hp 50m 417mv>
You have been KILLED!!

As the cold chill of death descends upon you Lytholm grants you yet another chance.
You have been granted a temporary sanctuary as an invincible ghost.
As long as you don't attack anything.
You have died due to failing health.
--- Disconnected on Friday, November 02, 2007, 5:06 AM ---
--- Connected for 1 hour, 9 minutes, 10 seconds ---

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