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Well, my first caballed character was my first pinnacle. Kaliyanese. It was awesome, an ogre warrior in Warmaster, it was quite a while ago, and was ALOT of fun. Probably the most fun I've had in a cabal. The real sad thing was that I used all my practices except for like 4 before joining the cabal (I never knew I'd even get into one) and couldn't practice any of my cabal skills :(. And for some strange reason, I stopped playing him the day he was made Elder, I think I took a bad death and just got fed up with him, haha.

Good times.

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Praetorian Knight Elf Healer.

Used to gate to Nexus' and kick them around, back when Divine Retribution still made two attacks against PCs.

The one and only Praetorian Healer, ever. It was a lot of fun, until Moleran took over the cabal and made me go Sigil. Even so, I had a lot of fun. Good times.

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hehe, I pretty much sucked with my first cabaled character. Lleraddra was my first pinn and cabal. I just had to chose a cabal where I had to hunt people down and capture them. I was ganged a few times, didn't really care, I was just happy to be in cabal. It was a good learning experiance for me, and hopeing to roll up another Tribunal when I get the hang of pk at pinn.

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[50 Human Cle] [CHAOS] Yeldon Barsteen the Will of Gods

I learnt how to run very, very fast thanks to Barthagin (hafler ranger). He beat me like a dog so much I reckon if Yeldon was still alive he'd still have the bruises.

Was some of the greatest fun I had on FL though.


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Kiliab v. 1.0 made it to 49 and hit a 200k exp hole from teleport deaths and got into Chaos finally after a month long wait of finding either the Imm or Mortal Leader to induct me after Zaen approved my App. Pwipe 3 days after I was inducted but the Cabal itself was such a blast. Wasn't sure who our enemy was since it was just about anyone without any politics involved. Remember getting in and then suddenly some Vamp logs in and goes for me in the Cabal. I hate you Toten! *shake fist* But it was a great experience.

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Ashe Skien 50 werebeast ranger 1.0 HUNTER

This was my very first character and my first cabal. I got in the cabal at rank 28 just by speaking with Erick and asking newb questions. It was such a blast and I never had the same amount of fun with any other character.

There was my in game friend Kazban who was in chaos and we would go out taking on the world (we were newbs therefore easy pickings) and I remember this one time me and this druid Adjian got jumped by 3 savants (a dark knight, a psi, and a cleric?) We ran to Marak (back then manthor was an easy path where the tribunal cabal is now) and manage to take on all 3 by spamming thunderstorm! I remember we killed the psi and he fought the cleric while I fought the dark knight. For me it turned out to be a fireball vs. thunderstorm fight. Such fun!

Ohh, I remember my first bounty against this one monk I was grouped with. I told him I had to collect his bounty and I fought him to bounty stun. I couldnt for the life of me figure out how to collect. I kept on murdering him thus restunning him. I finally yelled out in town (we were in rheydin) "What socercy is this!?!" and a couple of imms and players laughed. I finally figured it out though.

There was this other time where some fire giant chaos leader just came out of no where and started to attack the people in val marin by using the staple chaos/nexus spell (back then zillions of people would chill in central square and rp) and everyone fled but me. He autoraged and expect me to flee but I was sanced up and had my trusty ranger staff. I was whooping him hard and then some stupid naked storm gaint crusader came out of nowhere and got the last round! I was soooo mad because that was my bounty. Then the player posted on the forums, I think it was cryticant whinning how ashe "ganged" him with said crusader and awarded himself a "balls of steel award".

I also remember how cheap Tyroa the crusader kept abusing a bugged crusader skilled that traped the oponent in combat for a long time. Ashe lost a lot of con from him. Cheap Tyroa.

There was this one other time where stupid elf healer Letheral didnt know who to ressurect me so I butchered my corpse out of impaitence and she made fun of me in game and on the forums.

Oh there was this one time where this nice fire giant who was played by celerity showed me where to get mithril and helped me with some other newb stuff. That was so kind of her.

Oh lastly I remember this nexus monk Cromadus who disarmed and sac my fav. spear at the time, the hell spear! We scrap scraped a couple times afterwards but I never managed to get the upper hand so I always fled and camou. It turned out that he and someone else pk'ed this one werebeast ranger around my rank named "Asham" who was played by messalanta because he thought it was me. LOL. I remember Adijan and I were in solace asking him to rank with us and he refused because I was "too dangerous".

Yeah...back in those days it didnt matter how sorry you were nocaballed players were always scared of cabal players.

Brings back the memories...such fun!

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My first caballed char was named Dedric...he was an untrained fire giant with quite a few deaths when he hit 45. He was lawful--not to join Justice, but because I didn't know better...silly RP :P

Anyways, Streantian recruited me out of the blue (at rank 45 with no application, no pk skill (didn't even know how to train)) and I learned how to PK very quickly, mostly due to my opponents being people like Gorath, Maleki, Calandra, Drendyn, Hersnaie, Rhovhard, Delvyn, Trakanon, and so on (along with direct tutoring from many IMMs, including Virigoth (Gorath), Streantian (Delvyn, Drendyn)) Eventually I learned how to PK and made leader of Justice. I stayed in that position for about 8 months.

Dedric's major accomplishments included establishing both JUSTICE and fire giants as a pk-worthy (not many people really joined the cabal before or played the race...), saving a few Gods in a major plot, getting TWO con quests, starting the invasion of the shades (my second con quest involved using the SOUL CUBE along with hersnaie), RPing and helping with the introduction of the jail system, getting a street in Rheydin, a few titles, owner-only eq, entering into the hall of fame, and con-dying (among other things). :D

He was alive for about one year, from near the end of Gorath's reign until after the beginning of Hersnaie's. He was con-killed by Clariana in a very OOC move (that I still hold a grudge for today! :P)

Unfortunately, many of the factors that made Dedric a major success do not exist in the game today...

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Jaiden Katisnatsu, Avian Sigil Knight Ninja. it was my first pinn too and my god I got an initiation from he**. During his life...or multiple deaths whichever way you wanna call it there was Vanicus, Teralis, and Kahlos all undead ninja. It was a fun beginning to a great Mud. I rp'd him following Sirant into his insanity and got all my skills taken away but dirt and i think like 2 weapons and second attack by Byrntryst. I played off and on with him feeding dks malforms for about a month and a half and finally prayed to bryn about regaining my status as a ninja and he actually said 'wow youre still here' gained everything back but sneak and condied with the title The Redeemed Master of the Miyami Ryu. After that I was hooked, my first and my last MUD.

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I never bothered with cabals until 2.0 I think. (I thnk it was 2.0? God knows it was such a long time ago.)

My first was a monk called Cortineire, KNIGHT Praet...

God that was an intense character.. Talk about malform fodder for Goliant and monk flesh fodder for Neraldis (sp? ((was totens undead monk)))

Good times.

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My first cabaled character was Vyvone, I was the first Watcher Yah:D !! Back then we fought Justice, not the tribunals. Since the Watchers were first started up I don't think there were any Cabal powers yet apart from the Member skill. Or it might have been that I wasn't even aware that I got new powers (I won't be surprised if that was the case considering how newb I was). I had to leave soon after for uni so I had to leave the cabal, so that was the end of Watchers for me, NOT the end of Vyvone though. Unfortunately I don't remember much from back then. Though do remember thinking that the scared oak clan was a lot more fun!

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My first caballed character was Galadran back in 1.0, who also was (to my knowledge) the first good-aligned ninja to reach pinn. The character was inspired in part by Khylandri, another good ninja who was in Knight and stuck around level 45 or so. I ended up ranking past her, and also ended up talking to a lot of ninjas who were attempting to get into or were in the Hunter cabal, mostly Tetsunai, and was convinced to try to join as well. I don't think I realized for a LONG while that Tet was evil (Galadran was my third char period), and by the time I did he and Galadran had built up a solid relationship. I've always felt that Galadran was my finest RP, and this is why: his best friend was evil.

Eventually, Galadran attempted to collect a bounty on this stone zerk named Kentry, and after a failed attempt (no deaths for either of us) we agreed to a truce; neither of us would make an attempt on the other's life. He was going Warmaster, so I knew I could trust him, and I was good with him neutral, so he could trust me. Unfortunately, this also resulted in me NOT going for his bounty, which I was booted (rightly so) from Hunter for. Then I got the entire cabal ordered to hunt me down by its new IMM, which resulted in lots of fun and I'm proud that ONLY Tet managed to get me, and he and I soon decided to call a truce because of our history and that neither of us wanted to have to deal with the threat of the other (2-2 was the end record).

In the end, Galadran managed to be a total pain in the *** to every level 50 evil, and especially evil Justices. I made it a personal mission after the destruction of Conclave to hunt down every ex-member I saw that I could, and I succeeded in that (Trigonomis and Cabrden, though I took a death to each in the process ;)). I used those fire giant Justices that Celerity inspired as EQ stockpiles because after a death it was far too easy to just assassinate one of them and take what I needed (hitroll didn't factor into assassinate at the time, it was just the study and your prof). I was involved as a sort of shadow character in a number of plots that Celerity mentioned, like the Shades, the Child of Lies, Rasep, the Dreadlord/Theran Wind conflict... I always requested that my name not be included in accounts Heralds were writing of the events, because Galadran didn't want his name known. Was my first character to end up with triple digit PKs... had somewhere in the range of 140 with about 20 pdeaths if I'm remembering right.

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Guest emp_newb

I am pretty sure my first cabaled char was Davada, fire war qraced to Gremar. I ended up getting tuned up swiftly, being the only melee in nexus as we fought 2 or 3 vendettas and had Despisers avian DK narnokles hating Syndicate and all their allies. Was also the only melee IN nexus period at the time. Putrifant, Presumpant, and Xequilant where my examples at the time. Some good players, I learned quite a bit with the char

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I didn't cabal my first two characters, which were a human DK i deleted at 46 and a pinned human voker that condied in like 100 hours. My first caballed character was Fym Fontaine, a Sigil Knight faerie thief. I got repeatedly pwned by Slirtdan and I stole from goodies while they slept. It was a learning experience. :/

My first cabaled was Savitol Lightcrest-Storm Healer in Tribunal. I made it into the council where I took many a deaths from a watcher Behemoth whose name I certainly dont remember. It was fun though.


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[WATCHER] Firtak Greenthumb Ogre Ranger. First pinned character. Third character I ever started.

Not too much pk. Went beastmaster which was a bad decision considering that I didn't know how to pk in the first place. Then I went Stalker. :) I got kicked out due to a summer break. Came back, but deleted cause I wanted to make a character I could actually learn to pk with.

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[47 Faerie ][sAVANT] Ivanus the Angel of Arcana


I got Drennars tattoo for refusing to kill an evil necro within Savant. I RPed that, "I merely wish to study the elements."

I was such a newb back then. I got denied by Sirant for not defending Savant Tower from a Conclave. That hooded figure scared the crap out of me! Lol.

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