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How many bugs do you know? Typos? Item and room descriptions which are gone and need to be replaced? Out dated help files or some that need to be added? Quite a few of each comes to my mind every time i see them but are forgotten soon enough. No more will they go silently away because i will fix them. I am asking the entire community to help me with this. I am asking for detailed information on any of the topics above sent via email or private message to me for editing. If there is a topic i missed please feel free to add it. post here if you email so i can be sure it didnt go to the junk folder. j.lochmann@gmail.com Lets do some spring cleaning and show the immortals that we can do our part to help.

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Guest Valganti

Thank you for your efforts, all of you. And I would gladly take a compiled up-to-date list of typo's and the such. The current typo/bug lists are from the start of 2.0, and have way too much information to get through.

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It is helpful if you are in the correct room, because the log records the room number from which you used the command. You have to remember that rooms each have a room number so if you just say what room it is difficult to know which one exactly, since a lot of rooms have the same name.

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Let me be a little more clear, I got an idea and it went to my head.

This is something we can do as players to impact the game and I think we should take advantage of it. The bug/typo logs should be used but someone still has to do the down and dirty typing. I think we can all bug/typo to let them know, but let's go one step further and fix it ourselves.

I am willing, given the necessary details, to make a complete list of these kinds of fixes and make it to where it could simply be copy/pasted and bam. We have just made the mud a better place.

Come on guys, it is something really small that can make a big difference to those people who sit there and see those errors *some of which have been around for years* and want to do something about it.

Sieze the day, the chance and the knowledge that you will help make this place a bit better. I will give full credit to who ever sends in the errors with corrections and even those who don't. ;) The IMM's are busy enough, if we can take this burdon then let's do it.

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I was running through Elium a while back and came across like 4 rooms in the southern most portion of it against the wall that had no description whatsoever. Would that be considered typo or being blind since there's nothing to really 'see' when you go in? :P
Someone beat you too it. Four emails so far lets get more!
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  • 4 weeks later...
Either form is gramatically correct.

I would argue that, stating that words which end in the letter 's' would only get an apostrophe after the 's' and not an apostrophe and and 's'.

Taken from http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Apostrophes:

Place an apostrophe after the "s" when you are dealing with a possessive plural case that has an "s" at the end (e.g., book to books, tree to trees). But if the word is plural without an "s" at the end, this rule does not apply; add an apostrophe and an "s" as if the word were singular.


Possessive plural of sailor = sailor's

but the

Possessive plural of sailors = sailors' EX: "Look at all of the sailors' boats!" The boats belong to the sailors (plural: there is more than one sailor).

Therefore, the use of: "Adeptus's legs were nice!", would be the correct form instead of: "Adeptus' legs were nice!"

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Place an apostrophe after the "s" when you are dealing with a possessive plural case that has an "s" at the end (e.g.' date=' book to books, tree to trees). But if the word is plural without an "s" at the end, this rule does not apply; add an apostrophe and an "s" as if the word were singular.[/i']

Reread your own post, friend. The s after the apostrophe is removed in the case of possessive plural. As in, more than one subject has possession. So, the trees' leaves would be correct, versus the trees's leaves being incorrect. However, Elvis's song is correct, because it is a singular subject.

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Reread your own post' date=' friend. The s after the apostrophe is removed in the case of possessive [i']plural. As in, more than one subject has possession. So, the trees' leaves would be correct, versus the trees's leaves being incorrect. However, Elvis's song is correct, because it is a singular subject.

You are correct... dislexia hit me when I posted... :o What you have said is what I actually meant to say.

Adeptus's legs would be correct... Since Adeptus is not the plural subject it would get the 's... Sadly as I was laying in bed last night trying to go to sleep I thought of this post and determined that I had switched around what I had meant... :(

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Again' date=' either form is correct. The item is Adeptus' Legs, not leggings.[/quote']

And yet again, either form is not correct at the same time. They both have their correct usage in specific instances, it's just about knowing when to use them.

Also, I was just using the example given by using the word Adeptus... just threw leggings in there to make the sentence. Was in no way referring to the actual item IG.

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