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Fire Giants' bonus with fiery weapons.


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This is not that bloody difficult of a question.

I'm not asking for the code, I'm asking for generic basic information/knowledge on the subject. Just as what teeth necklaces or opal rings add to and by how much, I was guessing that just how much fiery weapons help is total common knowledge too. There's nothing against the rules here, everyone knows fiery weapons used by fire giants rules more than someone without a fiery bonus, it's even in the help file. I'm just asking "by how much more?".

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I've been told we are allowed to share the code that was released back when it was open to the public, but we aren't permitted to discuss it on the forums to spare those who would prefer to keep it a secret.

I say, there's no point in having mystery as to weither or not that enlarge pill will take you up to size five or not, let the mystery stay with the roleplay.

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Well this isnt a question that can be a simple answer.

For BLOODY hells sake.

You want a formula. A formula = code.

I can give you a normal forum answer if you would prefer. But it will be this:

Using fiery weapons as a fire giant will make you do more damage.

What you are asking for is exact figures or calculations which will, ofcourse, be code based. Something we are not allowed to discuss on these forums. Its not "common" knowledge.

Infact I dont know what the ACCURATE increases are, but I would have to look it up in the CODE to find out. Information that CANNOT be shared on this FORUM.

Dont bite my head off. These arent my rules but I'll damn well respect them if I want to post here.

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I'm not asking for the code

I'm not asking for the code

I'm not asking for the code

I'm not asking for the code

I'm not asking for the code

It is a question with a simple answer.

Yeah, you could look into the code to see it. You could also look into the code to see what teeth necklaces do - but asking what they do isn't asking about the damn code, it's basic knowledge.

If it's not common knowledge, as you say, then it would've been solved in the first reply by saying, "It's not common knowledge exactly how it works." instead of drawing this out into a bunch of useless garbage with half-wit posts.

Its 100% noticeable in every way when using a fiery weapon.

Yeah, you can tell there's a bonus, durrrrrrrrr. FGs get bonuses with fiery weapons, I think this has been already established, thanks.

If someone knows, PM/IM me, thanks in advance. If not, just as good. Just wanting to expand my FL knowledge.

Thread over. Jesus.

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What exactly is the bonus? Like' date=' does it add [b']to average damage or something? More damage die rolls? Is it a percentage increase?

Drop some knowledge on me.

Oh christ im sorry I got that wrong. Maybe I'll post the info without the figures next time... That way it will be as meaningless as my army post.

Grow up.

There are rules. What you are asking for IS code.

Im not asking YOU are.

Makes anyone wonder why any of us should bother giving out help...

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Look at it like this, if you have ever played a class with both protection and sanctuary, look at the fire damage extra as almost doing enough damage to nullify protection. (This is not entirely true, nor is that how it works, but from my experience it's close.)

This is going to sound strange coming from me, but why are you being such a dick lately, Aulian?

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We all have our problems. PM me if you're interested in the extent.

And I wasnt being a dick. I was being honestly nice in the first couple of posts but I'll retaliate when called out. ;)

I was trying to be helpful. But its also amazing what you can figure out for yourself just by proffing wearing a fiery weapon.

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