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Some of my characters were deleted automatically because I did not log on them enough. This is old news and happened awhile ago, but I felt like I should just say it. They were:

Ploar - Ogre Warrior, Staff master, backcutter. Had about 30+ masteries on him.

I remember my rp session with Sirican. I thought it was so cool that a vampire would rp with me. But now I know better. ;) I still think your great Mudder!

Ranor - Avian thief, not pinned. Meh, just the usual run-of-the-mill thief that nobody sees. Was my third character created, so i think I got a feel of thieves.

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Ploar, I remember him. I wanted an apprentice, pretty badly.

You had dedication, though, you were an ogre (Sirican was a little racist against ogres, because they appeared stupid) and well... You weren't at the level of PK I needed for my apprentice. I was trying to get you better but it was hard while in RP and we weren't always playing at the same times.

Though I had fun with you nontheless. I always wondered what happened to you, just disappeared.

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