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The State of FL and It's Future


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Judging by the fact that FL has been down for 1 week with no response from the staff, we believe it at least possible that they no longer are willing to put the necessary effort into the running of FL, which means options must be considered. It would truly be terrible to lose a mud as great as FL when there are people who still want to play it.

In the event that the current administration does not want to continue the running of FL, the people running the current PK port would be excited and willing to continue running FL.

I am suggesting that the initial staff be the people who are running the FL Pk port, not because they're necessarily the best to run it, but because they’ve shown they have the resources to do so, and having a running FL is better than not having a running FL. I also want the current FL staff to remain on the staff, as they have worked hard, and deserve to remain in their positions.

I think it is a shame that FL is down when there are people with the resources, will and skills to keep it alive.

With all respect to the current administration we feel like provisions for the future outweigh respect for the past.

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Are you assuming the voice of the playerbase now? Do you actually have some basis for your choice of words, or have you just adapted the royal 'we'.

The MUD has been down for a week...and you think the appropriate course of action is to remove the current administration of several years, and replace them with people that have been running Halloween Madness for two days? :confused:

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There's no point in responding if the one person who has shell access and can restart the MUD (Malchaeius) hasn't been around for the past few days. When we/I find him or he comes back, I will discuss the situation and how best to prevent future problems like this. In the mean time, get some sun for god's sake.

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From the journal of a sad addict:

December 1st, 2007

Nearing the end of the fifth day without FL. Food supplies dwindling, morale is low. No word from the scouts about current situation. Withdrawal shakes have started.


I've got plenty of games to hold me over. Just find something else that sparks your interest until whatever needs to be done is done. Think they'll feel like we deserve anything if all we do is them while they're gone/absent?

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At the very least, the alternative site could be used as a place to go and chat with other players, in a more-instant manner than the forums, plus you can get some pk action in! I know Shaun has been helping me with some pk.

Kill some time there, give it a shot...check it out. I'm sure Malch will fix the problem with the mud as soon as he has time.

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i have been here for several years, i think we should cut the staff some slack.

for once the mud has been down for a week....once that i can remember anyhow. They do a great job and i dont think we should be looking to start another site, these guys have worked hard for us and we should appreciate it more. this goes to show just how addicted we are to this place, GET OUT OF THE HOUSE! for gods sake. or play WoW...either or.

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I do not think that Shaun wanted to be rude or bitch the implementors,I agree with him because with this post he only shows that he cares about the mud.If we didn't care no one would ever ask on the forums "why when or what" happened?Even if you are not addicted and play the mud only for hobby,I mean 1-2 hours a day you will still be worried because it has become a part of your life for years.I understand that we all have private lives and this crash had really bad timing because Malch is somewhere but I am sure that if we think together and not flame each other we can get answer how to avoid such long period crashes.

I will discuss the situation and how best to prevent future problems like this. In the mean time' date=' get some sun for god's sake.[/quote'] This is what we need ;P
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