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Meriumae Tansay


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| Meriumae || Academician of HERALD |
| Str: 19(19) || Level: 50 Sex: F Age : 135(566h) |
| Int: 21(21)^1 || Class: bard Ethos: lawful |
| Wis: 20(20)^1 || Race : half-elf Align: neutral |
| Dex: 22(22)^3 || Hp : 790/790 Exp : 78896/439104 |
| Con: 13(13) || Mana : 867/867 |
\ Lck: [|||||-] \/ Move : 461/461 +Hit: 11 +Dam: 10 /
| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Creator |
| Slash : -107 || Spell : -4 || Faith : Agnostic |
| Pierce: -111 || Afflictive : 0 || Weight: 73/350 |
| Blunt : -109 || Maledictive: 0 || Items : 35/39 |
| Magic : -90 || Mental : -3 || Prac : 3 Train: 0 |
| || || Gold : 5116 CP: 2.6k |
/ Condition: You are a bit worn out from your wounds. \
| You are ready for a cabal promotion. |


Yeah, I'm not Celerity. Anyway, Meri' was a rather unique trek into the realm of the female psyche. There are a lot of hints regarding males playing females, but I tried to revive the trend of [completely heterosexual] cross-dressing fun by reinventing a few features of gender understanding:

Firstly, no happy-fun-time. I kid you not. Men that play women tend to engage the strangely attractive prospects of seeing the "purple haze" from the other side of the sex spectrum. I completely ripped the libido from Meriumae, leaving only tiny fibers, and replaced it with cynicism. It worked very well having a sharp-tongued sarcasm-spewing elf-hating girl; it helped avoid creating the ever lingering forethought of bashful bedroom scenarios not so distant in the future while keeping drier relationship options quite reachable.

Secondly, constant female conflict. It isn't quite a normal thing for girls to go at it all the time, but somehow, Meriumae ended up cat-fighting with plenty of women for completely normal reasons [Aeaola is a tramp].

Thirdly, no babies. I know, burn me at the stake -- making a female character with the inability to bear children is cruel, I'm aware, but it also destroys more possibilities of happy-fun-time, especially for those silly players who keep themselves noble in times of great ... stress. Meriumae had to be a beautiful woman outwardly for many reasons, and who was marred inwardly for many reasons, but at the same time, she couldn't be a hop-scotch playing, pity-mongering emo with zero self esteem and a tall gloomy hunch in her back every time someone mentioned how her mother turned into a walking corpse.

Fourthly, racism. Few people like a racist, but it was an imperative point in keeping her "down to earth" [Demonic possessions not withstanding] and understandable to her audience [Yes, she is was character in an ongoing, fictional story designed for your entertainment].

Fifthly, slang. I hated to deviate from the plugged in, story saturated Mathicus and all his introverted glory, but making Meriumae stick her fingers into the buttery goodness of real world slang and even some trends seemed rational to me. Tell me an FL character can't say "Well, whatever", or "ettin****" [absolutely no reference there to bull****]. There is no language history in FL; no one begs to question why everyone speaks "common tongue", right? I tried to push the sensation of believability without walking the path of over-beaten dead horses with boring "Aye"s and "Fare thee well"s. The content of her words supported the immersion of FL's word, but the style didn't. In the end, the content won flawlessly.

Enough about Meriumae. I have a few props to give out.

Khranin - HATE TO BREAK IT TO YOU ... :( ...But I'm a dude. All faffage asside, however, I can't think of a better companion for Roleplay since Rairen's Sereniel character. Also, I've never before singled out another player to really hit the one-on-one RP quality home; I made a good choice, but it wasn't premeditated. The Khraninage was epic, long lived, and very sporadic -- often, the confusion was a little dampening on the sense of story, but plot holes tend to fill themselves in with the gooey garbage you create through ceaseless brainstorming and impulsiveness. I hate to fade the rest of the props out so soon, but most of the characters that Meriumae met with the exception of a select few were just assets to the much larger, much more secret escapades Meri' and her stubborn-*** husband.

Moquir - Amazing little bastard. He was, intentionally or not, a giant snag in Meriumae's innocent relationship with her husband. I never did get to put Meriumae's stuff in the carnival, and I wished Moquir could have realized it further.

Aeaola - Aeaola, without a clue who played you, I love you, with all of my pulsing heart.

Merogrin - Our time was short, but it was extremely well made, even in Meriumae's late life dreams of royalty and slavery-fighting fame.

Malchaeius - I've never made so much plot out of the IDEA of a character without the actual presence of it. I took some very long strides with Malchaeius and actually roleplayed AS him sometimes in my mind, trying to figure out what he would do, how he would do it, and why. Meriumae encountered Anume and Malchaeius ONCE [a piece], and the rest of her life rode on the after effects. I didn't care that they didn't return to follow up on the meetings; I asked myself, "if a mortal, Meriumae, were to meet Anume or Malchaeius, what would happen to her"? The Demon's affects, whether Malch' knows about it or not, stained her entire existence from the moment of that one, single, vague meeting, and with Koviaem's help [who I prop in a moment], finally finished her off. So thank you Malch'. I don't care if you know what influence you had on the way I moved Meriumae, you played a huge part. :)

Koviaem - I must say, excellent way to finalize the twist in a plot. I don't know who you are, but few people can utilize the information of other characters' history the way you did. Very, very well done.

Faulch, Dilorry, Elesa - There were some interesting political moments recently that really fired me up, and I gotta hand it to all of you: you made it work. YOU made it work. :)

Isadora - I gotta prop you. I'm not crapping out on you like I did with Flesico here ... Meriumae died. She died, fair and square. I don't agree with the whole 61 lives thing; one life is extremely valuable and easy to lose, 61 lives are not. Thank you for weaving in and out of Meriumae's creative [albeit insecure] priority-searching.

Nexus - The war was interesting; I hate PK because it stresses me out, but PKing for hopeless reasons just to RP a character motive made me happy. It felt so fresh and new, unlike the run and gun quiet-jungle garbage I went through with my Tribune. Meriumae was fighting because she wanted to, unlike Ceqia who was fighting because she had to. It set a very stark realization in Meriumae mind which very slyly lead to her suicide.

Anyway... I've gotta stop playing FL now. I've started school, its Christmas, and I'm not having enough fun anymore to make FL a life priority. I'm not going to say I'm leaving for good, because I may think of an idea and force myself to play it, but until then, I'm going to retreat to the boring solo world of fiction writing. Thanks, everyone,

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Wow, that is so incredibly dissapointing. I hope you have a log of what happened, because I hardly ever see Koviaem around anymore to ask. Major props, you were deffinatly my favorite person to RP with, and really pulled me out of a hole. Back in the day when we first met IG, I was about ready to delete. I never thought you would be the one to go first... after all, Khranin is about to condie. One thing I have to know.... what happened between Meriumae and Moquir?

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Oh man, I forgot to prop Baerdryn. :( Well played, there were some very complex conversations between Meri' and him on the question of religious tolerance, etc.

And yes, I have logs. I didn't log as much stuff with Meri' as I did with Mathicus and Flesico though.

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