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I think I am going to go on hiatus. Just not much going on in the MUD to keep me involved. No score sheets or name-dropping, just a friendly goodbye and Merry Christmas / Happy New Year to all you guys and gals. I hope the MUD gets kicking again, the days of 40+ players are sorely missed and I hope the Staff can keep it alive until it reaches that points again.


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Me being online doesn't make a whole lot of difference. I am not that valuable to the Pbase, not nearly so much as any of the IMMs. Once I see more IMM activity, more new additions, more plots and whatnot, I expect more players, which would bring me back into the game. It is no fun, nor productive at all, being one of the few online (which is extremely boring).

Sorry, just how it is. Unlike the IMMs, my time here isn't really technically productive and I have a lot of other hobbies and goings-on that require my attention.

Still kicking around, but just not as much and I won't be active in the game.

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Funny, sometimes I would go out of my way to log on during that time just to fight her ;)

A rather good log came out of one of our "interactions." Excellent battle with some interesting negotiations afterwards.

It did, and it really is a shame it can't be posted - when I edited it, it was pretty much "Something does something! Something happens!" and even then it gave some stuff away. :D

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I think the mud is doing all it can. Come lets face it, its hard to pull new members because of all the MMORPG's out there. Especially the free ones like guild wars. Also alot of our current players are old timers who have *gasp* aged into adults. With being an adult comes adult responsibilities, so many dont have the luxary to invest as much time as they use to when they were youngins. We also have to realize that muds in general are a dying breed in this age. Especially heavily RP enforced PK full-looting muds. The few muds that are still popular are all OOC and pk/full looting is restricted. Best to just have fun while you can, i mean the mud is still up and running.

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Well, I am in the time slot just after yours with a smidge of overlap. I usually logged on after work, which was ~7am. I would often be one of two or three people, sometimes I was alone.

@killalou - I would stick around and have fun if I was having fun in the first place. Just not happening anymore. A lot of that may be that I have done just about everything MUD-wise that I can muster. D&D has pulled me away in many regards and you are right, MMOPRGs are MUD killers.

Nope, not that I've noticed...unless you don't play your primary.

It is just Messalantha (who never really died), Mya (some ghosted elf paladin emoting kick), and me (some unknown 50 that has 502305 hours and you've never heard of them)...:D

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'eh. im never on with more then 4 people. i still find it fun and I have two rp heavy chars. its very funny to be told by an imm that you HAVE to write a restring app. lol. Im having fun just rping with mobs, and the random person i bombard with tells. :P Time is always an issue with everyone.

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