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Laahlahni Hrethiryyn


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To answer your question Mya, you would want to raise your dex to affect your chances to hit with the bow, unfortunately, the way bows are concerned with damage, str isn't applied unless it is a mighty composite "bow" and only a maximum bonus equal to the plus on the bow. So, bows awesome for pelting long range, but take longer to bring down stronger foes.

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It's like:

Hey there must be some ninja or thief on, cause I can't see everyone on the who list. Oh right, Laahlahni deleted. No sweat, I'll just walk about seeing if I can scare any poor noobs an-- You have been ***ASSASSINATED***

Ahh crap.



(Just so you know, this was a change already in the works before your post - but I did get a good laugh when I read it.)

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