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I really dont want to give away my character, however, the character type i play cannot heal, and it seems like he is always looses to classes that can flee and heal, because I am not very good at chasing yet. any tips on how to get better at stopping these classes other than tripping/bashing, etc. ?

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Look for sources of consumable healing, there are several potions and usable items (means you don't need to know wands/staves/scrolls) that can heal you for small (and large) amounts. Spend some time finding those.

Also, work on improving your AC and saves so that you get hit less, and your Hitroll/Damroll more so that you can hit harder and more often, making those that have to flee and heal do so more often, draining their mana more often.

If you're having a hard time finding those things, or are getting frustrated, take a break. Go play something else for awhile, or roll up an adventurer (good for finding places and finding good low-level items). Or try a cleric (good/evil) or a healer as those classes are quite survivable having protections/healing and still have some good offense when played right. They can be an unimaginable help while still new to the game, provided that you identify every piece of equipment you find. A bard can also be useful too (minor healing, no protections, greater offense) because they have the ability to identify items and use the lore skill (shows you where it came from).

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I've found that using pills and potions is pretty much essential and i found some potions that cure blindness, poison, and I've also found some pretty good herbs. What is a good hit/dam to aim for at 50 on a melee class? Keep in mind my character has a low dexterity so he has a much lower AC then most races. What is a good AC for these lower dexterity races? When i asked people in my clan they keep saying I'm really well armored, but my magical defense is horrible at a whopping -40.

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I really dont want to give away my character' date=' however, the character type i play cannot heal, and it seems like he is always looses to classes that can flee and heal, because I am not very good at chasing yet. any tips on how to get better at stopping these classes other than tripping/bashing, etc. ?[/quote']

I don't want you to do anything you don't feel comfortable with, but I think you might find that letting people know you are new (whether it be on the forums or hinting in game) will help you much more than hurt. A lot of us old players are used to ruthless hardcore PK, so if people don't realize you are new it might be discouraging. Anyways, don't hesitate to ask a lot of questions. We all like having new players around.

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tips on chasing:

1) memorize or "learn" the main cities path route, you will after running around it a few hundred times, well not that many but close enough. Basically try to build a mental map of the lands. Especially the exits.

2) remember the "where" command is your best friend.

3) The scan command is your next best friend, but only use in small dosages otherwise you're screen might be filled with meaningless junk.

4) Remember to be mounted or flying, it sucks to run out of moves when the enemy's almost dead and running.

Then as for hit/dam at 50th for a melee class assuming you're a Giant type w/ low dex you will probably have about 30/30 hit/dam as a newbie, and that's probably with the most basic set of melee-wise armor. But don't worry just ask around and I'm sure people will help you get new and SHINY armor, those that you've never seen before. And for certain you'll be seeing a large increase in those two stats.

Oh P.S. We don't really mention it anymore because most of us are experienced players, but in the essays section there's some nice articles on each class and the necessities of pk. Should head over there when you're not too busy.

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First, welcome! New players are always good.

It sounds like you've had experience mudding before, which is very good and will help a lot. As others have mentioned, you might find it a bit easier to learn the FL ropes with a cleric (goods being a bit more survivable but a bit less easy to PK iwth than evils), as they are very survivable, can create their own food/water, and most of the main consumables (detect invis, sanc, ac buffs, etc.) they can cast on their own. If you want something that can PK a bit better yet still take care of itself, I'd strongly recommend a paladin.

Eq-wise... for melees, ac isn't something to be terribly concerned with (with all your defenses, you'll be getting hit less than a mage/communer anyways). Your main focuses should be hit/dam and saves, with hit/dam being (in my opinion) the higher priority. Saves will keep you alive longer against communers and mages, but hit/dam's useful against everybody. If you're a giant/ogre and have a lot of strength, you'll want to have at least 40 hitroll, with damroll being around there but a lesser priority. The most important thing for a melee is really weapon selection... use weapons your opponent doesn't know and they won't defend against them nearly as well.

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yea people have been surprisingly nice to me in game, they still murder me but they have been really good at not looting me or atleast selling my stuff back. I feel bad because i know i have to full loot someone, if i dont they will come back and murder me... I only know where about three or four rare items at 50 are, but im learning the ropes, hopefully my first character will be somewhat memorable.

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  • Implementor

Best way to improve fast is look who else is doing well with your class/race combination or a similar one. See what they wear, if possible, watch them fight or fight them yourself. Don't be afraid to ask anyone who kills you for a hint on what to do better next time, most will give it.

If you are who I think you are also read the help files on your ethos and align choice, you've been a bit borderline and I'm sure you wish to avoid an outcast.

Have fun.

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Best way to improve fast is look who else is doing well with your class/race combination or a similar one. See what they wear, if possible, watch them fight or fight them yourself. Don't be afraid to ask anyone who kills you for a hint on what to do better next time, most will give it.

If you are who I think you are also read the help files on your ethos and align choice, you've been a bit borderline and I'm sure you wish to avoid an outcast.

Have fun.

You might be thinking of someone else, cause I've only killed one person. However my character has been quite the instigator. I'll work on my rp.

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I learned best in these lands as a thief actually.

First you can hide which is very useful for avoiding death.

Second you can steal/pry a lot of eq from people which may help you

discover new items as well as staying stocked with backpacks and supplies ;)

Third you dont need to be a superb chaser to get kills with a thief.

Often a dual backstab on an unsanced opponent followed by a throw on flee,

a trap, and another throw on murder is enough to end them right there.

Only downside is the lonlely life of a thief.

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Thanks to everyone' date=' you have all been really helpful. Glad i finally found a mud that can deal with my pk hunger, and still not be full of snide, elitist people. Look forward to many many visits to this forum.[/quote']

Just remember that this is also an RP mud. PK's all well and good (I say that seriously as a huge fan of it), but RP's as if not more important.

If you've got any questions about things that you'd like to keep fairly quiet (specifics of your char, tactics that might be better to use, etc.) , feel free to toss me a private message with them. I've got a fair bit of spare time at the moment.

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1) Rank 41 is the last resting rank. Once you hit 42 you will be open to the range of some 50's, depending on your and theirs class/race (XP penalty).

So once you break 42, rank as fast as possible so that you are not with a serious disadvantage.

2) Dirt kick. Dirt kick is the the best weapon for a Meale character, because it will make opponents defend a lot less. And since your class depends on his meale attacks to land damage, this is a must.

This is the TOP nº 1 of the mud.

3) A potion of recall. Always ALWAYS have one of these. You would be amazed how some players tend to forget this. IF near death recall and hide.

4) Learn the corresponding 50th rank Titles to each of the classes. Just ask persons their guild.

5)Try a trip sometimes. Some mage players forget to use a flying item.

And DONT play a thief as first character. You will be hiden most of the time and learn little.

Also most veteren player will kill you on sight just for being a thief.

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Well after being stuck at 45 for about a week, i started doing guild quests and i finally made it to 50. I am really excited to see what its like at 50. I already got to experience winter, steel and gear. Those places are pretty awesome. Bad part is i forgot to log them. HEH.

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  • Implementor

First things to buy/get when you have just gotten lovingly full looted:

- couple cure blinds

- recall (/teleport later on when you have gear to risk a mob death)

- light (even as a drow etc., remember slith are COLD blooded)

- food/water

- horse

- flight

- a boat (whistles innocently)

Avoid any pk until you feel you are ready for giving it a try weapon/armor wise again (run, run, run).

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First things to buy/get when you have just gotten lovingly full looted:

- couple cure blinds

- recall (/teleport later on when you have gear to risk a mob death)

- light (even as a drow etc., remember slith are COLD blooded)

- food/water

- horse

- flight

Avoid any pk until you feel you are ready for giving it a try weapon/armor wise again (run, run, run).

Boat too.

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Or you could just be a Drow Cleric..

not jumping on that bandwagon. I hate playing stuff that everyone else is playing. For many reasons, 1) doesnt seem unique 2) if there are 10 drow clerics running around and thats all people are fighting against, people will get used to killing drow clerics and always have weapons for that class. I'd rather play the class that forces people to go out of their way if they want to abuse my vuln.

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