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I'm pretty new here myself so I can identify with you pretty well. Here is a bit of my experience with 'starter' chars.

Paladin: Easy as hell to survive with once adequately equipped. Great to learn the basics of pk with, your survivability will allow you to fight for longer periods. Also, it is easier to recover after making a mistake during a fight. So far I have found them the fastest character to re-equip with after a death (to a really basic set).

Cleric: Next in line for survivability after a paladin. Can also id, and locate which are so very, very important when new. They can take down fairly big mobs, but it is a long drawn out process. Re-equipping them after a loot takes a LONG time due to the rate in which they take down mobs.

BMG: My new favorite. They suck badly until you know where to find some better sources of sanctuary and a decent weapon to dance. With proper use of a locker (see below) they can re-equip nearly as fast as a paladin. They can also id and locate.

IMO, you really should start focusing on identifying everything you can as soon as possible. The 'learning to pk' curve isn't bad at all, however, the curve for learning the equipment of the lands is monumentally steep.

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Forgot to mention lockers...help locker in game.

Store non-rare basic items there to make re-equipping less painful.

wow, that explains why when i killed a thief who attacked me, he was able to re-equip and start fighting againt within minuites. We were in the low to mid thirties, so a non rare set was viable at that rank.

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After looking at the classes im starting to think i should have probably went with a dark-knight or paladin to start out with. Those classes look like powerhouses.

Paladin's a good starting class because it's survivable, but it's difficult to get kills with. DKs I would NOT recommend as a starter.

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You're going to hear so many different recommendations for what to play it's unbelievable, but what matters most is getting exposure to the game environment at level 50, and as much as possible IMO. For that reason, I recommend ignoring every other person's class recommondations and go with what you feel you would personally enjoy and stick at, no matter how challenging it may seem.

Sure, some classes are better than others for new players, which I think is what some people are getting at, but you are going to learn a lot no matter what you play if you take it all the way. If you are playing something your heart isn't in just because it's deemed a good starter class, well, IMO forget it unless you want to learn that way. Me personally, I think you should just pick what the hell you want and play it to the death - you're much more likely to stick around with a class you enjoy anyway. There are some exceptions, as a couple classes simply are very tough for new players, and will take somebody with a strong stomach to take them all the way properly, but still, don't disregard them if you want to play it.

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Roykagh's very right... my first chars weren't any of the combos people recommend for newbs (Well, 'cept my dwarf healer... but I learned far more off of my gnome psi, gnome invoker and avian ninja). EDIT: The reason I learned more with them is because I just threw them into the play of things... two of them ended up caballed, one an elder, and I ended up having a TON of battles against some of the biggest guys of the day.

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not jumping on that bandwagon. I hate playing stuff that everyone else is playing. For many reasons' date=' 1) doesnt seem unique 2) if there are 10 drow clerics running around and thats all people are fighting against, people will get used to killing drow clerics and always have weapons for that class. I'd rather play the class that forces people to go out of their way if they want to abuse my vuln.[/quote']

Just kill all the other drow clerics. :cool:

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Is everyone forgeting bards ? Bards are one of the best starting classes now.

Also, do not foget to create a Txt document in NotePad and copy paste every thing you identify to it. This will be one of your most valued tresures.

Dont forget to add a note with the location of the Item.

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