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[ Human ] Ludmilla the Holy Shaman

[ Drow ] Lethennon DarVashar the Will of Gods

[ Drow ] Cylandas Xy'nynix the Angel of Arcana

[ Drow ] Mephizex the Cardinal of the Heavens

[ Human ] Lexal the Mistress of the Body

[ Demon ] [sAVANT] Anguicant Demelesch the Scourge of the Battlefield

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[ N-Elf ] (OUTLAW) (WANTED) Pamiyn the Holy Knight

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[50 Human ] Zeris Izin the Holy Shaman

[ Elf ] Ilendriel the Guardian Knight of Shasarazade

[ Elf ] Brinar the Holy Knight

YAY!! look who is back!!!

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Not properly back, just having a few days on gearing up to come back because I was told I might be losing my job. It's my first day back today at work after Christmas and it seems as if all is going to be well though, fingers crossed.

Better bloody not lose it anyway, the loan/credit card/contract phone/bills I recently took out won't pay themselves. ;)

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