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To All 'Legal Abusers'.....


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To anyone out there I would consider a 'legal abuser' - we all know the kind, the 'shady' kind of person who crusies different classes looking for 'bugs' and 'loop holes' in the code to exploit to some kind of advantage (usually a PK advantage).

Things like using ninja study and engaging someone in combat so you could walk out of combat at any time without fleeing.

Everyone who went out of their way to doublesheath weapons who's effects were used in combat (remember the ruby hilted dagger?).

Stunning and taking a bounty instead of capturing so you could loot a strong rival when you're a Tribunal.

These are but a trivial amount of examples I have had the pain of either hearing about or witnessing.

So, I have a message for all the 'power players' out there who think its fine to roam around and try to pretend they are good at PK when all they are doing is exploiting a loop hole:

I AM LOOKING FOR YOU - and when, not if, I find you I'm going to see you have a rough time of it.


PS - For those who think they have found such a loop hole the correct course of action is to report it to the Imms (a note to Immortal in game or a post on Prayer will be fine) and wait for a response before you go off wholesale 'using' (or should I say 'abusing') it.

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