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[KNIGHT] Sir Aranok the Master of War


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| Aranok || the Master of War |


| Str: 21(21)^1 || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 235(177h) |

| Int: 18(18) || Class: warrior Ethos: neutral |

| Wis: 21(21) || Race : dwarf Align: good |

| Dex: 18(18) || Hp : 588/1145 Exp : 94123/446077 |

| Con: 17(17) || Mana : 574/574 |

\ Lck: [|||---] \/ Move : 228/481 +Hit: 41 +Dam: 41 /


| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Creator |

| Slash : -244 || Spell : -8 || Faith : Agnostic |

| Pierce: -234 || Afflictive : -5 || Weight: 281/425 |

| Blunt : -228 || Maledictive: -10 || Items : 31/35 |

| Magic : -177 || Mental : -11 || Prac : 0 Train: 0 |

| || || Gold : 9622 |


/ Condition: The next death will send you beyond the abyss. \

| [KNIGHT] forces are aiding your healing. |


That would be my first character in about 3-4 years (since I was 12), my best character, my second pinn (my first was Kael, a H-Elf Ranger/PK fodder), and first cabaled character. It was cool getting to come back after such a long time and see what's changed and what's the same. I left because I was tired of getting PK'd all the time, and PK is still about 3/4 of the game, and a lot of it is mindless, silent, no RP killing. But once you ask people questions in-game, and they help you, it becomes a lot easier to learn.

I almost died when Lethennon came and tried to kill me. I fled, he tracked me down, and I killed him. Golly, I was proud of that kill. On the way to getting myself healed at a temple, I get f'in' CABALLED. Dayum it was nice. I felt VINDICATED. I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO BE A KNIGHT. BOOYAH. And Wellaby was all "Pfft, go 2 castle n0w klol." and I actually got there, but Lethennon found me and whittled me down too much before I got to the gates. Almost got you again though, you tricksy drow! So I played a Knight who never got to see the castle. *sigh* It was a good run though, and I'm very proud that I got to have such an eventful last death.

BIG thanks to:

Wellaby for helping me have one HELL of a last death, and get into Knight while I was at it.

Wotharg for being a dedicated teammate. Whenever I needed somebody 4REZPLZLOL!!1 Wotharg always jumped to the call. Also thanks for helping me get into Knight.

Baerdryn - I miss you, buddy!

Daerlion for teaching me about basic PK items! Saved me once before my last death.

Brasar for being a loyal comrade.

Doran for being awesome.

Brinar for also being awesome.

Ilendriel for helping me out a lot.

All the other Knights and Hopes for actually building Character-Character relationships.

Malchaeius for actually doing the inducting.

Bathai for teaching me a lot of crucial stuff.

I used to be around a lot, but I quit playing back when Viri left. Not sure how many of you remember me, but if you do, speak up so I can remember who old friends are.

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Lol. I bet Malch counted on you condying before you reached the castle. He has a cruel sense of humor sometimes Props on taking him all the way!

I probably should have applied for some kind of extension earlier. M'fin' turnip-eater. =P

Jambit / Awendris / Alot of Vepiras in fact

I think I remember you.

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Flee to water! Not such a great tactic when your a dwarf warrior eh?

I remember you vaguely from the forum when i first started, Daerlion was my first char after a long break also, sorry i wasn't about for your induction but my PC died on me in November. Aranok had a lot of heart you really knew how to take a death well.

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